Jose Tortilla said:Lolno.. I've seen some matches of him in FCW. He was a tag-team with Ziggler's bro Briley Pierce. He bored me to death to be honest.
I am sorry but: ''Future Jericho''? My ass.
Crayo said:Yes, because it's pretty silly not to at this point.
Jose Tortilla said:You honestly think he's able to beat Ryback?
Jose Tortilla said:Sure, honey..
Come on now.. Future Jericho? If he'd be a future Jericho, he should be on the mid-card right now.. Not being a referee.
His looks are good, I'll give you that.. But he needs a lot of work.
JohnCenaFan said::haha: No really.
He doesn't even deserve to be a ref. Why? Because he did a devastating low blow on Ryback just because of a dang contract. Get ready for him to get smashed by Big Hungry!! :smug: