Road to Wrestlemania

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Its not that far away and generally now is the time they start gearing up, and putting matches together for WM. What do you think is going to happen over the next 4 months? How long will Batista/Orton hold their belts. Who's goin to win the rumble. Who should Jericho fued with? Provide a detailed run down of how you would book the following months and WM 24.

Mine will be coming soon.


Oct 9, 2007
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I love the idea that Jericho is back but I'm not a fan of him stepping right into the title picture. I believe Jericho's a great talent and that he's well over with the fans but can he headline Wrestlemania? From a business perspective I mean. Jericho cannot lose his matches coming back so if they go at it at Armageddon (Orton/Jericho) it should end in a DQ? So if Jericho then wins at the Rumble I see Jericho/HHH/Orton because well it somewhat makes sense and I'm too lazy to delve into why I think that, maybe i'll write more later.

Other things I see happening:
If HHH isn't in the ME then HHH/J. Hardy
Kennedy/HBK can be great if they pull this feud till Mania but I doubt it.
By that time Matt should be back so maybe culminate his feud with MVP
Punk/Burke I hope.

I'll think some more and edit this later.


Im still thinking on this one, but you'd have to assume Lashley will make a big return and play a big role. Raw is lacking heels, thus i could see someone turning in the near future.


This isn't going to be too detailed...but I might add to it later. I'll just focus on the Raw main event for now.

On Raw, I would have Orton continually duck Jericho, and refuse to defend the belt against someone who was fired two years ago. Orton would make a deal that if Jericho pinned Orton in a non title tag team match at Armaggedon, he would get a future title shot. Regal's music hits, he doesn't appreciate Orton making matches but he does like the idea. He would also like to introduce their tag team partners. Orton's partner will be Mr. Kennedy and Jerico's partner will be none other than Shawn Michaels.

Orton/Kennedy vs Jericho/HBK

HBK and Jericho dominate. Orton, well aware of the stipulation, tags out to Kennedy everytime Jericho enters the ring. Kennedy walks out on Orton. He has had enough. Orton tries to run off but is chased down by Jericho and thrown back in the ring. Jericho hits the lionsault on Orton. 1...2...HBK comes in and pulls Jericho off Orton. Jericho stands up and pushes HBK. HBK hits Sweet Chin Music on Jericho. HBK Turns around...RKO on Michaels. Orton wins by pinfall at 20:34.

Orton comes out the next Monday to gloat. Since none of the top dogs on Raw could beat him, he says he isnt going to be wrestling at the Rumble, but will be scouting the competition or lack thereof. Regals music hits. There is no way the WWE champ is going to be out of action on one of the biggest PPV's of the year. The first match at the Rumble will be Michaels vs Jericho with the winner going on to battle Orton for the title and the loser being the first entrant into the Royal Rumble main event. The next several weeks, HBK and Jericho take turns sending a message to Orton.

Royal Rumble
Jericho vs Michaels

A very even match. HBK hits sweet chin music on Jericho. Jericho kicks out at 2.5. Walls of Jericho on HBK but HBK gets to the ropes. HBK's knee seems to be hurt. He goes for a second SCM, but its reversed by Jericho. Michaels taps out at 15:45

Orton vs Jericho
Orton works on a cut on Jericho's head suffered during his first match. Jericho is bleeding excessively. Ref bump..Orton goes for the RKO, its blocked by Jericho. HBK runs in and looks as if he is about to super kick Orton. He turns around and delivers one to Jericho. Orton stand there smiling. Super kick on Orton. HBK leaves the ring. A second ref comes in and counts to 10. Double countout. Match ends in a draw at 16:32.

Royal Rumble match
HBK cleans house as the number one entrant. Midway through the rumble he is the only one standing waiting on next entrant. Its none other than HHH. HHH and HBK stare down. They grab a mic and start to do the the whole DX skit. HBK fakes SCM on HHH. They laugh.....until....Pedigree on Michaels. HHH tosses Michaels out of the ring. He gets back on the mic. Says no hard feeling Shawn but this is about the WWE championship. HHH cleans house until the last and final entrant comes to the ring. Its the Undertaker looking for his second straight Rumble win. Pedigree on HHH but Taker kicks out. Tombstone on HHH but HHH kicks out. Taker sets up for the last ride. Tosses HHH right out of the ring. Taker wins the Rumble at 60:45.

The next night on Raw eberyone is well aware of the fact that Taker will be facing Edge at Wrestlemania. The only problem is who will be taking on Orton at WM. Vince comes out and announces that there will be a fatal fourway at No way out to determine the number one contender. HHH vs HBK vs Jericho vs Orton. If Orton wins he gets to pick his challenger.

No Way Out
Orton vs HBK vs HHH vs Jericho

They all gang up on Orton in the first 10 minutes. Each hits a finisher on him and they toss him out of the ring. Its now down to HHH/HBK and Jericho. The momentum goes back and forth, noone seems to be able to get the upper hand. Orton has come to his feet on the outside and sneaks into the ring. RKO on Jericho...RKO on Michaels. Orton goes for the cover but he is pulled to the outside by Triple H. Meanwile, HBK sets up for SCM on Jericho..he misses..hits the ref. The ref is down. HHH reaches under the ring. Pulls out the trusty sledge hammer. He takes out Orton, Jericho, and Michaels. Goes for the cover but theres no ref. He tries to get the ref to his feet, but Orton stalks HHH in the background. He goes for the RKO on HHH, but its blocked. Pedigree on Orton. HHH wins at 30:45. and is the new number one contender.

In the weeks leading up to Mania. Orton plays the scared chicken shit heel. He mostly stays in the background ordering HHH to take on wrestler after wrestler. HHH is full blown tweener at this point as he decimates all comers.

Orton vs HHH

Orton gets the early advantage due to low blows and other heel tactics. HHH is mostly playing it clean. Orton gets HHH up on the top rope. Super RKO on HHH. But Orton can't cover in time. HHH kicks out at 2.5. Orton sets up for the punt to the head. HHH rolls to the outside to avoid it. HHH comes up with the trusty sledge hammer. The ref grabs it as HHH is about to use it. HHH argues with the ref. When he turns around he walks righ into another RKO. Triple H kicks out again. Orton can't beleive it. He knocks out the ref and grabs the hammer and attempts to get himself DQed. He goes to nail HHH with the sledge. Triple H ducks it and reverses it into the Pedigree. Pedigree on the sledge hammer. Triple H wins via pinfall at 34:50.

The Rated R CMStar

I dont see that possible for a series of reasons: No Way Outs main event is bigger than any Mania main event, so thats not happening. Besides, Takee winning RR two weeks in a row isnt good to me. In fact, to give a detailed calendar, we first need to know where is the HHH/Jeff Hardy things is going as well as the Jericho Orton thing. But, in my opinion, the RR would very well be between Jericho and Triple H. As for Smackdown, Batista will lose his title soon, probably to Edge, and he will play the I want my title back thing being a favorite to the Rumble, he will then be screwed out of the title match, and we have ourselves Batista vs ? at WM, and we are free to go to Edge vs Taker at WM, who in my opinion, is a close call


Sep 6, 2007
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i think this years wrestlemania will be good i mean Lashley returning could come back and screw Batista out of his title and them two go at wrestlemania


Active Member
Aug 13, 2007
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Whooo hoo id love everything to happen that cena mark put down that would be a well good booking and trips gets title even beta :). But id like to see Jeff milling around and been involved in summat big at Wm. And even tho id love to see HHH get title i dont think he will.(and b4 i say this next bit i can hear the HHH haters now YEAH like he will do that)but for some reason i get the impression that he gonna hang back a bit and let the spotlight shine on Orton Jericho hbk for a while, dnt get me wrong he gonna b involved in main event stuff but i get feeling he taking a back seat for awhile at the mo, maybe help Jeff with bit of a rub i know Jeff really over but cant harm his cause working with trips can it

Great One

I like CM's prediction, except the fact of Undertaker winning the Royal Rumble. Undertaker should go into WM the champion this time and Edge should win the Royal Rumble. Also, like CMS said, how long is the Triple H/Hardy program gonna be? You could see a possible return of heel Triple H here.


I see Chris Jericho feud with Randy Orton, and Shawn Michaels adds in as well, on the other side a strong Umaga and Triple H feud builds up. The Royal Rumble arrives and Chris Jericho eliminates HHH to win the Rumble, we see a Triple Threat at No Way Out, Jericho vs. Shawn vs. HHH (HHH is the Champion by that time) and Jericho wins the Match at No Way Out! WrestleMania 24, We have Jeff Hardy win the Money in the Bank Ladder Match and in the Main Event Triple H vs. Chris Jericho - WWE Championship which Chris Jericho wins, that's all I want from Mania' this year!


Apr 24, 2007
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I think its going to be Bobby Lashley returning at te Royal Rumble to win the Rumble itself, like Triple H did in 2002. Then its going to be Orton losing the title to Bobby at WM24.

Also i think its going to end up being Batista, Edge and Rey Mysterio in a Triple threat for the world heavyweight title at Mania.

Plus, the Undertaker vs. Umaga at Wrestlemania. Undertaker 16-0


Alright heres, what i got...I kinda cheated a bit.

Armageddon: Shane helps Orton retain the wwe championship Over Jericho

Royal Rumble: Edge wins the World Championship, Lashley returns to eliminate MVP from the Royal Rumble. The Rumble comes down to Batista, HHH, and Flair. Ric Flair tosses HHH and Batista over, much like 92. Goes onto WM. M. Hardy wins US Title.

No Way Out: Umaga Challenges anyone in the world at WM. Rey Mysterio wins a Battle Royal to challenge the ECW champ. RVD Returns.


Double Main Event

Batista vs HHH vs ORton vs Ric Flair for the WWE Championship

Edge vs Taker HIAC

HBK vs Kennedy Last Man Standing

Chris Jericho vs Shane Mcmahon

Bobby Lashley w/ Cena vs MVP

Punk vs Rey vs RVD for ECW championship

Jeff vs Matt Hardy for US title

Umaga vs THE ROCK

I didnt really give a detailed lead up to these matches, but most is explained.


Nov 12, 2007
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montana id love for that to happen but i heard rumors of rvd signing with tna...u hear anything about thiss

The Rated R CMStar

Montana, I am sorry but that is never going to happen. The Rock will not have a match and if for some reason, hell freezes over and returns for one match, it would be certainly not against Umaga. As for the Ric Flair thing, one of the reasons he was out of WWE was because he wanted a big storyline in his goodbye, so winning the Rumble and a Four Way Evolution Match makes sense, but it would be interesting to see if booking goes all that far to give him the Rumble


Yea, thats just how i would book it.

And i can almost guaran damn tee the Rock will be at mania. Now i can't say he will wrestle for sure, but i would assume he would have a role in the show. And you don't think he would face Umaga?? You do know, he's related to Umaga. The wwe wouldn't stick the rock in a huge fued for such a short term return. Rock vs Umaga works.


Here is my complete Mania Card, its not a dream card or anything..just what I think will happen;

WWE Championship
Orton vs HHH

World Heavyweight Championship
Edge vs Taker

Jericho/Batista vs Kennedy/Lashley

Retirement Match
HBK vs Flair w/The Rock as Guest Ref

Womens Championship
Mickie vs Beth

ECW Championship: Hardcore Rules Fatal Fourway
CM Punk vs Shelton Benjamin vs Morrison vs Elijah Burke

John Cena Promo

MITB Match
Hardy vs Hardy vs MVP vs Umaga vs Rey vs Finlay