Smackdown Spoilers: 9/27

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Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
Reaction score
Holy crap, the live reporter is awesome this week. Great job.

* Out comes Triple H to some major heat welcoming us speaking about how people have said he has used favoritism on social media and says how Superstars blame WWE officials for their failures. He goes on about how he and Stephanie McMahon have the burden of carrying the company and how he and his wife still receive criticism for doing what is good for business.
He says he gave the WWE Superstars an opportunity as the crowd gives him “What?!” chants. Out comes The Miz and says “Really.” Miz asks Triple H if he thinks he has really been fair…. “really?” Triple H says Miz is an example of a Superstar who gets a chance and fails. Triple H goes on to say that he doesn’t understand how its his fault that Miz didn’t capitalize on the opportunity he had. Triple H adds that Miz couldn’t step in the ring so he gave him another chance with Miz TV on RAW and Miz screwed that chance well.
Triple H pulls footage of Randy Orton beating the crap out of him a couple of weeks back and said Miz had a great opportunity when he gave him that match. Miz said it was a setup not a chance. Triple H went on to say Steph was right in coming to the ring and giving him the chance on Raw to voice himself. Miz said he should have called his wife a B instead of a witch.
Triple H said his wife is sorry for what she did to him so he’s gonna give Miz another chance and is going to give Randy Orton to Miz tonight if he wants it. Miz says damn right he wants it and Triple H offers to get Miz’s parents to see him get beat again. Triple H tells Miz that his opportunity is knocking at the door. Tonight its The Miz v. Randy Orton.
* R-Truth vs. Alberto Del Rio is up next. Del Rio goes right in on Truth with some kicks and Truth fights back with some strikes of his own. Del Rio hits Truth with another kick. Truth shoves Del Rio into the ring-post and hits some clotheslines along with a suplex for a 2 count.
Alberto Del Rio defeats R-Truth.
After the match Del Rio locks the arm bar on Truth then out comes Rob Van Dam and stomps Del Rio, hitting him with a chair in the gut. Del Rio lies in the ring as RVD poses with the chair and holds the World Title with Ricardo Rodriguez.
* We cut to Triple H and Vickie speaking about what stipulation to add to the Rob Van Dam vs. Alberto Del Rio World Title Match at Battleground. The pair agree on a Hardcore Rules match for RVD and Del Rio.
* The Prime Time Players are shown joking with workers in the back as they prepare to head out.
* The Real Americans make their way to the ring for a tag match against the Prime Time Players. Zeb takes the mic for a quick promo and asks everyone to stand and put their hand over their heart and say “we the people” as he says only real Americans can say this not people who mock real Americans.
Jack Swagger and Titus O’Neil start the match. Cesaro gets the tag and stomps Titus. Swagger is back in and Titus fights off Swagger with some punches, Swagger corners Titus with some stomps and tags in Cesaro. Antonio swings Titus for at least 40 seconds. Titus regroups and slams Cesaro, making the tag to Darren Young who clears house. Cesaro hits Young with some suplex moves, while the referee is distracted, Young had the 3 count. Swagger is back in and locks the ankle lock making Young tap.
* The Wyatt Family are out next. Bray Wyatt vs. Zach Ryder. Ryder hits some elbows to start off then Wyatt levels Ryder with a clothesline and smiles at the crowd, a Husky Harris chant breaks out. Wyatt locks in an armbar on Ryder. Ryder then slams Wyatt’s face to the mat and hits his boot off the last rope but misses his finisher. Wyatt counters and hits his finisher for the quick victory. Winner: Bray Wyatt.
* The Shield make their way to the ring through the crowd, followed by Dolph Ziggler making his entrance. Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler for the United States Championship is up next. Since Ambrose has Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins by his side, Ziggler has brought out Rob Van Dam and Kofi Kingston to even things up. Ambrose starts off with some punches to Ziggler and rakes Ziggler’s eyes on the ropes. Ziggler hits a kick to but Ambrose counters with a clothesline and some stomps. Ambrose catches an elbow and a clothesline, Ziggler does his million punches on Ambrose and goes for the fame asser but misses. The actions spills outside the ring with the Shield interfering. A brawl breaks out in the ring and out comes Triple H. He orders them to stop and restarts the match as a 6 man tag instead.
* The Shield vs. Dolph Ziggler, Rob Van Dam & Kofi Kingston is up next. Ziggler starts off with Reigns as they stare off. Reigns hits an elbow and gets Ziggler in the corner, Ziggler blocks a suplex and suplexes Rollins for a 1 count. Rob Van Dam tags in and locks Rollins in a head lock with his legs. RVD with some good offense, a kick in one corner then a monkey flip and a standing flip on Rollins for a 2 count. RVD with another kick wearing out Rollins, then a body slam and rolling thunder for a near fall. Rollins fights back with a couple strikes to RVD’s arm and makes the tag Ambrose who puts an arm lock on RVD. RVD gets out and nails a kick on Ambrose and tags in Ziggler who beats down Ambrose and starts his 10 elbows but only got to 5.
Kofi chants break out as Ziggler and Reigns go at it. Ziggler breaks free only to get clotheslined by Reigns, Ambrose makes the tag and steps on Ziggler stomach, driving his knee into Ziggler’s throat, Reigns tags back in. Reigns slams Ziggler’s face to the mat as Ziggler tries to run for a tag but Reigns catches him with another slam. Reigns then catches Ziggler mid air but Ziggler changes it into a DDT. Reigns tags Rollins who locks Ziggler in another head lock, Rollins knocks RVD off the rope then Kofi is tagged and clears house. Kofi nails Ambrose with his boom kicks, Ziggler hits his fame asser on Rollins, Reigns spears Ziggler, then RVD kicks Reigns with a top rope kick.
The Shield defeats Dolph Ziggler, Rob Van Dam, and Kofi Kingston with Seth Rollins pining Kingston.
* The Big Show is interviewed, he says how he needs this job and he’s been torn by everything that has been going on lately. Triple H shows up and makes fun of Show, saying he can get him a job as a paperboy or packing airport bags then Show teases the KO punch and Triple H tells him to think about his family. Triple H mocks Show with fake tears as Show screams and walks off, leaving Triple H smiling.
* AJ Lee (with female sidekick) defeats Cameron (with Naomi). AJ nails Cameron with a kick for the victory.
* Paul Heyman comes out and plays to what happened at Night of Champions. He says how the fans sadden him and asks if they are really shocked that he beat CM Punk. He says every time Punk will come against him Punk will fail. He talks about CM Punk on Raw and says he knew it was a trap, blaming the fans for Punk attacking him. Heyman plays a Monday night Raw clip when his scooter stopped. A CM Punk chant breaks out and Heyman says he owes Curtis Axel for the setup on Raw and thanks Ryback for the damage done on CM Punk, he then thanks the WWE Universe for driving Punk against him every week. Heyman asks the fans if they really think Punk can beat Ryback at WWE Battleground as the fans start to cheer. Heyman says Punk will be looking up at Ryback at Battleground when he gets beat and he says how he’s the best in the world. End of promo.
* 3MB are out next. Santino Marella and The Great Khali defeated 3MB.
* Randy Orton defeated The Miz. Miz was playing up to an injury and Orton put a beating on him forcing the referee to disqualify Orton. Triple H then came out and restarted the match, saying Orton was trying to get disqualified. Triple H said Randy had to win by pinfall. The crowd hated Miz and were cheering for Orton. Orton finished it with an RKO.


Looks good.


Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
Reaction score
The sidekick was apparently Tamina.

Can you edit the title on this?

Heard there was a spot where 3MB did a flute solo trying to bring the Cobra to life. Bleh. Not bad to see Tamina back though. :obama:

Edit: Thanks! A like for your troubles.


Now I’m a big, fat dynamo!
Apr 1, 2012
Reaction score
Can you edit the title on this?

Heard there was a spot where 3MB did a flute solo trying to bring the Cobra to life. Bleh. Not bad to see Tamina back though. :obama:
Edit done.

Flute solo? Jinder's gonna Jinder!


The Architect
Apr 21, 2013
Reaction score
The Twilight Zone
Alright looking episode. Tamina being AJ's sidekick sounds interesting.


Sep 4, 2013
Reaction score
Cool episode, I'll be tuning in on Saturday morning watching it all.