I don't mind 3 hour Raws, i just don't like it when it's not entertaining. Raw has been getting better these past few months and Raw is not actually 3 hours, it's 2hrs 30 minutes because of ads. Last week was the 1st time it actually reached the full three hours. My problem with the show is Raw just throwing together matches for no reason and showing repeats of matches. I mean what ever happened to backstage promos and vignettes? How often do we need to see 3MB get squashed by Ryback & friends? Why are Khali & Hornswoggle still on Raw? Why aren't the divas apt enough to put on good matches? How come the only developed story lines are the ones that involve part timers & main eventers? Stuff like this is what's wrong with Raw, not the three hours. If they fix these things it'll be a better show. Reducing the show to two hours isn't going to fix these things, it's just going to reduce the amount of time you have to watch these failures.