I honestly don't see Shield versus the Wyatt Family happening. They're not going heel/heel and there's no signs of The Shield making a face turn or even toeing the tweener lines of being a face/heel even just for this feud only (like Big Show at Wrestlemania.)
There is a slightly bigger similarity than just the idea of two separate three man groups who are looking to make an impact, though. Probably just looking into something too much but in the promo posted below, he makes a fist (which is The Shield's version of a group/kliq sign, just look at 0:27) and talks about making a change, similar to The Shield's first speeches about bringing justice and CHANGE when they debuted. Replace the use of the word justice with bringing the change by uniting the masses and you have a bigger comparison:
Probably means nothing, but it's interesting. Besides, it seems they're probably building towards Ambrose/Christian for the US Title at Summerslam (guess the Taker/Kane handicap match is probably off, though it may have only been rumor anyway) so I wouldn't expect a Shield/Wyatt Family showdown. I wonder though if WWE could pull off a heel/heel type of feud with Shield being the more sympathetic ones, similar to the Corporation/Ministry feud being heel and heel back in '99 but people clearly sympathized with Vince more.
If the brand split still existed, they could easily work it as having The Shield rule on Raw and the Wyatt Family rule over Smackdown.