The Supreme Court announced today that it plans to hear arguments on the California law regulating computer and video games. We believe that the protections already afforded to books, films, music and other forms of popular entertainment should apply equally to computer and video games.
The restrictions proposed by the State of California are unconstitutional and do nothing more than take away the rights of individuals to make their own choices. We believe parents -- not the government or industry -- should be the ones to decide what games are appropriate for their children.
Share this news with your friends. Let them know their rights are in danger.
More government regulations aren't the answer for video game sales. After all, ESRB already provides the best ratings system in the entertainment industry. We believe that the government's efforts should focus on a greater understanding and use of this ratings system.
We have won our battles against unconstitutional attempts to regulate our industry in 12 other courts around the country. Now, we have the chance to make this argument to the highest court in the land on behalf of our industry. We must strengthen our movement to make sure our voices are heard and our rights protected, or our rights could be in peril.
It's time to join together. Tell your friends about today's news and urge them to stand with us.
It will take all of us coming together to continue to win these battles against computer and video game opponents and send an enduring message that government regulations of computer and video games are unconstitutional. Thanks for your help!