Kayfabe Robert Blake: The Complete Anthology - Episode Two - Feuds

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The Game
Apr 14, 2016
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*Ryan Blake is back in the filming room for episode two of the complete anthology of Robert Blake.*

Ryan Blake: We're going to take a look at Robert's first feud in TWF. We all know feuds are the main talking points of wrestling. This was the first feud Robert would partake in, and many people liked it, but a few people thought it was shit. Anyway, it started with Robert Blake stalking Tyson Frost. Robert wanted Tyson to join the saviors, and I was the leader of the Saviors at the time. Anyway, this whole thing escalated very quickly since Tyson attacked me, and he ended up injuring me which caused me to leave as the leader of the Saviors. Robert took control and he went after Tyson so much harder. It wasn't attacks anymore, but it was mental games. Robert went to Tyson's house and really started messing with Tyson. Tyson knew Robert could enter his house that easily, and that has to break something in a man. He knew he couldn't protect his family, so he decided to take Robert up on his offer. What other way could he end things?

*Ryan Blake smiles as he continues to talk*

Ryan Blake: The match was set for Hell In A Cell, and Robert would leave TWF if he lost, but Tyson would be forced to join the saviors if he lost. However, I want to talk about a match that happened a week before the PPV event. It was Robert Blake and Jay Sparks VS Tyson Frost and Lukey. Both Lukey and Jay Sparks were also in a feud. I'm bringing this up because a lot happened in this match. Jay Sparks tried to ditch Robert in the ring after he got hit with a finisher, but Robert kicked out. Jay Sparks didn't know what to do, so he just decided to continue on with the match hoping Robert didn't see. Robert Blake ended up picking up the win by pinning another former World champion in Lukey. He has now pinned both Randy Borton and Lukey. Everyone knew he was getting a World title shot soon.

*Ryan Blake begins to drink some water. He begins to speak once again*

Ryan Blake: Anyway, Tyson Frost VS Robert Blake went down in the cell, and many people agree it was a complete fight. Both men went at each other with no remorse. We all need to remember that Robert attacked Tyson's wife the week before, so Tyson really beat on Robert in this match. Tyson ended up making a mistake which did cost him the win. Robert Blake won the match, and Robert was the new owner of Tyson's contract. Robert would then play his mind tricks on Tyson, but Tyson was broken. Everyone wanted Tyson to attack Robert, or even talk shit about him, but he wouldn't do anything. Robert could say "I'm going to break your arm, and you're going to thank me for it" and Tyson wouldn't say a thing. Anyway, the feud wasn't over, but we'll cover the rest in the next episode. Robert Blake still remembers what Jay Sparks did to him, and now he has more power than ever. Jay Sparks wasn't getting out of this one.
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