Just finished watching.
The IC match match surprised me. Miz did a good job, Barrett looked great and that was an original ending. Fatal four way at MITB/SummerSlam I would love it. It was "cute" to see axel at the end of the match dedicating the title to his father. 8/10
The divas match was great for a divas match. I really hate when they start to fight like ate instead of wrestling. So many failed octopus. Kaitlyn as an actress is lame, heel turn? We will see. AJ sells like a boss 6/10
US championship. In my opinion, Ambrose is just meh inside the ring, he bring his character yeah, but I don't really like his wrestling skills. He's like any other guy. This two delivered a good match, even if at the end, Kane lost by DQ 6/10
Rio/Ziggler the match of the night. It was a pity I logged in here and I spoiled myself but , at first, I hated vince but now, it seems like the right move. Although if Ziggler's reign has ended, and he didn't defend it even once, and rio turned face like 8 months ago, the psychology Ziggler brought to the match, the action, those amazing kicks by rio etc were awesome 9/10
Punk/Y2J I like punk's beard. Really nice match, thought for a few moments, Jericho was going over Punk. But a standard finish. Nice pop for punk. Lets see if punk is face and Y2J is heel tonight. 8.5/10
DBry orton / Reigns Rollins. All of them looked strong. Predictable. Weird ending. That's all I can say. 7.5/10
Main event. Cena gettin pinned ? LOL boring match. Nice ending.looked sick from different angles. Hope we get ryback off our screens. The champ is here. 7/10
Overall: 7/10 --> 7.5/10 because of the crowd. Chicago is awesome