Orton (c) vs. Batista vs. ???- Most likely Bryan getting there, but for some reason, I fail to see the existing chance of Bryan winning the title. Admittedly, if he wins, it would be something wonderfully special. But do I 100% believe he will walk out of Mania title around his waist? Not too sure. The match itself won't be anything special, but like I said below, it's gonna be a fun watch.
Bryan vs. Triple H- Second match I'm the most hyped for, even more than the main event if Bryan gets there. This whole story has been great, from the promos, to the beatdowns, to everthing and it all comes down to this match. Not gonna be MOTY worthy (I could be wrong though), but it's definitely going to be an extremely fun match to watch.
Lesnar vs. Undertaker- This build to this match has still been "meh" to me, and that's what I should kinda expect from two part-timers, but I did really expect the build to be a tad more special, but it doesn't really have me invested at this point. Will it still be a fucking awesome match? Hell yeah.
Cena vs. Wyatt- Number 1 match I'm the most hyped for. The whole aura of this feud and it's build has got me absolutely STOKED to see this match, especially on the grand stage that is Wrestlemaniaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Bookies have Wyatt the favorite to walk away with the victory, and I pray to god that that is the case.
The Shield vs. The Authority- Disappointed to say the least. We could have had Shield 3-way, Rhodes vs. Goldust or Cesaro vs. Swagger, any of those would have made me remarkably happy, but none of these matches are happening. All teams are badass, but I really wanted to see a split-up happen. Such a shame we get to see The Shield wasted in this match. NAO will not be able to keep up with The Shield's tempo in this match, and althought Kane has gone all Pimp Daddy lately, I doubt he could do so too. I'm going into this with low expectations, but hopefully this match surprises me.
Andre the Giant Battle Royal- Jobber, jobber, jobber, jobber.....jobber? Basically sums up this Battle Royal. Would be cool to see someone from NXT in it (preferably Zayn pls), but ultimately I see Rusev winning the "trophy", and we'll watch him carry that during a whole year. I'm so happy! Yay!
The Usos (c) vs. Real Americans vs. Rybaxel vs. Los Matadores- I'm happy with this.....I guess. Kinda randomly thrown together, but I'm hoping to see some cool spots in this.
14 Divas Championship Invitational- Apparently it works like this: All girls are in the ring. And whoever gets the pin on whoever wins the title. Kinda like a battle royal, just with pinfall. Jeez, gonna be some clusterfuck that is. Expected this to be sorta like the Cruiserweight Invitational at WMXX, but I guess not.
Overall, am I happy with this card? I guess so. Could it be better? Definitely.
BTW, what's going on the pre-show I wonder? NXT match?