Going into it, it seems like the whole Clay/Tensai/Naomi/Cameron and Sandow/Rhodes/Twins was still suppose to happen. Both sides had tweeted about the match beforehand, and the twins also tweeted a photo of their "group hug" before their match. So... what happened?
I didn't care for the match, so not disappointed that it was cut. However, it was a point of curiosity for me. Does anyone know why their match was cut? Anyone have speculation about it?
Clay just tweeted the following tonight, so nothing specific:
And from Tensai:
Thoughts? Facts? Anything?
I didn't care for the match, so not disappointed that it was cut. However, it was a point of curiosity for me. Does anyone know why their match was cut? Anyone have speculation about it?
Clay just tweeted the following tonight, so nothing specific:
Brodus Clay ?@BrodusClay 4h
In life we have set backs and disappointments sometimes you need your heartbroken to know how much you love it #365toredemption Nyadonothat
Brodus Clay ?@BrodusClay 4h
funkateers much love don't get down we will work harder! we will be better! best thing about being down is getting back up #hardindapaint !
And from Tensai:
Tensai ?@WWETensai 12h
Make sure to catch Tons of Funk beat up a scrawny mustache and peabrain at #WrestleMania tonight. See how at http://Wrestlemania.com
Tensai ?@WWETensai 2h
Everything happens for reason.
Tensai ?@WWETensai 2h
Thoughts? Facts? Anything?