HBO and Paramount Television are making deals to turn the 2010 hit film Shutter Island into a TV series. Tentatively titled Ashecliffe, the plan is for the pilot to be directed by Martin Scorsese from a script by Dennis Lehane, who wrote the bestselling thriller novel that Scorsese and screenwriter Laeta Kalogridis turned into the hit film that Leonardo DiCaprio starred in.
Ashecliffe is the name of the isolated mental hospital where the movie took place, and the series begins before the events of the film. The focus is the past of hospital, and the secrets and misdeeds perpetrated by its founders who erected the hospital in the early 20th Century and developed the methods of treatment use for the mentally ill.
Scorsese directed the pilot for Boardwalk Empire and he is posting the pilot for the unititled 70s rock n roll project he is doing with Mick Jagger, Victoria Pearman, Rick Yorn, Emma Tillinger Koskoff, and Boardwalk Empire creator Terence Winter. Winter wrote it and he also scripted Scorsese and DiCaprio’s Oscar nominated last film, The Wolf Of Wall Street.
No doubt the pilot episode will be good, will watch since Boardwalk is almost done.