Prince Bálor's RPW/NJPW Journey
Destination: Uprising
Date: 10/2/15
The Revolutionists vs TenKoji was a solid show opener. **½
There wasn't much to this match. It wasn't bad, but still, nothing to get excited about. TenKoji got their trademark stuff in, then the heels took over.
One of their heel tactics consist of freakin' scarf choking, and Kojima sold it like a MF. Ultimately, Castle/Samuels picked up the win (no, stolen the win!) via low-blow and a really poorly executed belt shot on Kojima. Oh, well.
Martin Kirby vs ACH was a good, fun contest. ***¼
This was much better than the opener. I'm not familiar with Kirby, but I'm familiar with ACH, so I thought I was in for a fun match. And, I was right.
I liked the match, there was some comedy, it flowed well and it was enjoyable overall. Christopher Daniels' son won with a Fameasser.
Poor Tomoaki HonmACH, the guy loses everywhere he goes.
Nakamura vs Big Damo was good, all things considered. ***
The first half of the match was boring, because Damo's heat segments are monotonous and I felt the match took ages to get going.
The second half of the match was very good, though, and I was ready to praise this match, despite being mediocre in the beginning.
But, then we got to see two horrific looking neck bumps. Those were really scary moments. I was like "Holy crap, is he alive?!", and that was when Damo took Naka over for what was supposed to be a Reverse Suplex, but Damo tripped and ended up hitting an Elevated Reverse DDT.
Naka looked like he'd landed right on his head. That, right there, was either a massive botch or the realest move and sell I've seen in my lifetime.
It definitely took me out of the match to a degree. However, Naka hit a Bome Ye, but Damo kicked out at one. Then, we got another horror bump when Naka actually lifted Damo up for his Inverted Powerslam, but Damo's head couldn't make a full rotation as his body did and I surely thought his neck was broken.
He somehow managed to get back into a kneeling position and eat another Boma Ye for the three count. Post-match, Damo refused medical help and got a standing ovation for his efforts.
- Speaking of standing ovations, the NJPW ref, Tiger Hattori, entered the ring to officiate the following match and received one himself.
Tanahashi & Liger vs Okada & "Super Nice Guy" Gedo was rock solid. **¾
The crowd went unglued for this tag match and everyone seemed to be having a good time.
We got Tana/Okada interactions ahead of the WK main event, and the junior vets in Gedo and Liger also got their spotlight to shine. I remember laughing so hard early in the match when Gedo wanted to shake hands with Liger, which Liger refused, much to Gedo's dismay, and then Gedo would go on to say "Come on, shake my hand! I'm a super nice guy." Anyways, Tana and Liger won when Tana hit the High Fly Flow on Gedo.
O'Reilly vs KUSHIDA was great and MOTN. ****¼
This was a rematch from the BOSJ finals, but won by O'Reilly this time around. Everything was crisp and laid out well here, but the BOSJ match was better.
Post-match, KUSHIDA was frustrated and a rubber match was teased. If a third match does occur, then I’d love to see it happen in ROH.
A best of three series happening on three different continents would be awesome!
Naito vs Mark Haskins was stellar and enjoyable. ***¾
Man, Naito was born to be a heel. He was playing up his heel NJPW persona here and I loved it. When his music hit, the crowd went nuts, but then he came out and just stood there, and cheers were turning to boos. Then he started walking towards the ring, but his actual walk would even make the Undertaker impatient. Naito's antics continued throughout the match, I mean, he had the crowd in the palm of his hand. Haskins' work against Naito was good and reminded me of how Shibata should've acted at DIK. Ultimately, Tetsuya "Zero Fucks Given" Naito won with Destino.
Post-match, Naito continued to be a dick and kept spitting at the crowd and stomping Haskins.

Josh Bodom vs Jimmy Havoc was a good no DQ match. ***¼
Apart from them brawling in the crowd, hitting each other with objects, they didn't do much to make this special.
Highlight of the match was when Havoc took the monitor from the announcers' table and wedged it 'tween two turnbuckles only to be on the receiving end of it. Bodom just threw him head first into it. The anti-climactic finish came when Bodom ran backstage, where Havoc followed, but it was all a trap, as Bodom's stablemates attacked Havoc. After they forced him back to the ring, Samuels hit a Spinebuster on Havoc onto thumbtacks, thus allowing Bodom to retain the title. Oh, and Jimmy Havoc's balls must be made of steel, that staple gun shot was just brushed off like it was nothing.
AJ Styles vs Marty Scurll vs Will Ospreay was a great ME. ****
Man, this was a ton of fun. Styles spent the first half of this match on the outside, letting Scurll and Ospreay put on an absolute clinic in the ring. I'm already a fan of Scurll and Ospreay! So, after AJ got back into things, the match was filled with innovative spots and a lot of nearfalls. I was on the edge of my seat during the finishing stretch, it was so exciting. Scurll had AJ in the Chickenwing for a good amount of time, but Will broke it up with a Springboard Cutter, followed by AJ grabbing Will, hitting the Styles Clash and scoring the win to retain his title!
OVERALL THOUGHTS: First off, this was my first time watching anything related to RPW and it was enjoyable, I must say.
It was an easy 3 hour show to sit back and watch. However, if you're looking to cherry pick, then I recommend O'Reilly/KUSHIDA and the ME.