WWE Superstar Zack Ryder spoke with Smacktalk Radio Live this week. Ryder confirmed rumors that he’s frustrated with his current role in WWE:
“I mean, absolutely but I think with every superstar, not just me, you can never be satisfied with your position, you can never be satisfied with where you are on the card. If you get in this business, you should want to be at the top, and I’m not at the top yet. So, I’m going to be frustrated until I’m there, and when I’m there I’ll probably want to be even better so I’ll be frustrated then, but that’s how it works, that’s how you get better, that’s how you become the best.”
Looks like a healthy view Zack has if you ask me. A little bit of frustration is needed to push a wrestler forward and he doesn't seem as consumed by it as the original interview might have wanted it to seem.