SD over-rated? RAW still #1

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Easton, Maryland
With all this talk about RAW getting worse after the draft and SD being the best got me thinking... How did this happen? With all the stars RAW obtained, how are they sucking?

Answer, it could be cause SD is over-rated. Look at RAW after the draft. The 1st night, we had MVP come out and confront Legacy by him self, we had Dibiase step up to MVP, we had The Miz confront THE FRICKEN MIZ call out Cena in an excellent promo. What's the connection between all of these? It was all new and fresh. Everyone thought The Miz was being pushed, everyone thought MVP was officially in the Main event, a majority thought Rhodes and Dibiase would have bigger roles. That was proven wrong when MVP started his feud with Regal, with the main event being the same as it was before, with Legacy still being the same. Everyone got their hopes up, but were let down. Since everything was going back to what it was before, people started saying it sucked.

Now look at SD. 1st show after the draft, you had Jericho and Edge in the main event. You had Punk and Morrison getting pushed toward the main event as well as Morrisons face turn, Mysterio's return to the main event, Umaga's push toward the main event, Zigglers push, the list goes on. As SD went on, these things didn't stop, they kept going. The connection with this, most of it are new and fresh stuff. That's what a lot of people wanted.

So I'm starting to lean toward SD being over-rated. RAW is still putting on the same show, people were mis-lead and didn't like it. Really, the only good thing about SD is that most of the feuds going on now are fresh. Yes, you want new and fresh things, but not all at once. Alot of people's favorite guys are Edge, Jericho, Morrison, Mysterio, and Punk. So of course they are going to say the show is the best with them in the main event. They're liking it so much, that they don't pay attention to detail. They don't see the flaws in it. Ziggler going from Jobber to pinning the US champ to getting a title shot to jobbing again in 3 weeks? Morrison's all of a sudden face turn? Umaga randomly attacking Punk? Punk cashing in his MitB case what 2 weeks in a row now only to be attacked before the bell rings? Kane being in a #1 contenders match, only to not be seen or heard of afterwards? People are bypassing that because their favorite stars are main eventing. And the thing is, they are blowing pretty much all of their good stuff right now. 6 months from now, most of the feuds will be the same, it'd be the same guys doing the same thing, and get boring. RAW is building guys while SD just threw everyone in. So in my eyes, SD is starting to become over-rated, and quick.



Nope i totally disagree. Smackdown is just being booked right at the moment. Raw is being ok to, its just Batista is shit, cena aint really wrestled in 3 weeks. And we all know in a proper 1 vs 1 match cena would destroy Miz. Big show vs cena is boring, legacy is getting boring and the women s matches are worse then ever.


No, but it doesn't surprise me you'd say it. Any show that gets Punk pushed obviously would be hated by you :smh
But really, no, it's not overrated. Don't get me wrong, I'm a Raw guy for sure. Raw will always be theA show, and the show that matters most. I'm also sure that after a while, it'll act like the A show too. But right now, there's no doubt to me that SD is better. I like things on Raw, such as the Batista/Orton feud, but SD, with Edge, Jericho, and Punk (3 of my fvaourites) and the pushing of younger, newer guys, it's just exciting.
Right now, SD has upped Raw in everything. Look at the past 2 weeks. Raw has had pretty much no quality matches. This past week in specific, there was only one match on Raw more than 5 minutes. SD has been far and away better with wrestling. And right now, Raw's only feud that I'm enjoying is Orton/Batista. SD has Rey/Jericho, Jeff/Edge, Edge/Punk, Edge/Umaga, and some lower stuff going on. SD is better in everything right now to me.
I'm sure it'll level out in a few months, and Raw will probably be the A show again, but right now, SD is killing Raw.

Luke Flywalker

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^How is Raw not pushing "new", fresh, younger talent?

True, nobody likes a cocktease... which is what we got with MVP that first night. But like I stated before, the guy said he was going to wait until after Judgment Day, and if Batista didn't pick up the strap, he'd take his shot at Orton.

They've had matches with Kendrick and Carlito, quick as they may be, they've still got 'em. You're seeing Legacy fight 2-3 times a night (people say Priceless haven't had ring-work, they've been in there, and winning matches, DQ or not). MVP, Regal, Hardy, and Kofi are all getting ring-time. All of 'em (except Kofi of course) had a bit of promo time on Raw this week. Miz is getting rub off of Cena, and actually appeared to be on Cena's level in their exhibition. This Santino shit is garbage. And the other sad part was Priceless not selling the ass kicking Batista gave 'em backstage when they came out to save Orton.

IDK, I think Raw is doing what everyone wanted them to do. They're stacked with competitors, which makes it difficult to evaluate with in-ring time. Guys don't need a 20-minute match to be evaluated as to where they'll be on the card next month.

And if you look at the way things are going, we can see either Matt Hardy or The Miz compete with HBK when he returns. We're probably going to have our MVP/Legacy feud. Miz vs. Cena coming up (hopefully). This could elevate a lot of these guys straight to the Main Event. Big Show can still put on a good feud regardless. Triple H will be back and we could have him vs. MVP. Priceless could start doing their own thing. Kennedy is supposed to be back soon. We can have some awesome shit happen with the younger generation this year.

I get that you prefer watching Punk, Jericho, and Edge... but we're actually seeing guys on Raw who would normally be kicked to the curb, guys everyone wants to see get pushes and add some mix to the ME scene.


^How is Raw not pushing "new", fresh, younger talent?

True, nobody likes a cocktease... which is what we got with MVP that first night. But like I stated before, the guy said he was going to wait until after Judgment Day, and if Batista didn't pick up the strap, he'd take his shot at Orton.

They've had matches with Kendrick and Carlito, quick as they may be, they've still got 'em. You're seeing Legacy fight 2-3 times a night (people say Priceless haven't had ring-work, they've been in there, and winning matches, DQ or not). MVP, Regal, Hardy, and Kofi are all getting ring-time. All of 'em (except Kofi of course) had a bit of promo time on Raw this week. Miz is getting rub off of Cena, and actually appeared to be on Cena's level in their exhibition. This Santino shit is garbage. And the other sad part was Priceless not selling the ass kicking Batista gave 'em backstage when they came out to save Orton.

IDK, I think Raw is doing what everyone wanted them to do. They're stacked with competitors, which makes it difficult to evaluate with in-ring time. Guys don't need a 20-minute match to be evaluated as to where they'll be on the card next month.

And if you look at the way things are going, we can see either Matt Hardy or The Miz compete with HBK when he returns. We're probably going to have our MVP/Legacy feud. Miz vs. Cena coming up (hopefully). This could elevate a lot of these guys straight to the Main Event. Big Show can still put on a good feud regardless. Triple H will be back and we could have him vs. MVP. Priceless could start doing their own thing. Kennedy is supposed to be back soon. We can have some awesome shit happen with the younger generation this year.

I get that you prefer watching Punk, Jericho, and Edge... but we're actually seeing guys on Raw who would normally be kicked to the curb, guys everyone wants to see get pushes and add some mix to the ME scene.

Who said Raw wasn't pushing new talent? C'mon, man. I almost spit out my pop laughing at your post. Is Vince paying you off to talk up Raw? Way to pick an argument over nothing :laugh: I said SD is pushing new talent, I never said Raw wasn't. That was simply a side note. I also wouldn't consider MVP as "young talent" but that's another argument. Bottom line is, don't try to put words in my mouth. I said nothing of the sort. If you want to argue over that, argue with someone who said that. Which, in case you don't get it yet, wouldn't be me.
I prefer SD right now, it's been more exciting to me for the past two or three weeks. Raw will pick up though. But my preference is due to a number of things, mainly, I'm just enjoying SD's feuds right now. I'd love to know where I said Raw isnt' pushing new guys. Just cause I say one brand IS doing something, doesn't mean I'm saying another brand isn't doing something. For example, if I say "SD has a World Champion", that doesn't mean I said "Raw doesn't have a world champion". Basically, I just don't get your whole super-defensive mode, trying to prove how Raw is pushing new talent, when no one even said they weren't.

Luke Flywalker

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No, but it doesn't surprise me you'd say it. Any show that gets Punk pushed obviously would be hated by you :smh
But really, no, it's not overrated. Don't get me wrong, I'm a Raw guy for sure. Raw will always be theA show, and the show that matters most. I'm also sure that after a while, it'll act like the A show too. But right now, there's no doubt to me that SD is better. I like things on Raw, such as the Batista/Orton feud, but SD, with Edge, Jericho, and Punk (3 of my fvaourites) and the pushing of younger, newer guys, it's just exciting.
Right now, SD has upped Raw in everything. Look at the past 2 weeks. Raw has had pretty much no quality matches. This past week in specific, there was only one match on Raw more than 5 minutes. SD has been far and away better with wrestling. And right now, Raw's only feud that I'm enjoying is Orton/Batista. SD has Rey/Jericho, Jeff/Edge, Edge/Punk, Edge/Umaga, and some lower stuff going on. SD is better in everything right now to me.
I'm sure it'll level out in a few months, and Raw will probably be the A show again, but right now, SD is killing Raw.

Sounded to me like you were saying Raw isn't pushing younger, newer guys, like Smackdown is.

I get what you're saying now, but I hope you can see where I got that from.

And yes, I know MVP isn't young talent... he was more-so on the "fresh" side of the discussion.


Sounded to me like you were saying Raw isn't pushing younger, newer guys, like Smackdown is.

I get what you're saying now, but I hope you can see where I got that from.

Yes, I can see how you could've thought that's what I meant. Despite me never saying it, many people make the same mistake you did. I probably would've replied a little easier on you as well if you hadn't responded as if you were trying to show me up, or debate me, like you always seem to try to do, lol. I dunno... If it were me, I probably woulda asked the guy I was quoting to clarify what he meant, or spared a minute to figure it out myself, before going on a crusade-like post to prove him wrong :laugh:

Luke Flywalker

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Yes, I can see how you could've thought that's what I meant. Despite me never saying it, many people make the same mistake you did. I probably would've replied a little easier on you as well if you hadn't responded as if you were trying to show me up, or debate me, like you always seem to try to do, lol. I dunno... If it were me, I probably woulda asked the guy I was quoting to clarify what he meant, or spared a minute to figure it out myself, before going on a crusade-like post to prove him wrong :laugh:

Yeah, I love to debate. I did read into it though and took a second, hence why I went into the lengthy post trying to figure out if I was imagining things on Raw. My bad.

The Rated R CMStar

1st: There's nothing wrong with CM Punk cashing in week after week after week. It just shows how much he wants to be the champion.

2nd: Ziggler hasn't gone back to jobbing, please, he destroyed Khali.

3rd: I think most of it has to do with the fact that Raw has as their main feud Batista vs Orton, which is basically an overrun of HHH vs Orton, ending in a match that apparently most people hated at Armageddon and therefore don't want to see again and, well, it's Batista, and you know practically the entire IWC hates him.

I bet you, if it was HBK or MVP feuding with Orton, Raw would be kicking ass, well, at least according to many.



Even I can't stand Punk and think SD is miles ahead of Raw in just about every aspect except star power, which means pretty much absolutely nothing in the aspect of what makes a better show.


But peep show the last 3 weeks of smackdown has been 10 times better than raw has. Hell Ecw and superstars has also. raw needs hhh or hbk back ASAP. Not becuase they can save the show but raw can be booked a whole lot better also. Push Mvp after against orton or batista why not? I think that will get the show going better.


I think both shows have a clear idea where they want their main events to go over the next few months, but really have no idea what to do with their mid cards. However, Smackdown is coming off a little better because of the fresh pairings of guys like Jericho/Punk and Edge. Let's face it, any one of these three are far more interesting than Batista on their worst day.
Smackdown however when further examined is also a fucking mess. Their undercard is in shambles right now and they've got the wrong people feuding in the wrong places. Jericho should not be caught up with a mid card title. Mysterio should be moving through the mid card with that helping younger talent get over...not feuding with least yet.
Both shows are missing their mega draws right now in HHH, HBK and Taker. Hopefully when they return we'll see a little balance restored to the brands. WHICH of course is not a good thing at all, because two of these guys are the reason new talent is being built, since they're the ones rumored to leave. You see, this is supposed to be a year of bebuilding but everyone is still looking to the same guys to make the show happen.


Raw is not using its draft picks right. I mean mvp ok is now in a mini feud with regal but from what? Miz ok he is being booked the best so far but he still isnt wrestling is he? Big show vs cena? Part 55 i mean this is what will happen at ok...... Cena cant pick up the big show cena gets clobberd etc in match then from out of no where the Attitude adjuster oh my god. he pins show only to get a 2 count then show gets dq'd by bringing a weapon to hit cena. There we go another shit and predictable match. Raw has boring feuds going on and repetitive ones. Orton and batista have history yes, but Orton will carry that feud and match up. I mean how come smackdown has like 3 good matches matches for the card and raw has 3 shit ones? Cause raw is shit.


I think both shows have a clear idea where they want their main events to go over the next few months, but really have no idea what to do with their mid cards. However, Smackdown is coming off a little better because of the fresh pairings of guys like Jericho/Punk and Edge. Let's face it, any one of these three are far more interesting than Batista on their worst day.
Smackdown however when further examined is also a fucking mess. Their undercard is in shambles right now and they've got the wrong people feuding in the wrong places. Jericho should not be caught up with a mid card title. Mysterio should be moving through the mid card with that helping younger talent get over...not feuding with least yet.
Both shows are missing their mega draws right now in HHH, HBK and Taker. Hopefully when they return we'll see a little balance restored to the brands. WHICH of course is not a good thing at all, because two of these guys are the reason new talent is being built, since they're the ones rumored to leave. You see, this is supposed to be a year of bebuilding but everyone is still looking to the same guys to make the show happen.
May I ask why Jericho can't feud for the IC Title? May I remind you he's one of the most prolific IC champions of all time? The whole point is to make the title mean more, and obviously it's doing a good job. Jericho has feuded over that title many times over his career, even when being a main eventer. It's not a step back at all. Also, your Batista bashing is getting quite lame. I'm with you in the sense that SD has outperformed Raw many times over the past week, I've said it alot, but Batista is a massive draw. He's probably the onyl thing holding the show together (of the faces, I mean), and him and Orton are carrying that show, and delivering the only bright spots on it.
Bottom line: Batista>you :shifty: lol.


Batista isnt awful ok. In fact i like him more than cena, but Batista has to get his mic skills going or he will just be known for being a cheesy dick on the mic. I actually cringe when hes on mic its just awful.