Kayfabe Rising up the food chain

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The Lunatic Fringe
Feb 1, 2017
Reaction score
Marbella, Málaga, Spain
*Camera's are set backstage with a long black trench coat hung up by a hook, slow footsteps getting louder and louder, closer and closer to the hook. A figure stops and looks at the coat whilst having a custom made black skull microphone. The crowd realise who this is and begins to boo. Yuri slowly lifts the trench coat off the hook and begins to wear it. Lights go black and camera cuts. Very confused faces begin to appear on the crowds faces until Yuri's music hits.*

*Yuri Black appears and walks into the ring with a smug face, still showing off his custom microphone. He enters the ring and begins to speak*

Yuri Black: Why are you guys so surprised? I told you all, I told every single one of you that doubted me that I can prove myself right and that I can beat that Kidd in a one on one. I'm not like Michael Kelly, who might I add, lost again in a one on one. I'm beginning to think if I should even face the guy at Viewers Choice, I wanted a challenge, all he is showing is weakness. But then again, I do want to gain vengeance over the fact he costed me a win at my debut. You see, I've not only proved to you guys, but to the General Manager, as I have now got a match with not just any pathetic superstar, but the Intercontinental Champion. So, let's say he can see the talent and potential I bring. I destroyed that Kidd guy in a blink of an eye, I'm not expecting something like that with the champion, well I hope not because if that's the case, that would be embarrassing to have a weak champion on this show. But I'll tell you this now "Champ", my momentum is high, and I will pick up a win and continue my momentum at Viewers choice, even though beating you doesn't clarify a championship opportunity, but it will be in your mind that I have beaten you. So champ, why not come out here and defend yourself.

Chicken McDouble

The Architect
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
United Kingdom

*A few seconds after Yuri Black has finished speaking, the Intercontinental Champion's music hits and he gets mixed reactions with mainly boos. Will walks out, but not in his ring gear, he is wearing the same suit jacket and jeans from 2 weeks previous, along with his Intercontinental Championship around his waist. Will seems visually annoyed as he walks down the ramp and gets in the ring requesting a microphone.*

"I didnt want to come out here... but you've forced me to come out here, I could have been still been in my locker room resting up for my match and the contract signing tonight, but it seems that I can't get what I want. Yuri, you share the same name as my cousin and 1/2 of the Tag Team Champions... but the difference is that he knows how to wrestle and if he wanted, he could come out here and snap your leg right in two. I mean... there is no question here at all, I will beat you. I'm the Intercontinental Champion for a reason, i'm not losing to someone like you... but I tell you this, you've got respect for me and that I like. If you want to show me your talent and potential, then you will do that in our match tonight, however, I'm being honest here, I don't see any potential in you at all."

*Will drops the mic and shrugs his shoulders at Yuri before walking out of the ring and to the back, Black just stares down the ramp, a look of anger on his face and his intent for tonight is clear.*
End of Segment

Mentions - @Ziggity