since we found out tonight that Cena will apparently be back at Hell in a Cell, I would say they could launch right into a feud between Bryan and Cena over the WWE Championship. But, it wouldn't make much sense, as Cena will apparently be chasing Del Rio and the WHC (???????).
Makes me wonder if they're setting up a unification match between the WWE Champion and the World Heavyweight Champion at Wrestlemania? Or not. I guess it's a good thing that I can sit here and speculate all I want. Because all it is is speculation. I have no clear idea where they go from here. I figured Punk-Ryback would be over after the match they had at Battleground. Tonight, they set up the suggestion that there might be another Punk-Ryback match at HIAC, but maybe not, as we got the tag match between Punk/Truth and Ryback/Axel. Then, there's a growing rumor saying that Punk will be the next guy introduced to represent the "Corporation" against Daniel Bryan, which, to me, makes less sense than putting Ryback against Bryan next.
The short answer is: I got no clue...but, honestly, that's a refreshing change to me, after years of predictable booking on top of predictable booking with a side of predictable booking.
I hate to admit it, but the current product actually makes me :yay: