Songs You NEver get tired of

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Mr. Mat

TNA Sacrifice Results - May 13, 2007

The PPV opens as usual with a very good package. The theme of this one is how we see wrestlers as heros but they are just like us in that they are only human.

X Divison Title: Chris Sabin (c) vs "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal vs Sonjay Dutt. During Lethal's entrance the fans started doing the wave. The match starts out early on with Lethal and Dutt double teaming Sabin. They toss Sabin out to the floor and start going at it with each other. The crowd is red hot thus far. Sabin sends Dutt to the floor and won't let him back in the ring as he works over Lethal. Dutt nails both men with a nice Asai Moonsault to the floor. Dutt trys to nail Sabin with a missle drop kick from the top rope but he moves and it connects on Lethal. The new TNA mascot "Stomper" is shown looking on at ringside. Dutt nails Lethal with a springboard seated senton for a near fall. Sabin stacks Lethal and Dutt both up in a double tree of woe in the corner and nails them both with the Hesitation Dropkick. Lethal nails the flying elbow from the top on Sabin but Dutt breaks up the pinfall. Dutt hits a 450 on Lethal for a near fall. The crowd begins to chant "This is Awesome". Sabin shoves Dutt into Lethal and scores the pin on Dutt with a quick roll up. Lethal and Dutt argue in the ring. Lethal pushes Dutt and they start brawling. Nash comes in to break it up but Dutt kicks him in the back of the leg and runs away.

Footage is shown from earlier in the day when Basham and Damaja attacked VKM at a meet and greet. Don West says BG James was taken to the hospital so their match is questionable for later on.

A recap is shown for Jeff Jarrett vs Robert Roode.

Jeff Jarrett vs Robert Roode w/ Ms. Brooks. Roode attacks Jarrett as he makes his entrance and knocks him down and into his pyro. A let's go Jarrett chant breaks out. Roode trys to powerbomb Jarrett on the floor but he counters it with a backdrop. Jarrett sends Roode into the ring and the match is now officially under way. Traci grabs Jarrett's leg and trys to pull him out of the ring. Jarrett goes after her which allows for Roode to attack him from behind. Roode grabs Jarrett and sends him shoulder first into the steel ring steps. Back in the ring Roode works over Jarrett's arm and shoulder. Roode locks on a sleeper hold but Jarrett reverses it and locks on a sleeper of his own. Roode counters out of it and puts Jarrett in his own Figure 4 Leg Lock. Jarrett makes it to the ropes to break up the hold. Both men trade blows in the center of the ring. Jarrett gets the advantage and locks on a Figure Four of his own. Traci distracts the official and he doesn't see Roode tap out. Jarrett gets distracted by Traci and Roode nails him with a low blow from behind. Roode grabs a steel chair and tosses it into the ring. He trys to use it but the official won't let him. Jarrett dropkicks the chair into Roode's face and nails him with The Stroke. Jarrett goes for the pin but Traci pulls the official out of the ring. Roode takes out some brass knucks and nails Jarrett with them. He goes for the pin but Jarrett kicks out. Roode trys to use a guitar on Jarrett but the official stop him. Jarrett goes for The Stroke again but Roode counters it and nails the Pay Off for the win and what Mike Tenay calls "the biggest victory of Roode's life". After the match Roode trys to use a guitar on Jarrett but Eric Young makes the save. They lock stereo Figure Fours on Roode and Traci.

Backstage, Letica interviews Christian Cage, AJ Styles and Scott Steiner. Steiner says Tomko hasn't shown up yet and that if he doesn't Cage will take the blame. Styles says he is not afraid of Joe because Steiner and Cage have his back. AJ says you do have my back right and they both ignore him. Cage says tonight he will retain his title guarenteed.

Rhino vs Christopher Daniels. Back and forth match early on but Daniels takes control of the match when Rhino goes for the Gore and misses. Daniels works over Rhino's arm with various submissions. The crowd isn't as into this match as they were the first two. Rhino nails Daniels with a spinebuster for a near fall but he hurt his arm in the process. Daniels locks on the Koji Clutch but Rhino makes it to the ropes. Daniels goes for the BME but misses and Rhino nails him with a TKO. Daniels rolls out to the floor and pulls a baseball bat out from under the ring. As Rhino reaches out of the ring to grab Daniels he nails Rhino in the head with the bat for the pin and the win. Rhino chases after Daniels but he runs away. Rhino brings Daniels back to ringside and nails him with a steel chair and it busts Daniels open. Rhino trys to piledrive Daniels on to a steel chair but security comes in an breaks it up. Daniels wipes the blood off his face and licks it off his fingers as he smiles.

Backstage, Kip James says BG is at the hospital and that Lance Hoyt's flight was delayed so he is on his own. He said he refuses to forfeit and that the match will now be 2 on 1.

Basham & The Damaja w/ Christy Hemme vs Kip James.
James comes to the ring with a bandage on his head but Basham rips it off. They nail Kip with various double team moves as a "boring" chant starts. The Bashams accidentally run into each other and Kip is able to get in some offense. Doug Basham nails Kip with a diving headbutt and gets the pin. They try to beat Kip down after the match but Lance Hoy finally shows up to make the save.

The history between Chris Harris and James Storm is shown.

Letica interviews Chris Harris backstage. He talks about the history of AMW and says tonight Storm will suffer payback as Harris' nightmare will become Storm's.

Texas Deathmatch: Chris Harris vs James Storm w/ Jackie Moore. Gail Kim is not at ringside for this match. Mike and Don wonder where she might be. Once Storm or Harris get a pinfall or submission the official will start a 10 count. They brawl up and into the stands as the fans chant "TNA". Harris sends Storm through a wall. Harris jumps from the top rope over the rail into the crowd and on to Storm. Harris gets the pin so Storm now has to answer the 10 count. Storm is back up at 8 and Harris tosses him into the ring. Harris trys to go high risk again but Storm tosses a chair into his face. Storm hangs Harris upside down in the ropes and nails him with a sick chair shot right in the face that busts Harris open. Storm sets up a table and trys to put Harris through it with a hurricanrana but he counters it. Harris sets the table up in the corner and catapults Storm right into it. Storm's face looks to have hit the table leg and busted him open hard way. Storm sets the table back up and powerbombs Harris right through it for the pin. Harris makes it back to his feet at 9 as the fans chant "This is Awesome". Storm is bleeding really bad all over the place. Storm set up another table at ringside. He stood on the ring apron and Harris speared him off the apron and through the table. Harris nails Storm with the Catatonic on to a trash can but Storm kicks out. Jackie trys to get involved in the match but Gail Kim makes the save. Harris takes a beer bottle a busts it over the head of Storm for the pin. Storm doesn't answer the 10 count so Chris Harris wins a wild one. These two definitely made up for last month.

Backstage, Borash tries to interview Sting but Christopher Daniels cuts in. Sting says he doesn't have time for this right now and walks off.

Tiger Mask vs Jerry Lynn vs Senshi vs Alex Shelley. Tiger Mask finally tags into the match and trades stiff kicks with Senshi. Lynn got the pin on Shelley with a roll up. After the match, Sabin and Shelley beat Lynn down until Bob Backlund made the save.

Letica interviewed Tomko backstage. He said he told Steiner he would be here but Steiner is an idiot and refuses to trust anyone.

World Tag Team Title Match: Team 3D (c) vs LAX vs Tomko & Scott Steiner. Tomko and Steiner argue as they make their way to the ring. Team 3D come out with the NWA Tag Titles so the belt switch hasn't happened just yet. Team 3D is getting a mixed reaction while LAX are being treated like faces. The match is one man from each team in the ring all at once. Things start out with Brother Ray, Steiner and Homicide. The crowd chants "3D sucks". Ray tries to get the crowd behind Devon who is being beat down by Steiner but they could care less. A much better match thus far than I expected. Devon finally gets the tag to Brother Ray who goes to work on LAX. Hernandez dives over the top rope to the floor and takes out both members of Team 3D. Team 3D nails the 3D on Tomko for the pin.

Samoa Joe vs. A.J. Styles

Joe caught Styles with an enziguri kick in the opening minute, but missed with a rear splash. Styles then tried to charge Joe, but Joe kicked him through the ropes to the floor. Joe then hit a suicide dive with an elbow smash that cleared Styles over the guardrail to the front row. Joe then landed right hand blows knocking Styles off the apron and Styles grabbed his right arm as if he was in pain. Joe knew what was going on, but the referee got in the way and Styles landed a thumb to the eye. Joe quickly recovered, though, and set up Styles on the floor for an Ole kick, but Styles got right up and blocked the move. Back in the ring, Styles nailed a dropkick at 5:00 that took Joe off his feet. Out of nowhere, Joe hit a trademark snap powerslam for a quick nearfall. Styles countered with a soccer kick, then he hit a springboard forearm smash for a nearfall. He went for a back flip reverse DDT, but Joe blocked, until Styles connected on the second try for a nearfall. Styles went for the Clash at 11:00, but Joe countered into a Death Valley Driver that crunched Styles's neck, resulting in a nearfall. Styles then sidestepped Joe and guided him to the outside. Joe came up holding his left knee. Tenay and West said they heard a snapping like sound. Joe Boxer re-entered the ring to avoid a ten count, then Styles grinned and worked on the knee. Styles went for a knee wrench, but Joe kicked him away. He then charged Styles in the corner, but Joe collapsed mid-ring and grabbed his knee. The ref checked on his condition, and Styles went up top for the Spinal Tap. Joe moved, though, and came right up to his feet showing no pain. He brushed off his knees, then looked right in Styles's face and pointed at his head to show that he outsmarted him. Joe then put Styles in a rear naked choke. Instead of applying it as a submission hold, he hit a suplex and covered Styles for the win.

WINNER: Joe in 14:00.

A preview video for the main event is shown.

World Title Match: Christian Cage (c) vs Sting vs Kurt Angle. Cage stays on the floor as Angle and Sting go at it in the ring. Angle hits Cage with 8 German Suplexes in a row but Sting breaks up the fall. Angle double German Suplexes Sting and Christian from the top rope. The fans chant "This is Awesome". Sting nails the Scorpion Deathdrop on Angle but Cage pulls the official out of the ring. Sting trys to lock on the Scorpion Deathlock but Angle counters it into the Ankle Lock. Christian trys to break it up but Angle locks on a double Ankle Lock on both men. Sting goes for the rollup pin on Cage but Angle locks Sting in the Ankle Lock and he taps out. Kurt Angle is your new World Champion in TNA.


Active Member
Dec 3, 2010
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What are some songs u could listen to and never get tired of them? Also can put why if you want.


I love the slow melody in the background along with Debarge's voice. Classic RnB Joint.


Jul 19, 2011
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The whole Derek and the Dominos collaboration; Duane and Eric created something magical there, one of the best lead-guitar duos that never really played live together anymore than two or three times, always complimenting each other's licks and riffs. But at least Eric had his career and Duane as able to give it his all during his time with the Brothers until his untimely death in '71. Little Wing, Layla, Mean Old World and the epic jam sessions. Oh man...

Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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The Large House, Arizona
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Only song by Pitbull I really even like. The beat is infectious unlike his newer stuff which for some reason is treated as such. This is like the theme song of my life anyways.


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2010
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Metallica - Enter Sandman
Any Nirvana song
Drowning Pool - Bodies
AC/DC - Back In Black
Curb Your Enthusiasm's intro (it's awesome & I could listen to it over and over)
Marilyn Manson - The Beautiful People
Radiohead - No Surprises

Those are some


Legacy Member
Dec 3, 2010
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Phoenix, AZ
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Bobby Womack - Across 110th street
One Way - Don't stop ever loving me
2Pac - Hail Mary
2Pac - Keep Ya Head Up
Marvin Gaye - Inner City Blues
Biggie - Warning

A lot more just those off the top of my head.