CT Styles

My computer's hard drive crashed and I need a new license for my photoshop so I can't make shit. So..
*Theme: 2009 Royal Rumble
*Colours: Black, White, etc. Darkish.
*Person(s): Not too fussed on how many or who you choose, just as long as it's one of the following. Edge, Randy Orton, Undertaker, CM Punk, Jeff Hardy
*Text: WWE Presents (Small Writing) Royal Rumble
Font: Whatever suits.
*Size: Poster
Pics: See Persons.
Name placement: Whatever suits.
*Theme: 2009 Royal Rumble
*Colours: Black, White, etc. Darkish.
*Person(s): Not too fussed on how many or who you choose, just as long as it's one of the following. Edge, Randy Orton, Undertaker, CM Punk, Jeff Hardy
*Text: WWE Presents (Small Writing) Royal Rumble
Font: Whatever suits.
*Size: Poster
Pics: See Persons.
Name placement: Whatever suits.