A lot or this shit happens because WWE's product is utter shit. And, they love to force things onto the fans. This is why fans will boo guys like Roman out of the building. It's not that they "hate" Roman. It's reactionary because no one likes to be forced to do anything. We have talent like Ambrose, Rollins, and Cesaro; yet, WWE feels that even though these guys will get cheered far more than Roman and the crowd love feels more natural, the bulky good-looking reigns deserves the top spot. It's garbage.
Fuck part timers isn't always true. Look at the Rock and Brock. Always work for them. I don't think people felt that the rock was a dick for not being at every house show lol. I never heard that really, besides cena saying he's never around. And he did that to simply build a feud. Plus, the rock explained why he's not.
Vince and crew should give a shit about the crowd and what they think. It's their meal tickets. Eventually, it will catch up with them. If they keep pushing things down people's throats and keeping the product garbage.
All in all, I think fans get bored, frustrated, and sick of the product so occasionally they boo and take over a show. I don't fucking blame them. As you said, the product is garbage more often than not. Some fans suck and always will suck, but I blame WWE for a lot of the crowd reactions. It's like they're asking for it.