Re: New Plan

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Sicc Nick

Jul 24, 2012
Reaction score
Andy... just shut up about the grading system aight. The turnout isn't low because we don't have a damn point system. Adding a point system isn't going to magically get people interested and wanting to start doing RPs. Scheduling things to make it easier for people to do stuff will.

So how about instead of once again like you have been ever since you came here talking about the grading system and point system "like it was in PWA" just chill with that and let's get things rolling at least. And if you lack the motivation to want to continue in ACW... ya know nobody is holding you hostage. But it really is getting irritating since things are not good and we're trying to find a schedule to make things easier and the first thing you chime in about is changing the grading system to make it like PWA... AGAIN when that is going to do NOTHING to help get people back on board.

We have been talking about this from the beginning because the e-fed was new and we knew our system was working and our e-fed was on fire. You said to give you guys a chance; well that has happened for a good 3 months now and with all the drama, and all the posts of people complaining and saying there needs a change; obviously we have given many chances to YOUR ideas, and Primetime's, and other's. Obviously the formula you guys have is not working. Hell, former PWA guys are in charge of ACW for Christ sakes. They've only been here for a quarter of the year, and they've been bumped up that fast? What you're doing is not for the best of the e-fed. Give our rating system, and all that we've been pitching to you guys a chance, just like we've given your's multiple chances to multiple "ideas." If it doesn't work - We stand corrected. If it does work; then nobody from PWA will be surprised, and maybe I can bring about 5 roleplayers from PWA who quit ACW because of ACW's stubborness back and we can have an active e-fed.