"Yes sir, we promised you a great main event."
Live in Atlanta Georgia with Good Ol JR at commentary tonight alongside Lawler, and they announce Rock goes face to face with John Cena later tonight. And as seen during H's promo in the ring, Cole's penalty box is assembled at ringside, with caution tape around it apparently for later use.
Triple H comes out first, wearing a pair of shades for once. Maybe he has a shiner. He has a decent pop, but we know the crowd is all waiting for who else is in the building. Only when the music stops as he's in the ring does the cheering get louder. He says it's the most beat up and tired he's ever been in his life. He talks about the fans & his match last night, and the streak. He talks about never being nervous, emotional, or one who doesn't get rattled. But when the gong went off, & Taker came out, he almost hyperventilated. He says he's done that before, but never like that. He says Taker's streak is the most important thing to him and he would destroy himself to keep it intact. He says he hit him harder than any other man, beating him more than any other man, and Taker kept getting up. That they both left everything they had in that ring last night, to which the crowd gives him a large applause. H says apparently it wasn't good enough, and that a lot of people are talking about that match. He says that people call Taker the Phenom, the Dead Man, or Supernatural but he saw a man be carried out on that stretcher. He says that a lot of people are saying that Taker is done, that he won't be back, but he's not buying it. But he wanted to come out here and say one thing, he takes the shades off, looks in the camera, and says "Thank you Dead Man, you gave me the fight of my life. Thank you, here's the thing. I don't believe you won't be back. Not after what I felt last night, not after that magic, you'll be back. And when you're back, I'll be waiting." He drops the mic, poses for the crowd and leaves the ring.
JR says to Lawler that he's heard that Cole is there and he wants to challenge Lawler to a match. JR talks about Rock and Cena and we go to our first commercial break.
Back from break and JR & Lawler are talking about tonight's Raw, last night's Mania when Cole interrupts. He comes out to the stage dressed in his orange gear again, but sporting a nice shiner on his left eye. He brags about beating Lawler last night, and says that the world was talking about him last night. He talks about being as undefeated at Mania, and announces that everyone will refer to him as Mr Wrestlemania, and gets a HUGE heat from the crowd. Lawler grabs a mic and tells Cole to shut his pie hole. He says that Cole didn't beat anyone last night, and that a computer beat him. He says that he made Cole tap out, making him cry like a little girl. To which the crowd starts chanting "You tap out!". Lawler calls him a worthless jackass. Cole says that Lawler can't beat him, because Austin man handled him and Lawler took advantage of it. He challenges Lawler to a rematch. Lawler accepts and takes off his shirt, he was already in his ring gear. Cole comes down the stage, but stops and says that he wasn't talkin about a rematch with him, but with Jack Swagger, who comes out ready to go.
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Live in Atlanta Georgia with Good Ol JR at commentary tonight alongside Lawler, and they announce Rock goes face to face with John Cena later tonight. And as seen during H's promo in the ring, Cole's penalty box is assembled at ringside, with caution tape around it apparently for later use.
Triple H comes out first, wearing a pair of shades for once. Maybe he has a shiner. He has a decent pop, but we know the crowd is all waiting for who else is in the building. Only when the music stops as he's in the ring does the cheering get louder. He says it's the most beat up and tired he's ever been in his life. He talks about the fans & his match last night, and the streak. He talks about never being nervous, emotional, or one who doesn't get rattled. But when the gong went off, & Taker came out, he almost hyperventilated. He says he's done that before, but never like that. He says Taker's streak is the most important thing to him and he would destroy himself to keep it intact. He says he hit him harder than any other man, beating him more than any other man, and Taker kept getting up. That they both left everything they had in that ring last night, to which the crowd gives him a large applause. H says apparently it wasn't good enough, and that a lot of people are talking about that match. He says that people call Taker the Phenom, the Dead Man, or Supernatural but he saw a man be carried out on that stretcher. He says that a lot of people are saying that Taker is done, that he won't be back, but he's not buying it. But he wanted to come out here and say one thing, he takes the shades off, looks in the camera, and says "Thank you Dead Man, you gave me the fight of my life. Thank you, here's the thing. I don't believe you won't be back. Not after what I felt last night, not after that magic, you'll be back. And when you're back, I'll be waiting." He drops the mic, poses for the crowd and leaves the ring.
JR says to Lawler that he's heard that Cole is there and he wants to challenge Lawler to a match. JR talks about Rock and Cena and we go to our first commercial break.
Back from break and JR & Lawler are talking about tonight's Raw, last night's Mania when Cole interrupts. He comes out to the stage dressed in his orange gear again, but sporting a nice shiner on his left eye. He brags about beating Lawler last night, and says that the world was talking about him last night. He talks about being as undefeated at Mania, and announces that everyone will refer to him as Mr Wrestlemania, and gets a HUGE heat from the crowd. Lawler grabs a mic and tells Cole to shut his pie hole. He says that Cole didn't beat anyone last night, and that a computer beat him. He says that he made Cole tap out, making him cry like a little girl. To which the crowd starts chanting "You tap out!". Lawler calls him a worthless jackass. Cole says that Lawler can't beat him, because Austin man handled him and Lawler took advantage of it. He challenges Lawler to a rematch. Lawler accepts and takes off his shirt, he was already in his ring gear. Cole comes down the stage, but stops and says that he wasn't talkin about a rematch with him, but with Jack Swagger, who comes out ready to go.
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