From a hosue show. Wyatt Family vs Ramei Sabei (El Generico) and Kassius Ohno. Sabei again sporting different gear. This makes it seem even more to me like they are trying different things out with him before deciding on what to do exactly. He still worked really well in this match and doesn't seem to have a problem getting the crowd going. Ohno also seems to be working as a face. Smart move in my opinion since NXT lacks main event faces and Ohno/Hero always worked better as a cocky face. I loved his interacting with the crowd in this one.
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From a hosue show. Wyatt Family vs Ramei Sabei (El Generico) and Kassius Ohno. Sabei again sporting different gear. This makes it seem even more to me like they are trying different things out with him before deciding on what to do exactly. He still worked really well in this match and doesn't seem to have a problem getting the crowd going. Ohno also seems to be working as a face. Smart move in my opinion since NXT lacks main event faces and Ohno/Hero always worked better as a cocky face. I loved his interacting with the crowd in this one.
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