It's pretty strange, almost feels too good to be true. Ambrose has been getting good reactions, yeah, but the WWE wouldn't revolt if he lost at Fast Lane. That is, until you made the last month the month of Ambrose. From the white hot stuff with Lesnar, to even being protected from taking a loss last night. It's out of nowhere almost. From shifting focus from Reigns to Ambrose in such a short time. And I don't think it's directly due to Ambrose's reactions, much like Bryan's was when he main evented Mania. Either his supporters in the back finally shown Vince the light, or it's being done to add an air of unpredictability.
Having Ambrose go in so hot into Fast Lane, then winning. And then Roman turning on him to get put into the ME with Ambrose could easily make Reigns the next top heel. Even more so if he stopped Ambrose's momentum at FL and pinned him.
So, are WWE genuinely invested in Ambrose now? Or are they just going a different route with Reigns so he can still come out on top? We shall see.