This all came upon me when I looked over 21st December 2012, the day when the world ends (see the C-4 Story thread) Many oracles have predicted the future, here is a list of few predictions which came true:
"Merlin" an oracle from England predicted America's first colony by name, he said: "A grand colony will be founded with Virginia soil" aiming at Virginia 1000 years before America actually existed in this world.
Merlin predicted the victory of the British over Napoleons
"At that time shall a man standing on the shore of England speak instantly to a man standing on the shore of France through a speaking stone"
The speaking stone happens to be our mobile phones.
A Great Disaster will occur in Great Britian in the 20th century The seas shall discharge themselves and the river shall burn for 7 months. The heat shall die. , this is in-direct reference to the nuclear plants of England.
London shall mourn the death of 20,000 and the rivers of England shall turn to blood banks.
Is this a reference to a terrorist attack coming up for the UK?
In the 20th century, half of the world shall die because of an unusual disease.
A Modern demonic leader shall rule the world and global warfare shall be there in the middle east. 666 is the code for this leader, his army shall be as big as his nation and they will have weapons never seen before.
- America-Iraq? Bush the leader?
The sea shall rise after the twinkling of an eye and the winds shall fight together with a dreadful blast.
In 1500, Mother Shipton predicted many things like the World War I and World War II and said a great queen would exist with the name of Victoria. She predicted this for the 20th century:
The 20th century era will be followed by something unusual. Then see the power of the angry gods. Men have the world; women deep trenched in blood and the middle east is part of global warfare.
"Merlin" an oracle from England predicted America's first colony by name, he said: "A grand colony will be founded with Virginia soil" aiming at Virginia 1000 years before America actually existed in this world.
Merlin predicted the victory of the British over Napoleons
"At that time shall a man standing on the shore of England speak instantly to a man standing on the shore of France through a speaking stone"
The speaking stone happens to be our mobile phones.
A Great Disaster will occur in Great Britian in the 20th century The seas shall discharge themselves and the river shall burn for 7 months. The heat shall die. , this is in-direct reference to the nuclear plants of England.
London shall mourn the death of 20,000 and the rivers of England shall turn to blood banks.
Is this a reference to a terrorist attack coming up for the UK?
In the 20th century, half of the world shall die because of an unusual disease.
A Modern demonic leader shall rule the world and global warfare shall be there in the middle east. 666 is the code for this leader, his army shall be as big as his nation and they will have weapons never seen before.
- America-Iraq? Bush the leader?
The sea shall rise after the twinkling of an eye and the winds shall fight together with a dreadful blast.
In 1500, Mother Shipton predicted many things like the World War I and World War II and said a great queen would exist with the name of Victoria. She predicted this for the 20th century:
The 20th century era will be followed by something unusual. Then see the power of the angry gods. Men have the world; women deep trenched in blood and the middle east is part of global warfare.