Roode vs EY: Next Week, A New #1 Contender is Decided!

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May 20, 2014
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Last week, IMPACT ended in controversy as Bobby Roode and Eric Young escaped 6-Sides of Steel at the exact same moment. TNA fans across the globe have been asking what will happen and who is the real #1 Contender. On Wednesday night’s IMPACT, we got the answer from Executive Director Kurt Angle!

After meeting with both men, it was revealed that the only fair solution was to schedule one more match. On next Wednesday’s IMPACT, it will be Bobby Roode vs Eric Young - one–on-one, with the #1 Contender spot on the line. Win the match, and you are the next challenger for Lashley’s TNA World Heavyweight Championship.

“I’ve got all the respect in the world for Bobby,” ’Showtime' told, “he’s one of my best friends and he’s one of the best wrestlers in the world. However, next week, I’m going to be better. It’s going to be a tough match and, truly, the best man will win. Not only that, whoever wins will be the next World Heavyweight Champion. Bank on it!”

Bobby Roode also commented, “Eric Young and I go way back. Hell, we started in the business together. I know what he’s capable of and I respect him more than nearly anyone I’ve ever met. He’s one hell of a wrestler. But, next week, I will prove once again why I am the IT Factor of Professional Wrestling. Bobby Roode will be your new #1 Contender – and I will have earned it with a victory over one of the best in the biz. One thing’s for sure though, Lashley’s got his hands full with whoever wins.”

Both men have immense respect for one another and both have proven that they are dominant forces in TNA. Next week, get ready for one of the hardest fought matches in TNA history! Bobby Roode vs Eric Young, the winner will get a shot at Lashley’s TNA World Heavyweight Championship.


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