No, not the Sabin heel turn. That was stupid. How do you feel about the Dixie Carter heel turn?
So far, after one promo, she seems a whole lot more comfortable as a heel. She's doing a nice job throwing people around backstage and being a bitch in the ring... not that getting better performances out of Ditsy is much of an accomplishment.
The possibilities are endless for this. What storyline ideas can you see coming from this?
Do you expect this to go well, or expect it to go like... well, a main angle in TNA
How much does the correlation between this and the HHH/Stephanie stuff bother you? How much of a correlation is there?
What can they do with this to sell Bound for Glory? How can this make you interested in Bully vs AJ?
Does this make you more confident that they're getting rid of Hogan? (PLEASE)
Does this mean the BLFFL thread on the same subject can be closed?