I sort of disagree. I think that Vince does care quiet a bit about the ratings. But you have to know the kind of guy Vince is. You cannot tell him anything. He believes he has a inherent predisposition as a third generation promoter that allows him to understand wrestling better than anyone else despite the fact that he never met his father before he was 12... that he considers himself a third generation promoter while insisting that he is in a different business than his grandfather and father were in... that TNA is not competition but that his contracts have no compete clauses that don't allow fired employees to work for TNA for a period of time...
The man is a walking delusion. It took the prospect of utter destruction to convince him to finally change when the Attitude Era was ushered in. He carried on for years doing poorly because he honestly believed he would be able to best WCW with his Billionaire Ted skits rather than improving his product. He still thinks that he knows what is best and he is likely befuddled that his ideas do not translate into better ratings. But Vince is not the kind of man who is going to listen to his fans and change until he absolutely has to. Instead, he believes he can just keep pounding out the product that he wants and fans are eventually going to have to begin enjoying it because... he's Vincent Kennedy McMahon DAMMNIT and he knows what is best for wrestling....uh, I mean sports entertainment...
Edit: To prove my point...take the Billionaire Ted skits themselves... the first one was completely about telling fans that WWF's product as better than WCW's and that is why fans should watch WWF. That Hogan and Savage were old so watch HBK and Hart... rather than improve his product his entire approach was to simply tell fans that his product was better... that's not someone you are going to get to listen to you very easily.