*The camera shows Ryan Blake sitting on a chair in a filming room. He seems relaxed and a little happy. Ryan Blake begins to speak to the camera*
Ryan Blake: Today we will remember my brother and his greatest achievements. I'm sure you all know that he died due to surgery, but we all know he would want this. Yes, my brother knew he was the best at his time, but he didn't allow that to impact his life outside the ring. He was actually very humble, but he would never break his character inside the ring. We all know he was great at his job, and that's why he went on to win those World titles. I see people always thinking about what he would've done if he didn't pass away, but he was the most successful new star of all time. People seem to forget last year was his first year as a pro wrestler, and he was a Exodus World champion, Precision World champion, TWF IC champion and the Precision Iron Man champion. Let's not forget his 4 month reign as Exodus Wold champion. The purpose of this documentary is to show you all who the real Robert Blake was. We're going to start with his debut match with Randy Borton. I actually don't really remember this match, so let's take a look at it.
*The match between Robert Blake and Randy Borton begins to play. It is a back and forth 15 minute match, but Randy makes a mistake, and Robert takes advantage by hitting a superkick catching Randy in the air. Robert Blake picks up the win after 15 minutes of competitive action. The fans are in shock that this new guy has beat the former two time World champion on his debut. Robert Blake leaves the ring first while Randy is left in the ring dazed from that match ending superkick.*
Ryan Blake: This match was interesting. This was when no one knew his name or who he was. He was titled as "Unknown" and he wouldn't reveal himself as Robert until his first month in TWF was completed. But yeah, having your debut match with a former World champion? You would be shitting yourself big time. However, it was a perfect place to show everyone who he was. I'm not going to lie, but Robert has big doubts about this match. You see, he didn't really get along with Randy, but that probably gave him that last burst of energy to get the win. TWF clearly was invested into Robert since he had crazy amounts of talent. This match took place 3 months before the shut down of TWF. I can say this match made him a big star. I mean, who wouldn't be the main attraction after beating a World champion? However, he still wasn't ready. He still needed me to talk for him as the leader of the Saviors, but he was growing with skill each day. I knew he would be able to take on leadership, and I could go to the job that was waiting for me backstage. In the next few episodes we'll be looking at his rise and his feuds with Jay Sparks and Tyson Frost.
Ryan Blake: Today we will remember my brother and his greatest achievements. I'm sure you all know that he died due to surgery, but we all know he would want this. Yes, my brother knew he was the best at his time, but he didn't allow that to impact his life outside the ring. He was actually very humble, but he would never break his character inside the ring. We all know he was great at his job, and that's why he went on to win those World titles. I see people always thinking about what he would've done if he didn't pass away, but he was the most successful new star of all time. People seem to forget last year was his first year as a pro wrestler, and he was a Exodus World champion, Precision World champion, TWF IC champion and the Precision Iron Man champion. Let's not forget his 4 month reign as Exodus Wold champion. The purpose of this documentary is to show you all who the real Robert Blake was. We're going to start with his debut match with Randy Borton. I actually don't really remember this match, so let's take a look at it.
*The match between Robert Blake and Randy Borton begins to play. It is a back and forth 15 minute match, but Randy makes a mistake, and Robert takes advantage by hitting a superkick catching Randy in the air. Robert Blake picks up the win after 15 minutes of competitive action. The fans are in shock that this new guy has beat the former two time World champion on his debut. Robert Blake leaves the ring first while Randy is left in the ring dazed from that match ending superkick.*
Ryan Blake: This match was interesting. This was when no one knew his name or who he was. He was titled as "Unknown" and he wouldn't reveal himself as Robert until his first month in TWF was completed. But yeah, having your debut match with a former World champion? You would be shitting yourself big time. However, it was a perfect place to show everyone who he was. I'm not going to lie, but Robert has big doubts about this match. You see, he didn't really get along with Randy, but that probably gave him that last burst of energy to get the win. TWF clearly was invested into Robert since he had crazy amounts of talent. This match took place 3 months before the shut down of TWF. I can say this match made him a big star. I mean, who wouldn't be the main attraction after beating a World champion? However, he still wasn't ready. He still needed me to talk for him as the leader of the Saviors, but he was growing with skill each day. I knew he would be able to take on leadership, and I could go to the job that was waiting for me backstage. In the next few episodes we'll be looking at his rise and his feuds with Jay Sparks and Tyson Frost.