Rate Smackdown Live! 4/3/2018

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Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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Rate tonight's episode of Smackdown Live! and leave comments to let us know what you thought of the show!


out comes SmackDown General Manager Daniel Bryan to a big pop. Bryan welcomes us as fans chant his name. Bryan introduces his friend and WrestleMania 34 tag team partner next, Shane McMahon.

Shane also greets the crowd and gives them props for being loud tonight. Shane gives props to Daniel for being a role model for the way he fought to get back into the ring, something he believed in. Shane congratulates Bryan on being medically cleared to do what he loves to do and what we love watching him do. A "yes!" chant starts up now. Shane says he couldn't be more excited to be Bryan's partner at WrestleMania. Shane talks about his own health issues from the past few weeks, blaming them on Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens. Fans boo their names. Shane says he has also been medically cleared and they will give it everything they've got on Sunday. That's their promise for WrestleMania.

Bryan says there's one thing he needs to address as a man and as the SmackDown General Manager. Bryan admits he's made a lot of mistakes over the past few months, especially when it comes to Owens and Sami. Bryan says they have been friends for 15 years and he allowed that to cause problems. Shane warned him and Shane was right all along, Bryan says. Bryan apologizes. Shane thanks him and says there's no need to apologize because Shane has done some self-reflecting of his own over the past few months. Shane admits he can be hot headed and a bit stubborn at times. Bryan says one thing he has learned is what there's only one way to resolve things when partners have issues. Bryan opens his arms for a hug. Shane apologizes for the way he's treated Bryan over the past few months and offers his hand for a shake. Fans boo. Bryan says he just shook Shane's hand two minutes ago and Nashville does not want to see another shake. Fans chant "no!" when Bryan asks. Bryan asks if Nashville wants to see them hug it out and they do. Shane says he's not much of a hugger but he appreciates it. Fans boo again. Fans chant "hug it out" now. Shane finally gives in and hugs Bryan. Shane says that actually kind of worked. Bryan agrees and says they are definitely on the same page now, which is bad news for Sami and Owens. Bryan says they will get payback for what they did to he and Shane, and everything in between. Shane thanks Bryan for reinstating Sami and Owens, calls them cancers and says we won't be seeing them in a SmackDown arena after WrestleMania. Bryan asks if fans are ready to see he and Shane beat the holy hell out of Sami and Owens at WrestleMania. Fans pop and chant "yes!" as Bryan's music hits. They celebrate and share another hug.

Charlotte Flair vs. Natalya

The music hits and out comes SmackDown Women's Champion Charlotte Flair for this non-title match. We cut to a WrestleMania 34 promo for Ronda Rousey & Kurt Angle vs. Triple H & Stephanie McMahon while the SmackDown feed airs in a box on the lower left corner. The feed goes back to full-size as Natalya makes her way out. Greg Hamilton does the introductions. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and they lock up. Back and forth to start. Natalya takes control and brings Flair to the mat to work on the leg. Flair with a roll-up for a quick pin attempt. Natalya takes back control and keeps Flair grounded. Flair looks to mount some offense but Natalya shoulders her and shows off some. Natalya talks trash and they lock up again, going to the mat. Flair with a 2 count.

Flair keeps Natalya down and slams her again for a pin attempt. Natalya sends Flair into the corner but Flair rolls her up for 2. Flair keeps Natalya down on the mat now. Flair with another 2 count. Flair takes Natalya into the turnbuckles and stomps away. The referee warns her and she backs off. Flair drops Natalya on the back of her head for another 2 count. Flair keeps Natalya down with the scissors now and uses that to toss her around. Flair keeps the scissors locked and keeps Natalya grounded.

Natalya ends up on the floor for a breather but Flair follows. Flair ducks a shot and goes to work with chops on the floor. Natalya sends Flair head-first into the ring post and she goes down. Natalya stands tall as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Natalya has control in the ring after dominating through the break. Flair turns it around with an abdominal stretch. Natalya sends her to the mat. Flair gets sent to the apron but she knocks Natalya back. Flair goes to the top rope but Natalya cuts her off and drops her for a 2 count. Natalya ends up getting Flair in the surfboard submission. Flair escapes from the hold and nails a big chop, and another. Flair with more chops and a neckbreaker.

Flair runs over Natalya with a big boot as some fans cheer. Flair wastes time before covering for a 2 count. Flair misses a move and Natalya jumps on her back with a sleeper hold. Flair gets out of that and slams Natalya to the mat. Flair goes to the top for the big moonsault but Natalya gets her knees up.

Carmella's music hits and out she comes with a referee and her Money In the Bank briefcase. The original referee talks with Carmella's referee. Flair gets up and knocks the briefcase out of the ring. The contract goes flying. Carmella looks to tangle with Flair but Flair drops her with a big boot. Natalya takes advantage but this leads to Flair applying the Figure Four, then the Figure Eight for the submission win.

Winner: Charlotte Flair

-After the match, Flair stands tall with the title as her music hits. The music interrupts as Asuka makes her way to the ring for a pop. Asuka enters the ring and dances right past Flair, going to the corner to pose. Flair watches as Asuka dances around. Asuka takes the mic and says at WrestleMania, The Queen will bow down to The Empress because no one is ready... Flair snatches the mic from Asuka's hand. Flair says she is ready but the question is, is Asuka ready? They face off in the middle of the ring and look back up at the WrestleMania 34 sign. The staredown continues as Flair's music hits.

- The announcers discuss the WWE Title match at WrestleMania 34. We get pre-recorded video from AJ Styles with comments on Shinsuke Nakamura playing mind games last week. AJ says his emotions are not his weakness, they are his strength but if yo want to talk about weaknesses, Nakamura has one - he takes AJ too lightly. AJ says he is the WWE Champion and they are far from the Tokyo Dome. This is WrestleMania and a dream match but this is no dream, it's a reality and the reality is that he's going to beat Nakamura.


Rusev vs. Jinder Mahal

Winner: Rusev

- After the match, Rusev stands tall as his music hits. Rusev stands in the corner and looks up at the WrestleMania 34 sign. WWE United States Champion Randy Ortonappears out of nowhere and drops Rusev with the RKO. English attacks Orton from the side. English waits for Orton to get to his feet, waiting on the second turnbuckle. Roode comes up to the apron and shoves English off the second rope, right into the RKO. Roode enters the ring and hands the title belt to Orton, hesitating some. Fans chant "Rusev Day" as Orton and Roode face off. Orton's music hits as we get a replay. Roode and Orton have some words.

Baron Corbin, Dolph Ziggler, Mojo Rawley and Primo vs. Zack Ryder, Fandango, Tyler Breeze and Tye Dillinger

Winners: Baron Corbin, Dolph Ziggler, Mojo Rawley and Primo

Zayn and KO

-We go to the ring and Sami Zayn & Kevin Owens in the arena. They jump up on the announce table and talk trash about Sunday's big match. We see Shane McMahonand Daniel Bryan watching backstage.

Shane's music hits as he and Bryan come out to the stage. Sami and Owens have retreated to the crowd now. Bryan tells everyone to look at them and record as it will be the last time they are on SmackDown. Shane gets the crowd to sing "goodbye" to Owens and Sami.

Shelton Benjamin and Chad Gable vs. AJ Styles and Shinsuke Nakamura

Winners: AJ Styles and Shinsuke Nakamura

After the match, AJ stands tall as his music hits. AJ goes to ringside and retrieves the WWE Title belt, talking trash to Nakamura while he's still in the ring. Benjamin comes from behind and lays Nakamura out. AJ watches from the ramp. Nakamura fights Benjamin off as AJ looks to be coming back into the ring. Nakamura turns around as AJ springboards in with a Phenomenal Forearm. AJ puts the brakes on just in time, exactly like Nakamura did last week. AJ taunts Nakamura and pats him on the head as Nakamura stares him down. AJ leaves with the WWE Title in the air as his music plays. We go to replays. Nakamura looks on from the ring as AJ stands tall on the ramp. The final show before WrestleMania 34 goes off the air.
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Reactions: Grievous 3D


ur booty is heavy duty like diarrhea
Apr 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wow, no responses! Was Smackdown that uninteresting?
I guess so.. all the matches were set last week and the feuds didn't progress as much as Raw's did for example. The Kevin/Zayn promo was good and Styles getting payback on Nakamura was also well done but besides that, we just had repeats of what we've already seen before. But it's all ok, we only got 4 days left and then we're finally there


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2018
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I think Smackdown was better then Raw. Nothing to complain about and all the big matches were hyped up.

Some people find the AJ v Nakamura build uninteresting. I hope Tha people understand it tho. Otherwise they wont enjoy the match as much. The psychology of this match will be based around AJ making mistakes/or not making any mistakes. I think the build to this match has contributed alot of story that will be used as the psychology in the match. If you dont get that, you probably won't appreciate the match as much.

Disappointingly, nothing on the tag titles this week. I think its been a good story so far. Was hoping for them to announce a stipulation.

Carmella seems to not waste any chance she gets to cash in. Which tells me Carmella will cash in at mania.

What I like about Shane Bryan v KO Sami is that its faces that get cheered and heels that get booed. Looking back over the past months, this has been a great storyline. The best story at mania Imo.

The US title segment and the battle royal segment was fun. It did what it needed to do and had some fun spots.

Overall this was a good go home show. Better then Raw. 8/10

Grievous 3D

Is Currently In Stasis
Sep 30, 2016
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Townsville, Queensland, Australia
Okay... lets see what happening on Wrestlemania go home edition of the
"The Becky & Charlotte" Show this week...

+ I'm glad Shane is okay...but I'd much rather have seen Tye Dillinger as Bryan's partner.

+ And My Bae, My Amazon, My Goddess Charlotte is back...and I have a few notes...
~ We never need to see Charlotte wrestle Natalya ever again...
~ Cash in Attempt DENIED!!! Try during the Alexa vs. Nia match Carmella...
~ Charlotte gets her win back thankfully...
~ Hey Asuka...Charlotte bows to no one...not even you...

+ Good to see Rusev get a win...but I'm sick of seeing him eat RKO after RKO...

+ Honestly...I want Killian Dain to win the ATGMBR...you had your chance Corbin...

+ I'll be happy once this McMahon/Bryan/Owens/Zayn feud is done. I was sick of it
by Hell in a Cell last year.

+ Hopefully Styles/Nakamura will be as great as we all hope.

+ No Becky? WTF WWE?! Not good enough!

+ And in other news Asuka & The Miz won the MMC. How did Charlotte & Asuka go?
I mean I would have preferred them to not even touch each other till Wrestlemania
but the WWE just couldn't help themselves.

Did Asuka pin/submit Charlotte or were they smart & have Bobby eat the pin?

Edit: Roode ate the pin...well...at least they got that right.

And I'm Done...
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