Should The Rock vs. John Cena "REALLY" be the last match of the night to End WrestleMania 28?
With CM Punk vs. Y2J for the WWE Champion at WM28 now on the card which I think will be the best match of the night.
And now the HHH vs. Undetaker for the 3rd DAM at WM28 though I don't want this match to have been again at WM now that it going to be an Hell in the Cell match this mostly like will top the other to WM matchest if it book right! Still don't how WWE is gonig to have it said this WM is outside and ther No Roof hold the Cell up and there going to have to have a top over the Ring like that did at WM24 just into case it rain.
But in my
opinion a Hell in the Cell match with this kind of build should be the last match of the night! Or CM Punk vs. Y2J every since won the WWE Title the 2nd regin He only been in 1 the last match on the PPV at TLC PPV and Cena he still match the last match of the night and he not in a Ttile at ALL in the EC PPV!
So what do YOU think do you REALLY think The Rock vs. John Cena should be the last match of the night or do you think I am right on this 1 give me you though please?
With CM Punk vs. Y2J for the WWE Champion at WM28 now on the card which I think will be the best match of the night.
And now the HHH vs. Undetaker for the 3rd DAM at WM28 though I don't want this match to have been again at WM now that it going to be an Hell in the Cell match this mostly like will top the other to WM matchest if it book right! Still don't how WWE is gonig to have it said this WM is outside and ther No Roof hold the Cell up and there going to have to have a top over the Ring like that did at WM24 just into case it rain.
But in my
opinion a Hell in the Cell match with this kind of build should be the last match of the night! Or CM Punk vs. Y2J every since won the WWE Title the 2nd regin He only been in 1 the last match on the PPV at TLC PPV and Cena he still match the last match of the night and he not in a Ttile at ALL in the EC PPV!
So what do YOU think do you REALLY think The Rock vs. John Cena should be the last match of the night or do you think I am right on this 1 give me you though please?