Sheamus' win an accident?

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The more I look at it the more I'm starting to think that Sheamus' win at TLC was a mistake. The ending sequence of the match was completely botched, and there was a table outside the ring where Sheamus fell which he completely missed. The commentators seemed completely lost with the finish and even disputed the call of Sheamus winning the title. STILL on RAW they're going on and on about how Sheamus' win was questionable. The guy's name STILL has not been put on the title for fuck's sake!
Since winning the belt he's got maybe 5 minutes total camera time and the story seems to be focused more on Cena going undefeated and winning the title back immediately than it is on Sheamus actually winning the fucking title!
This whole undefeated thing seemed so last minute and horribly thrown together that this entire storyline wreaks of botch. So what do you guys think? Was Sheamus' win at TLC a mistake?


Would explain just how shit the finish was.

It's hard to tell currently what is a botch and what is simply intentional bullshit.

...I mean, whether it be shit writing/booking or botched performing, every match @ TLC seemed fucked-up. (I've not mentioned it here thus far but what the fuck was with their making out that there were no more ladders left in the DX/Jerishow match?)


Yeah, it's hard to tell botch from booking lately. I still think this whole thing is a cover for a fluke win. (not saying I don't want Sheamus as champ)

The Rated R CMStar

Havent seen the match yet, but it wouldnt be too surprising. Sheamus hasn't gotten any air time, his victory hasnt exactly been shown all over WWE programming as WWE usually does for a first time title victory and instead of at least letting him keep the belt until Royal Rumble like they did even with the wreck of Hardy's title reign, they seem to be in a hurry and they even booked a title math next week.

Either it was a botch and Cena will take the belt back next week, or what was botched was Sheamus booking and intend on having Sheamus pin Cena next week.


Another good point. The victory hasn't been hyped at all. Not that the finish of the match was exactly highlight real material. They also hardly mention him during the course of the show.

This very well could go down to be a worse title reign then Jeff's first reign, Mysterio's and CM Punk's last reign combined.


Absolutely not, if Sheamus' title win was a botch, they would have had Cena regain the WWE Title on RAW the next night. The match was designed so that Cena can lose without looking bad. They played it off like Sheamus' win was lucky, so they don't damage Cena's credibility. It was a work and since this thread was created, it must have worked.

Rated RJC

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Feb 7, 2007
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Pittsburgh, PA
Yeah I think the win was legit and the booking was done right. Total domination of Cena wasn't the greatest route to take so they made it seem like a fluke. People started to think this feud was to get Sheamus over it looks like it's really just being used to get Cena even more over which I don't get.

I'm still not a fan of pushing a guy straight through the fucking moon within a few weeks but hey, what do you expect. We ask for fresh faces in the main event they give us our last option.


@ Chess: I get what you're saying, but why would they "work" us to effectively believe that they fucked up the match?

Working us to think that Seamus is lucky maybe, but that is a different proposition.

Why are they not showing their new champ on TV?

Why would they not put his name on the title belt?

Maybe they effectively thought: "Ah well, accidents happen. Cena wasn't gonna be doing much over the next couple of weeks let's anyway. Since Seamus has the belt, let's have Cena go on a streak to hot him up for Mania whilst having ourselves a title change for our xmas special t'boot?"

If Cena wins at Xmas, unless they royally screw Seamus out of HIS subsequent rematch, then they'll be having another match at RR (If there's no re-re-match then ya know they didn't intend for Seamus to get that title @ TLC).

Great One

There's no way it was botched.. Cena's dumb ass clearly jumped onto that table, intending for that to be the result of the match. His dumb ass also went back and picked up a piece of the table after he got owned to further signify he had that in mind for his cheesey ass Blue routine post-loss.

Wrestling Station

I think there was a botch from Sheamus part. He should have felt on the outside table just a second later from Cena. (so that Cena wont look like a total loser). But they wanted Sheamus to win the title but with him being felt through that table. (that table was placed there for a reason).

Chuck Taylor's Grenade

If they were gonna do a double table finish they should have had Sheamus go for that spinebuster/gore thing he did to Cuban and had it look like Cena reversed it into a DDT at the last moment. That way the announcers could play up "Sheamus drove him through the table" "no Cena countered it into a DDT".

The Rated R CMStar

Just finally watched the match. Yeah, they indeed botched the ending but not in that Sheamus wasn't supposed to win but that Sheamus was supposed to also go through the table. If anything, a tie was what they were aiming for but I do now think Sheamus was supposed to win.

They gave Cena his little moaning time, SOMEBODY told the cameras to show all those kids sad and besides, I don't think the relative rookie Sheamus would have reacted as normal as he did if he knew the ending was botched.

Besides, Cena clearly jumped toward the table and Sheamus backwards.


Just finally watched the match. Yeah, they indeed botched the ending but not in that Sheamus wasn't supposed to win but that Sheamus was supposed to also go through the table. If anything, a tie was what they were aiming for but I do now think Sheamus was supposed to win.

They gave Cena his little moaning time, SOMEBODY told the cameras to show all those kids sad and besides, I don't think the relative rookie Sheamus would have reacted as normal as he did if he knew the ending was botched.

Besides, Cena clearly jumped toward the table and Sheamus backwards.

Well yeah, I think they were going for the double table finish and then run off the tie storyline. As far as the camera showing the kids those kinds of decisions could be made in a split second. And who wouldn't be excited when handed the WWE title? I'm sure he had the common sense to react as such.

And also I've noticed this. From the little we've seen of Sheamus since winning the title he looks like one of the most genuinely happy people I've seen in a long time to be carrying that title.


I'm not sure that was a botch. I just think the ending was booked terribly and came off just as bad.

What harm would it have done Cena to have Sheamus actually slam him through a table? Its not like one decisive loss is going to ruin him.