SmackDown November 12th, 2015 [Results]

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Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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WWE Smackdown TV Taping Results
Manchester Arena in Manchester, England

- DARK MATCH: Finn Bálor came out with the NXT title to a big pop and defeated Viktor.

- MAIN EVENT: Jack Swagger defeated Adam Rose with the Patriot (ankle) Lock. No mention of The Bunny.

- MAIN EVENT: Damien Sandow, in the intellectual savior gimmick, defeated Heath Slater.

- MAIN EVENT: Sasha Banks def. Becky Lynch with the Bank Statement.

SmackDown starts...
- The Wyatt Family kicked off the show throwing down the gauntlet for the Brothers of Destruction. He wants Undertaker & Kane vs. two of the Wyatt Family members of Bray's choosing. Fandango shows up for some reason and that leads to the first match. Also announced for later was Erick Rowan and Luke Harper vs. The Usos.

- Braun Strowman def. Fandango with the HUG OF DEATH.

- Neville def. King Barrett to advance in the WWE world heavyweight title tournament. He won with the Red Arrow.

- The Usos were interviewed backstage about their match with The Wyatt Family. It was every Usos interview you've ever seen.

- Barrett cut a promo on Wayne Rooney and said he would talk to Vince about never coming back to Manchester. That's when Undertaker came out, choke slammed him, and Tombstoned him. Then he went to leave but came back and did it again.

- Kalisto def. Ryback to advance in the WWE world heavyweight title tournament. That's an interesting call.

- Alberto Del Rio def. Stardust to advance in the WWE world heavyweight title tournament.

- Roman Reigns did an interview with Renee Young backstage explaining why he declined Triple H's offer.

- The Usos def. The Wyatt Family when Braun Strowman and Bray Wyatt interfere and they put the boots to The Usos. Undertaker's music hits and he accepts the earlier challenge for a match at Survivor Series.

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Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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Sooo, I watched this week's SmackDown episode and it was okay for what it was.

- The opening segment was... Hmm... "The Wyatts show up, and blood runs cold!" - Well, I wish I could take you guys seriously.
However, with only one week left till Survivor Series, there ain't gonna be a traditional SS match, but instead we're gonna get a tag team match. Lame!

- Strowman vs Fandango was your typical squash to make Strowman look strong. It wasn't any good, but it was exactly what it needed to be.
It made Strowman look dominant and played off of the opening promo well. The Black Sheep won with the "I LOVE YOU TOO MUCH!" hug.

- The Man That Forgot His Name Neville vs Clown King Barrett was rock solid. The lack of heat here surprised me and hurt the match to an extent. But hey, for a man who's been jobbing his ass off for the majority of 2015, Barrett looked like a threat here, despite coming up short.

- That promo by The Usos, though! Loved it. Nah, just kidding. It was cheesy.

- Kalisto vs Ryback was good. I really liked this match and thought the story of size disparity worked out really well.
And man, oh man, would I have popped huge for this upset win by Kalisto had I remained spoiler-free!

- What is MexAmerica trying to accomplish, other than, you know, talk about HATE all the time?

- ADR vs Stardust was boring. This was kinda an odd mesh of characters and never once did I think Stardust had the chance to win.

- Roman's promo was fine. I'm thankful we didn't hear "Sufferin' Succotash" or "This ain't boring. This is real life." lines. :bodallas:

- The Wyatt Family vs The Usos was a decent ME. I thought it was gonna be better, given their history of delivering good matches. But, oh well.
I also didn't like the finish. What, Bray got so pissed the Usos were getting some offense in some throwaway tag match, so he just decided to beat them up? Swell. Is that supposed to send some sort of a message to BOD? I have no idea what's he's trying to do. All I know is, that match at SS ain't gonna end well for The Wyatt Family.

Mr. Roman Empire

The Game
Main Eventer
Oct 5, 2015
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it will be really cool if they let Kalisto get the win over Del Rio on Raw. Would definitely be a great way to push him as a singles competitor

Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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it will be really cool if they let Kalisto get the win over Del Rio on Raw. Would definitely be a great way to push him as a singles competitor

Imagine Kalisto vs Cesaro in the finals at SS.

But nah, man. ADR's totally going over Kalisto and then losing to Reigns in the semis.


Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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Man how great would it be for both characters if Cesaro was to win though! I mean, Cesaro would be a STAR. That dude would be so made after that win...
Not to mention Roman would actually have a story of how he tried to do it on his own, and just got upset. He tried to climb Mount Everest but that avalanche hit him yet again...
So lets all ride the Triple H-elicopter up to the top of the mountain, yeah!

I've... got weird feelings about this tournament. On one hand, YAY TOURNAMENTS! And also, yay giving the young talent ALL the spotlight in the world! This is the poetic ball being handed to the regular WWE roster to carry this show in matches that matter and the roster is grabbing that ball with both hands and... fumbling it away. :sad:

This tournament largely sucks. Most of the matches themselves really should be better than they are, and the crowd reaction damn well should be in the UNITED KINGDOM. Come on, roster, step it up! Please!
We've had a couple of good matches - Breeze had a fine debut against Dean and this week's Kalisto vs Ryback match was a lot of fun, Cesaro walked on Mars one day and that's why there's no signs of life, but sometimes... bleh.

Positive note: Hey look, the NXT-style realistic sit-down mini promo segments have debuted on the main roster! That was a long-overdue callup! :yay:

Speaking of people who need to step it up, what happened to Neville? Main roster Neville just seems to have no confidence at all. We watched this guy evolve from a one-trick high-flying ace who had to tone down his style into a workhorse who you could trust to get a good match out of anyone, and now it seems like he has the worst matches on the show. Granted he's having to do it with guys like Barrett, and... despite last week's long rant about how Neville is at the point where he's a warmup opponent for JACK SWAGGER, I still can't believe that Neville is in any danger going up against King Nothing. Oh, where's your crown... So now, here's Neville's revenge match for the apron powerbomb that knocked him all the way to Raw. That should be good!

Gladly skipped Del Rio repping Meximerica in the middle of the freaking UK vs Stardust from the 5th Dimension, brought to you by Doritos 3D's. Doritos 3Ds: The perfect snack for when you feel like an apparently detestable reformed racist! Also for a throwback feeling for a time when catchphrase stealing didn't warrant an apology... erm, sorry Prince!

I LOVED KALISTO VS RYBACK! *ahem, points at the who's in the tournament thread* Called it. :smug: They really are trying to throw Kalisto onto the "Rey Mysterio 2.0" train and it's working like a charm, now all they have to do is stick with it and it'll be pretty great! He's got an awesome moveset, can talk, and hey, he gets to show off some innovative offense and even throw the Big Guy around a little bit in the massive upset victory as new opponents face up in a fresh match in fresh ways and THIS WAS FULL OF THE YAY! Credit to Ryback, too, for really bringing as much of an A-game and bumping around for the lil' dude... Trying to not focus on things like selling, but... if people can congratulate Dana Brooke for "looking good" when getting roflstomped into oblivion by Asuka, then I can praise Ryback here. Go suck it

...anyway, that almost sums up everything, doesn't it? Still, after heading for work on Tuesday after typing the Rate Raw thread, like 10 minutes into the trip I had the following chain of random stuff:

"But it would have been cool to see just what the extent of Wyatt's power could be! Like, imagine if there was a match between a few jobbers and some Wyatt boys, and Bray just pops up out of his rocking chair like "HUZZAH!!!" and throws a bolt of lightning at someone. Hell, even better, he can summon an inferno from hell to engulf Fandango! Then next week as a result of the inferno, Fandango can come out as a disco dancer. Maybe give him The Cat and Brodus Clay's old theme, why not Cameron too? Disco Fandango lets go! :yay:"

...boy howdy do I wish I typed that now. :lol1: Anyway Johnny Curtis came strutting out to eat a beatdown from the Wyatt Clan and brought back flashbacks of Emo Emma on NXT, they really have beaten the joy and happiness out of poor Fandango. Guess you could say it was the day... the muuuuusic... died...

Not just that, though, but... I've been digging Wyatt pretending to be this all-powerful supernatural god of destruction! As stupid as it is to hear about harvesting the souls of the Deadman on a show built around corporate politics and guys striving to be the best at their sport, I couldn't not love it... But tonight, it just felt like the Wyatt I was so done with not too long ago was back. The guy's a snake oil salesman, nothing he says matters, nothing he does has any consequence - hell, he kidnapped Reigns's daughter which was paid off by "them just forgetting about it" while they wonder why Roman isn't over - they don't win big matches and hell they just ran in for a DQ in the main event because wins and losses don't matter and...

Dammit, WWE. I'm trying to enjoy you again. Stop making me right reviews like this! I mean, most Smackdowns have been fun but this main event just ended on a note of OMG THERE WAS NO AMBROSE ON THIS SHOW. OH HELL NO YOU DIDN'T JUST RIP ALL THE DEAN AWAY FOAIFOISGNAOI:SUN:SGINA:O