Aids Johnson said:And the best one there ended up becoming known as Dolph Ziggler.
Aids Johnson said:And the best one there ended up becoming known as Dolph Ziggler.
Aids Johnson said:ended in at this moment in time, out of that whole group in the video, DZ is the best. Best in the world.
Aids Johnson said:ended in at this moment in time, out of that whole group in the video, DZ is the best. Best in the world.
Lady Deathbane said:I don't know but Punk seems to have a lower voice back then.
Still pretty sexy though. Dat Misfits shirt and eyeliner. :gusta:
Jose Tortilla said:Lowering your voice is easy for a man..
Guess he tried to sound ''dark''.
Lady Deathbane said:Oh, yeah, I s'pose that makes a lot of sense.
A lot of people probably mistook him as emo though. :dawg:
Jose Tortilla said:He wasn't an emo? :dafuq:
Oh wait.. A ''punker''. tunga:
But yeah, lower voices are cool..