It booked right, this could be a great feud, although I have my doubts. It seems more likely that carlito will be fed to Lashley, as a stop gap until he finds a new ME opponent. I am a fan of Carlito and feel he should be in the upper midcard / ME position by this time. When he was wrestling Sandman/Regal/Hacksaw, he seemed so superior compared to any of those and when he was interacting with lashley, he seemed very comfortable and (for some reason) I never thought of Carlito as midarder getting beta down by a ME star, but a worthy opponent. Even after all the jobbing Carlito has done recently, he is still over and could easily be placed in a higher poistion on the roster/ladder.
I also agree with Jeff being given a push, although not to the extent as some would like. i'd like to see him being on the verge of the ME, facing guys like Kennedy/Umaga, getting a fair share of victories, but essentially putting over the other guys.
By pushing guys like Carlito/Jeff/Orton, it also sends a message to the Media (amongst others), that massive bodies aren't essential to suceed in WWE. A message that should be sent continually from now on.