Things learned from Impact:
-Make sure the camera's off before yelling "Cut", or feel the wrath of Anderson. "Medusa" is his nickname now, that glare of his probably turned that noob director to stone.
-My motto on here should change from "gtfo old guys" to "gtfo old guys not named Dudley"
-Hardy and Angle should NOT be main eventing in 2012. With all the amazing talent in this company, these two feel like mid-carders at best.
-Joey Ryan's T-Shirt has more charisma than BVD
-No matter what the Aces and Eights does, they'll always be "those guys that Garrett Bischoff ran off"
-The IWC is behind a peeping tom and a racist drunk.
-Man, a Hogan drinking game is a really bad idea. If you want to drink every time the word "Hogan" is said, you'd waste enough money on booze to cover your hospital bill.
Anyway, an optimist is always disappointed, but a pessimist is pleasantly surprised. 7/10. Maybe 7.5 because Aces and Eights were kept to such a minimum.