Relationships? Fuck em.

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Active Member
Jul 2, 2007
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Downtown Atlanta
Alright, so this is how the shit went down.

Last winter (going into 11th grade) when I started getting out a little more, me and my friends Cody and Tucker went to this pretty crazy ass party. I can't really remember most of what the party was like (wink wink) but I do remember the aftermath of the party. Me, Cody, and Tucker loaded up in my Ford Taurus (WAGON LOL) with one of our friends, Andrew Nolder. Nolder was Cody's like best friend, and they lived together (Note: These kids are a year under me). Well, it was more like Nolder lived with Cody. So we also get a few more people in the car, Dyana (fine as hell) and Jeanne. Jeanne was Nolder's girlfriend. She was really quiet, I never said a word to her. That lasted about ten minutes. Then her dad called. Yelling. So I'm like Fuck. Alright where's this bitch live at so I can take her home? Nolder explains to me how to get to her house so we start heading there. Jeanne starts crying because I guess she thought she was going to get in trouble. Nolder keeps telling her to stop crying, then he starts yelling at her to stop crying. I tell Nolder to shut the fuck up yelling at his girlfriend like that, he complies. I was surprised too because I was just some scrawny nerd back then. We get Jeanne back to her house and she gets out of the car. She walks past my window and whispers "thank you." really quiet so nobody else could hear.

And that's how I met Jeanne.

August 8th, almost a year later, I start my senior year of highschool. I've grown up. A lot. I'm pretty cut, a lot of girls I NEVER thought I'd have a chance with are now the ones hitting on ME. I started hanging out with new people over the summer, and they changed me a lot. For the better. I smoke, drink, do what I want and live life to the fullest. They changed me. But anyways, I get my schedule for my first semester and I have Algebra III, Pottery I, Psychology, and Economics. I'll skip all the bullshit and get straight into it. I walk into 2nd block (Pottery) and move this chair so I can sit on a far side of this table with this guy named Beau (who's now one of my good friends). A few more people walk in and our table fills up. A few more come in, people I know. Lumz and ZK come in and sit at their own table. I want to sit by them. The teacher comes in and tells me I'm not supposed to be sitting there because there wasn't a chair there in the first place. I'm like fuck yeah, and go sit by Lumz and ZK. We're chillin, and Jeanne comes in and sits down next to us. Jeanne's pretty fine, well to me anyways. She's just really quiet. So Lumz and ZK start talking to her and I join in on the convo. Dyana comes in and sits at our table too. ZK and Lumz keep doing stupid shit and me and Jeanne just look at eachother and laugh. Every. time. After class, I walk with her in the halls.

So we're walking. "You don't go out with Nolder anymore.. Do you." Nope. She doesn't. I start to get a little excited. "Do you go out with anyone at all?" She says no and smiles. We're at an intersection in the halls, she goes left, I go straight. I'll talk to her tomorrow.
So the next day comes around and I talk to her a little more. I get her number. She likes texting, so I play along and do the whole texting bullshit. Until Lumz tells me one day. "Hey, you know she goes out with Mikey Cross, right?" I'm like wtf? She never said anything about that mother fucker. I ask her about it and she says they're just really good friends, it's nothing official. I blow it off because I'm just trying to hit it. I know they're dating but I ask her if she wants to come to a party with me on Friday. She wants to.

That Friday comes around and I call her. No answer. I call again. No answer. I call again. No answer.

Note to the reader: You're going to be seeing the above sequence occur many times.

So I'm like fuck, she must not have her phone with her. I go to the party with my friends anyways.

I ask her about ti the next time I see her. She apologizes and says this week for sure.

When we aren't in class together in school, we're texting eachother (She got her phone taken up eleven times in 4 weeks because of that LOL).

Friday comes around. I call her. No answer. I call again. No answer. I call again. No answer.

I'm like fuck lol, two weeks in a row? Shit's weak. There's gotta be some explanation for this. So I try to find out, and after a while of searching, I come to a conclusion. Dyana's trying to keep Jeanne away from me because me and her used to have a thing. All my friends agree. So we bitch out Dyana. A lot.

By now, everyone knows me and Jeanne are talking. Mikey finds out. Mikey starts talking shit to me.. over Myspace. I call the kid a smurf and to suck my dick if he's going to just talk shit to me over MySpace all the time. He shuts up. Me and Jeanne make plans to go out Friday.

Friday comes around. I call her. No answer. I call again. No answer. I call again. No answer.

What the fuck. Three weeks in a row? I thought I had changed for the better over the summer.

We finally hang out a few times, thank GOD. That shit took forever. I start really liking her. A lot.

Mikey now wants to fight me. I tell him that I really don't care. He talks more shit. I tell him that i'll kick his ass wherever he wants me to right this second. He backs down. Jeanne tells me not to kick his ass because he's Blue.

Mikey keeps trying to fight me. By now, EVERYONE knows me and this kid are "supposed to" fight, and EVERYONE knows Mikey is goin to get his shit rocked.

I meet Alissa, one of my current best friends. She walks up behind me in the hall one day "Jeanne tells me you can get shrooms?" I look at her and laugh. Yeah, I can. Alissa starts talking to me over Myspace about how cute me and Jeanne are and how happy she's about to break up with Mikey to go out with me. Ha.

Jeanne and Alissa's friend Nicolette lives downt he road from me. She starts talking to me over Myspace too, and every night I walk over there and smoke a blunt with her. Jeanne starts QQ'in like "Why do you hang out with her more than me?" and i'm just like, 'You have a boyfriend that isn't me. I don't want to hear it.' Jeanne says I'm right. Victory for meeeeee.

So I start hanging out with Alissa and Nicolette while Jeanne's off with Mikey. I start getting pretty jealous. Nicolette and Alissa start calling themselves Team Christian. I think it's funny as fuck.

Alright, so let's get to the part where it actually gets good instead of all this fuckin backstory bullshit.

It's December. Jeanne is still going out with Mikey. She doesn't want to break up with him because she knows it'll kill him. I'm kind of starting to see how Jeanne works now, she tells me what I want to hear and tells him what he wants to hear. So mid-December, we plan to go together to this New Years Eve party. She's hella down for it. The day before Christmas Eve rolls around. I get Alissa and Nicolette to come shopping with me so they can help pick out something for Jeanne for Christmas. We go to like 10000 stores and don't really find shit, but finally we go to Victoria's Secret (stfu) and I get her this little jacket for like 120 bucks. I drop off Nicolette and Alissa at Alissas house then head home. I wake up the next morning and go to the "Corner Market" or some shit that my friend Mag works at. My friend Mag happens to be one of those fine girls that I never would have expected to hit on me. But she does. I tell her the day before that I'm going up there to buy some flowers, and she said she'd give me a sick deal so I'm liek hell ya I'll be there. I get up there and buy like 12 Roses for like 7 bucks. It's all decorated and shit. I'm like hell yeah Mag this shit is gonna be tight. I leave the Corner Market and start driving to Jeannes house. I send her a text "Hey, I need your help." Jeanne always takes like 8 fuckin YEARS to reply to a text message, so like 10 minutes later I get to Jeannes neighborhood and I get a text from her. "What do you need baby?" I park a lil ways up the road from her house and go hide the roses by her garage, then run back to my car and drive off. I send her another text "I think I dropped my wallet outside your garage when I was over there last night. Check for me?" She checks. smile.gif

The next day comes. It's Christmas!! I head over to her house and give her the jacket I got her. It's like FREEZING fucking cold and she's standing outside wearing a tanktop and short shorts. So you know. I do what I gotta do and put the jacket on her. We start making out until I make her go inside because she's obviously freezing her fucking ass off. "You'll get your present on New Years." she said. Yeet.


New Years Eve comes around. I call Jeanne so we can find out what time I'm going to pick her up and shit for this party. It's currently like 3:00 PM.

I call her. Ring ring ring. Ring ring ring. Ring ring ring. Ring ring ring. No answer. Not this shit again.
I call her again. Ring ring ring. Ring ring ring. Ring ring ring. Ring ring ring. No answer. Are you fucking kidding me.
I call her AGAIN. Ring ring ring. Ring ring ring. Ring ring ring. "Christian!! Sorry baby I'm in the tanning bed!" I can hear the tanning bed buzzing so im like yeah tight, what time am I coming to get you? and shes like 7 will be good. I tell her im going to go help decorate at the party spot and help get this bonfire and shit going. she says ok and we hang up after talkin for like a minute more. Alissa calls me.
"Christian! What are you doing tonight?"
Going to Alicia's with Jeanne.
"What? Me and jeanne are hanging out tonight."
So you're coming with us then?
"I guess so!"
Cool. Peace ******.
I call Jeanne and ask her if Alissa's coming. She says yup.
I get to Alicia's and start setting up the fire pit.

Oh. I forgot to tell you. This party is going to be crazy as hellllll. I got Jaegerbombs on deck, and Alicia and them bought plent of alchohol. And you know I got the purp with me.

So Kasie, Alicia, Hannah, and a few other girls at Alicia's are all like "When are you going to get Jeanne!?" and I'm like 7. They're all like ok good I cant wait to see her! Im like ya me neither. So I go finish setting up the pit and at about 6:45, I call Jeanne.

Ring ring ring. Ring ring ring. Ring ring ring. Ring ring ring. No answer. C'mon Jeanne, pick up.
Ring ring ring. Ring ring ring. Ring ring ring. Ring ring ring. No answer.
Ring ring ring. Ring ring ring. Ring ring ring. Ring ring ring. No answer.
Ring ring ring. Ring ring ring. Ring ring ring. Ring ring ring. No answer. Wtf?
Ring ring ring. Ring ring ring. Ring ring ring. Ring ring ring. No answer.

I call her house. Her sister picks up.
"You're looking for Jeanne? She already left."
I hang up the phone.
She already left?????
I call Lumz, my boy from way up there in the story^^. Cody (my boy from WAAAAY up there in the story^) is like best friends with Mikey. Cody's having a party at his house. Mikey's there.
Lumz tells me that he wants to go to that party and see what's up. I tell him I know Jeannes there with Mikey, so Im down to go fuck this kid up. Lumz tells me he'll call me back to clarify that they're there.

He calls back.
"Yeah. Mikey's there. You know who else is there."
You don't even have to tell me bro.
"Haha aight my nig see you in a few."

Stood up on New Years.

I start heading that way. Oh wait. Road block. Weed in my pocket. Turn around, back to Alicias, Jeanne-less.

I didn't get to hook up with Jeanne that night.
I didn't get to have the New Years kiss (or anything else for that matter) that I wanted.
I didn't get to chill with my nigs that I shouldn't have blown off for some stupid ass bitch.
I didn't get to go to Cody's house and beat the fuck out of that Mikey kid.
I didn't get to start the year off the way I wanted, at all.

But you know what? I told Jeanne I forgive her. She apologized 10000000 times. She said she would have loved to be with me, but if she wasn't with Mikey he'd of known something was up. Again, I play along with her bullshit.

Last week, Mikey calls me when I just gotten in work saying "I'm gonna kick your ass just tell me where you want me to meet you." I tell him No go smurf, I'm at work til 9. he says "Then im coming up there." Lol. I'd love to see that. The 4 hours I'm at work finally ends. Mikey's been texting me THE WHOLE FUCKING NIGHT talking shit. He even said he was AT Red Robin (where I work) in the parking lot. At first I didn't want to fuck this kid up, but now he's just pissing me off. I call him when I get off work and he tells me he left and went to his girlfriends house. Fucking idiot, like I don't know who his girlfriend is or something. I go to Jeannes house and see Mikeys truck in the driveway. My friend Will (best friend who also works with me) is in shotgun. I sit there in park for a minute thinking whether or not I should go to work on this motherfucker. Then I get a text from Mikey saying, and I quote, "Bicht assd niggwer" I get out of the car and walk to the door and knock on it. Jeanne answers it. TELL HIM TO GET THE FUCK OUT HERE. "Christian my parents are home, you cant do this." GET HIM OUT HERE. "Christian!" DO IT. She kisses me and tells me to leave one more time. I do.

Me and Will go to the park in his neighborhood and start smoking a blunt. Our original plan for the post-work night. Then I get a call from my friend Jared "Dude. You're fighting Mikey? I want to see this shit. Tell me where to go." I tell him its not happening and hang up. Searock, one of Mikeys friends, calls Will and tells him that me and Mikey are going to fight, and I say then go to the soccer fields. I call Jared. Soccer fields.

Me and Will meet Jared in the subdivision White Oak right across from the soccer fields. He picked up one of my friends jack, and jareds gf brie is in the backseat. Let's do the damn thing. We go to the soccer fields and all of the guys (4 of us) get out of the car. I see Cody (yes, him again) drive by. Mikey's in the front, Searocks in the back. "Fuck this mother fucker up Christian" says Jack and Jared. Cody pulls up about 20 feet from my car and I walk up to the driver's side.

Mikey Cross, let's do this.
Cody: Man why you bring so many people!?
smurf. Theyre just watching theyve been waiting to see this shit forever. Mikey get out of the fuckin car.
Mikey (to Cody): Naw Cody theyre gonna jump me.
Cody: Yall tryna jump him!

After that, I couldn't tell you what I said. I just lost it and started screaming at these mother fuckers. Shit, I wouldn't have gotten out of the car either.

After what felt like 10 mins of yelling, Jared steps up.

Jared (to Cody): Listen motherfucker. Either Mikey gets out of the car and fights Christian 1 on 1, or I pull all you motherfuckers out the car and me and Christian fight you guys 2 on 3.

Let me tell you this: Jared can fight.

Cody says no. Jared rips the door open and Cody hits the gas and they get away. I scream some shit at them as they drive off. The next day, EVERYONE knows Mikey's bitchass got punked out.

Something I forgot to mention: Mikey does meth, coke, crack, and is a fucking IDIOT. I always tell Jeanne that she shouldn't be around that shit.

So anyways, he dropped out. Good.

Guess what I find out today? After ALL the shit I went through to finally get with Jeanne, the other day she hooked up with Searock.

Love = Bullshit.
Fuck relationships in highschool.

(Sorry this isn't the best laid out story of mine, but I'm just.. I don't even know. I don't know if I'm sad, mad, angry, depressed, or anything. I thought I was in love with that girl.)


Love sucks...We all know...and if you expect me to read that all...You must be nutz...


Active Member
Jul 2, 2007
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Downtown Atlanta
Then whya re you posting if you don't even want to read it? From what I'm told it's a great story.

Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
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Dude ok....u think thats bad....yea the whole trying to get and all this bullshit thats bad

ok few years ago I dated a girl 4 years....then like find out the bitch cheated on not to be confussed with the girl who cheated on me last year....but that shit sucks and this Mikey kid sounds gay haha...


Dec 11, 2007
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dude your 17. that kinda shit is part of life. you got pleanty of time, the game has just started.


May 31, 2007
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...well I was hoping for a more exciting ending, but was still better than doing coursework.


It just proves she ain't worth it. Now what you need to do, is if you want to fight so much, get into MMA. Lol. But seriously man, she doesn't sound like someone who you should put so much of your time into.


Feb 9, 2007
Reaction score
Then whya re you posting if you don't even want to read it? From what I'm told it's a great story.

It is a great story, and I sympathize alot with it... But after the new years ditch I would have said fuck her man.

Is Searock a stoner?

She either ditched you for him because he's not a stoner, or she thinks your a maniac for beating up Mikey and all that shit.


Feb 8, 2007
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The 'Nati
i cant believe i read that whole shit.

god damn...

i can see how your friends changed you for the better over the sumer "nig" >_>

Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
Sep 6, 2007
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Crawford County, GA
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wow lol I remember this

so any new shit going on

any new fights or new girls haha