Rate Smackdown Live! 8/6/2019

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What did you think of Smackdown Live?

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Oct 13, 2017
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Hello everyone! and welcome to the Rate Smackdown Live and Smackdown Live Recap for August 6th! its the go home show for SummerSlam and unfortunately JacobFox is going through some rough stuff, so if you could if you havent already head over to the thread i made earlier in the locker room part of the forum and give him some love and support, he needs it right now.

As always rate in the poll above share your thoughts below, and if ya missed the show or just wanna read it anyway, you can find my Recap below! mind any grammar fails, still editing it.

Also im curious how you all feel of a 1 to 5 rateing system to make it simpler? or do you prefer it to be as it is now? leave your thoughts on that possibility in the future below aswell! and enjoy the recap!

Charlotte Kicks Off The Show

We start the show tonight with Charlotte coming down to the ring gets a mic, she says every time she steps in the ring, the fans are whitnessing greatness, she says trish sees her greatness and it eats her alive, and how she wishes she was as good as her. she ques up a video that highlights her greatness, but it instead was a highlight reel of trishes career, then trish herself comes out mic in hand.

Trish says the reason she played that video was to remind charlotte the reason shes even here, she says she wants one more match because charlotte is the embodiement of everything shes faught for, so she can prove herself for her kids and the fans, she quotes harley race saying"There is no greater feeling then being under these bright lights" she says charlotte may be the queen, but she isnt me.

Charlotte says welcome to your nightmare, and shes gonna bow down to the queen, and then Trish slaps charlotte right across the face crowds chanting one more time, charlotte just laughs and leaves.

We got Rey Mysterio backstage as he gets ready for his match, which is next.

Rey Mysterio VS Dolph Ziggler

Before the match can start Goldbergs music hits and the crowd goes nuts, the security is there and out comes dolph ziggler, he does goldbergs entrance, then here comes Rey and before he event gets to the ring ziggler sneak attacks him beats him down hits a super kick picks him up hits another for good messure, he then grabs a mic and gets in the rhing. He says another legend goes down thanks to DZ, he says all the legends can keep coming back and the results gonna be the same, he said this match will be goldbergs last.

Then Alis music hits he storms the ring and brings the fight to ziggler takes him out, he gets in the ring grabs a mic but thanks to it doing the duel screen commercial stuff, we dont get to hear what Ali said, but im sure it went something like "How dare you hurt the legends you me right now lets fight after a word from out sponsers." just kidding the match starts dureing the commercial.

ALI VS Dolph Ziggler

Starts high impact lots of stuff until ziggler knocks ali to the outside, he beats him up around the ring throws him back in the ring for the near fall but fails, then Dolph takes control and works over Ali for the rest of the commercial brake with some nice rest hold action.

We get back and Byron Saxton confirms i got it basicly right, he said dureing the break what dolph did wasnt right and he wants a fight, go me lol. Its kinda sad i guessed that but on with the match. Dolph goes for sweet chin music ali dodges with the rollup but dolph kicks out, dolph hits ali with a headbut and then sweet chin music for the pin.

We now get a recap of whats happened to Roman Reigns over the last few weeks, and up next is a roman interview. We hear from roman, next.

Roman Reigns Exclusive Interview

We got roman doing a special interview with kayla braxton, Roman says hes been through so much this year, but hes always known what was going on, but this time he doesnt know. He saysits one thing to attack him in the ring but its another to attack him backstage and hit him with a car. He says he knows Samoa Joe isnt responsible, and he apoligizes to joe which gets a nice crowd response. Roman says he isnt sure who did it but hes gonna find out tonight.

Next up we got challenger vs challenger, Natalya vs Ember Moon. But before that we get the Harley Race In Memory video package shown last night on RAW. Rest In Peace Harley.

Natalya VS Ember Moon

These two start off strong with soem good stuff, nice back and forth solid wrestling, Ember quickly sets natalya up for the eclipse but natalya rolls to the paron stops ember but ember kicks her down, dives but misses lands on her feet kicks natalya into the barricade then natalya slams ember into the ring, then locks in the sharpshooter ref starts to count and Natalya gets DQed, she keeps on holding the move in as ember taps and taps.

Bayleys music hits she comes down for the save, but she laily saves ember, lazily trying to get natalya off as she easily keeps holding on, eventually bayley puts in effort and forces natalya off of ember and natalya shoves bayley in response but natalya leaves rather then fights, and there ya go. Even when making a save bayley still came off a little heelish.

next up we got the KO Show with the best..in the wooooooo -20 minutes later- ooooooooorld...shane mcmahon.

The Kevin Owens Show

Kevin Owens says lets cut to the chase as this isnt any normal KO show so shane, get on out here, and so Kevin waits and waits, and finally shane mcmahone comes out he gets to the ring.

Kevin owens said the fans have asked why isnt shane putting his career on the line, so Kevin asks shane to put his career on the line. Shane says he will ponder that for a moment, and then says no. He says Kevins ego is out of control and thus kevin threw out the stipulation, he says let me remind you of all the ways kevin can lose and be gone forever, he says number 1 he could just pin owens, or 2 he could lock in the triangle choke, or 3 something could happen and it doesnt make the count of 10, or 4 kevin freaks out and gets himself DQed, the end result is all the same, kevin owens is gone, his career is over. And finally shane will be rid of owens.

Owens said after all these years of watching shane that shane just exposed that he has no balls, then owens drops the mic, shane says hes got those and brains, but since KO is eager to fight lets have a preview of sunday, they both destroy the set and before they fight elias comes in and both double team owens but they cant stop him, KO beats them both up, KO gets on the table tries to get shane up with him but elias stops him and gets on the table owens hits elias with astunner., afterward shane takes down owens, shane rolls the announcers table onto owens and beats him up more, he places a steel chair on the trapped exposed owens he gets a running start and dropkicks the chair into owens and walks off.

Sami Zayn Comes Out For A Chat

He says last week he offered Aleister black a gift, a service where he would beat expose and unburden him of the hype that surrounds him that he cant live up to, how does black respond? with silence, instead of responding like a man, he stays ina dark room, he says black doesnt wanta fight with sami because he knows sami will end his hype and there will be nothing left.

Then Aleisters music hits, and we get a strange camera angle of black who says this match isnt happening at summerslam, its happening right now.

Aleister Black VS Sami Zayn

Aleister hits a wicked kick as we go to duel screen commercial, Aleister hits some awesome kicks to sami on the outside and throws sami in the ring, but as black gets in sami catches him and starts beating him down, he works over Aleister in the corner Aleister gets out but Sami kicks hium and gets him into another corner, sami goes for a DDT but Aleister counters and we go back to full screen.

These two put on a decent match Alesiter is great in the ring, Alesiter sets him up hits a huge knee with intense impact, lifts his head up with his leg hits Black Mass for the win, great stuff.

Next we got shelton Bejamin, a lady asks him if he sees himself every fighting for the 24/7 title, benjamin says "Well...." then walks off..

But enough about that...becuase we're really glad that you're are friend! and this is a friendship that'll never ever end! oh yeah! its firefly funhouse time!

Firefly Fun House!

We see a bunch of food and snacks on the table and Huskis the big boy eating it all up, Bray comes in smileing, he says his summerslam opponant isnt afraid of anything, and he loves that! but just like huskis loves to stuff his face with chocolate to cover his insecuritys, hes afraid finns courage is just ignorence, afteral he just invited the fiend to his doorstep willingly! YOWIE WOWIE! Bray luaghs as things get darker, he says we have hurt for so long, and now its finns turn to hurt, the fiend is coming......let me in.

The fiend says let me in one last time as we cut to black

Kofi Kingstons Response

We get a video package of kofi replying to what randy said said, he says he got to where he is not because of randy, but in spite of him, he says its difficult to stand out in WWE, he thought he was breaking through the ceiling and everybody was on their feet, he thought he made it, but thats not how that worked out. It wasnt enough just to beat him, there was rumors that randy used his influence to hold kofi back, kofi said he worked as hard as he could, he came home every single day and wondered why he wasnt good enough. Regardless of it he had to stay positive he said, he said hed like to think hes proven hes worthy now, having to wait 11 years made him appreciate more of what he now has, the power of positivity is very real and how he lives his life, he wants to inspire people.

He used his own influence to bring people up while randy used his to bring people down, he feels beating randy is vindication, so when he beats randy and holds that title high, we will see what a super hero looks like.

Great stuff, love it. and now for our main event.

The New Day VS Daniel Bryan and Rowen

The match starts off high impact with Bryan going straight to work on woods, but woods does get the upper hand before we go to commercial

Woods tries to get some offense but Rowen hits a huge crossbody, Bryan and Rowen keep woods in the corner keeping him away from BigE and work him over a bit, some new day rocks chants as woods fights out hits a solid rolling elbow and tries to make the hot tag to BigE but Rowen gets tagged first stops him, and throws woods out fo the ring entirely, then throws him over a barricade as we go to commercial.

We come back right as Big E gets the hot tag and goes wild, but Bryan hits the dropkick to big es knee stoping his momentum, he does the yes kicks Big E counters with a rollup Bryan kicks out Big E puts bryan in a standing submission Bryan counters it into the yes lock Big E counters into a powerbomb and these two keep going at it.later on Big E hits a spear through the ropes and woods tries to do somethig simuler but he runs into some steel steps from rowen for the DQ, Bryan and woods beat up woods and big e leaves em laying.

Then we see Roman backstage he sees a door open goes inside there are a bunch of superstars, he makes them all leave except for Buddy Murphy, he confronts buddy murphy who says he doesnt know who did it, but if he did know he still wouldnt tell roman a damn thing, the two then fight roman then beats him up asking who did it demanding an answer, murphy reveals it was rowen, roman looks angry as the show goes off air.


Well, thats it for smackdown! like i said before send Jacob some love in the thread if you havent already, and if you also havent already rate in the poll above share your thoughts below, and have a great night!
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Another decent show, not too special or great. It gets a 7 out of 10 from me.

As far as changing to a 1 to 5 rating, I don't mind but I thought we went with the 1 to 10 for a better defined rating. Either way doesn't matter to me.
I was just curious what everyone thought, seeing as everything gets that that point anyway

1 being worst 2 being not good, 3 being in the middle, 4 being pretty good and 5 being great
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Death Walker

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I was just curious what everyone thought, seeing as everything gets that that point anyway

1 being worst 2 being not good, 3 being in the middle, 4 being pretty good and 5 being great
And truly, I love your ideas and your attitude towards this environment.

Thanks for YOUR support and love for Jacob, I'm sure he'll gladly appreciate it and will never forget.
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Grievous 3D

Is Currently In Stasis
Sep 30, 2016
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Townsville, Queensland, Australia
These recaps make the show seem actually watchable...
but I'm still not watching it.

I hope Charlotte makes Trish crawl around on all fours
& bark like a dog at SummerSlam.

Yes...I just said that...deal with it.

Even when she's a Champion Bayley can't do anything right...

Why is Ember Moon getting a title shot again?

So...I'm just going to leave this here...


And keep moving.



Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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So, why did they bring Ali back like this?


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2018
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I think 1 to 5 is the way to go. This show was a 3 out of 10. Had some good moments. No bad booking. Decent show.

I loved the Kofi promo package. I think it made him look like a huge star and told the story of the fued fantastically I will like to see aew tell a story as good as this.
So, why did they bring Ali back like this?
Did Ali ever go away?

Ali came out because it has been established that he has alot of respect for rey. He is also always up to wrestle and prove himself.

I didn't mind him losing. Dolph needed a win against someone who has been built up. Ali didn't lose to heath Slater. This is dolph Ziggler we are talking about. Ali is an underdog. You have to have him lose a bit.

It did seem a bit off though. Ali was going for the ic title, so it would make sense that he would go after nakamura. But I guess on this wrestling show all the stories bleed into one and crossover.

Grievous 3D

Is Currently In Stasis
Sep 30, 2016
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Townsville, Queensland, Australia
How about me and Chad Gable in an oiled jockstrap match?

And I am sorry for the comment everyone. I could not resist.

Well...if we're allowed to be that...direct...

I'd book a 2 on 1, handicap I Quit match with
myself taking on Charlotte & Lacey Evans.

Don't ever apologize Jakey-Jake...

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Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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I think 1 to 5 is the way to go. This show was a 3 out of 10. Had some good moments. No bad booking. Decent show.

I loved the Kofi promo package. I think it made him look like a huge star and told the story of the fued fantastically I will like to see aew tell a story as good as this.

Did Ali ever go away?

Ali came out because it has been established that he has alot of respect for rey. He is also always up to wrestle and prove himself.

I didn't mind him losing. Dolph needed a win against someone who has been built up. Ali didn't lose to heath Slater. This is dolph Ziggler we are talking about. Ali is an underdog. You have to have him lose a bit.

It did seem a bit off though. Ali was going for the ic title, so it would make sense that he would go after nakamura. But I guess on this wrestling show all the stories bleed into one and crossover.

Why does Dolph need to be built up though? He's the most expendable guy on the roster, facing Goldberg in a match that's best built to feel like an old Berg squash. So an Ali win would both build him up and make that match look better....

And honestly it's running at the same time as the main event. Forget the stupid IC Championship. A big part of the main event angle is "I created your path to the main event by injuring Ali". If All looks strong here, not only does it put more heat on Orton by making him look like he recklessly robbed Ali of an opportunity, but if it makes you wonder how Ali would run with the big boys in Kofi's spot, that's quite a way to build the guy up. (Especially after they got cold feet with MITB)
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Vampire Quinn

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How about me and Chad Gable in an oiled jockstrap match?

And I am sorry for the comment everyone. I could not resist.
Hahaha! I'm so not surprised that You would say that.


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2018
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Why does Dolph need to be built up though? He's the most expendable guy on the roster, facing Goldberg in a match that's best built to feel like an old Berg squash. So an Ali win would both build him up and make that match look better....

And honestly it's running at the same time as the main event. Forget the stupid IC Championship. A big part of the main event angle is "I created your path to the main event by injuring Ali". If All looks strong here, not only does it put more heat on Orton by making him look like he recklessly robbed Ali of an opportunity, but if it makes you wonder how Ali would run with the big boys in Kofi's spot, that's quite a way to build the guy up. (Especially after they got cold feet with MITB)
Your telling me the best way to have a PPV goldberg opponent is to have him lose? Ok lol


Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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Your telling me the best way to have a PPV goldberg opponent is to have him lose? Ok lol
Yeah! You arent selling a competitive match. Dolph's the most expendable guy on the roster. Make Dolph look like a goof Goldberg can crush in 30 seconds and we're good

Most of the time (see Flair, Charlotte) you'd be right.


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2018
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Yeah! You arent selling a competitive match. Dolph's the most expendable guy on the roster. Make Dolph look like a goof Goldberg can crush in 30 seconds and we're good

Most of the time (see Flair, Charlotte) you'd be right.
We're not supposed to know it's goingto be a squash