Spoilers spoilers baba boi baba boi!

Literally spoilers. Look away damn it!
What was the reasoning for Angle going over AJ? I understand Angle being the next hall of famer and them wanting to justify that with a feel good win, but why oh why did it have to be AJ that ate that pin?
Because if you stack the two characters up against each other most logic says that AJ should have been the one to walk out of Boston with the W.
Angle's character right now has little to no direction. He's a foot soldier in Hogan's war with Bully Ray. There is no clear cut end game for Angle in this current feud or run, no end boss, no princess in another castle and no real end to justify the means.
Where as AJ is in the middle of a character transformation and is a central and damn near integral character for this entire angle. His character is being rebuilt from the ground up with a Sting style push and all logic in the dictionary dictates that he should walk out of his first PPV match back with a win.
The match itself was fine. I just don't see a single god damn reason for AJ losing to a right now directionless Kurt. And TNA tends to book things in advance, focusing on long term. They should have seen this coming and have given Angle someone else to go over. Hell, you could have put Angle in the tag team feud with Gunner instead of Storm and it could have worked just as well, Angle would have been revealed as the next hall of famer and won the tag belts with an up and comer who would get a nice rub from it, and AJ could have gone over Storm.
I just don't get it...