[quote="Wacokid27, post: 813440, member: 169" ]Let me get this straight:
A guy who had a relatively short career in the WWE gave a "shoot" interview in which he basically called a multi-time, highly successful, future WWE Hall of Famer a twat.
What did he have to say about Vince?
And, okay, maybe JBL gave him the same treatment he got when he broke in down in Dallas. Word around the water cooler is that he did that to a lot of guys (Mark Henry, Miz, and Jericho have all talked specifically about Layfield....and gotten heat for it, because what happens in the locker room stays in the locker room.....in case you've never been part of an athletic venture) and the reason he got away with it is that he's a legitimate badass who can kick the shit out of most of the guys in the locker room (at least he could when he was in his prime) and he was backed up by guys like Undertaker and Ron Simmons, who came up in very similar situations (Taker came up in Dallas just like Layfield did, so....). I hate to break it to people who aren't aware of this, but you are all going to get bullied in life...and you're going to bully other people. That's the way human beings are. You'll see it (and do it) in the workplace, in the church/house of faith you join, in your social circles, everywhere you go. Bullying is as much a part of the human condition as conflict.
True it's part of the human condition to hurt people but for those who know better won't do it and dont do it.