TV Title: Can't see them winning the TV Title from Devon, they probably want to keep a belt with Aces and Eights, even though it helps this faction as much as Barrett holding the IC belt helped the Corre. Can see these guys just burying the belt and the job squad that's holding it.
Knockouts Title: Please, please, give us a backstage segment where they seriously discuss this.
Knockouts Tag Team Titles:
X-Division Title: It would be cool to see Aries get Option C again, but do they really want to stick the belt back on Aries? He should be past that, but if Aries gets it again then that means the spotlight will be on the division. If they don't want to... lets not have Bob Van Dam go over Aries. Please.
World Title: Tell me you wouldn't believe/love to see Roode take out Jeff Hardy.
So, Aries and Roode can have 3 titles each... not bad.
