Rate Smackdown Live 11/29/2016

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Rate this week's Episode of Smackdown Live

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Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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Please rate this week's episode of Smackdown Live in our poll and make sure to let us know what you thought of the show with some comments :)

Alexa Bliss vs Becky Lynch Contract Signing

This played off like a typical WWE contract signing. There were a lot of insults until Bliss pissed Becky off and Becky attacked Bliss. It ended with Becky setting up a table for Bliss but Bliss shoved Becky into the table.

Kalisto and Dolph Ziggler vs Baron Corbin and the Miz

Corbin hit Kalisto with a chair and Dolph and Kalisto won by DQ

Wyatt Family Backstage

Orton said he finally understands what is important and that only he and Bray Wyatt matter in the Wyatt Family. Luke Harper was visibly irritated by this.

Carmella Match

Carmella had a match scheduled but the opponent never came out. Instead, Carmella dissed Nikki and apologized to John Cena for what she was going to do to his girlfriend. Nikki Bella came out and they brawled until Carmella got away.

The Ambrose Asylum

Ambrose congratulated James Ellsworth on his contract signing, and Ellsworth told Ambrose he owed it all to him. They talked about Ellsworth's title shot and who he wanted to face. Ellsworth mentioned he already defeated AJ Styles three times and thinks he could do it again.

AJ came to ringside. AJ complained about the lack of respect he was getting. AJ shoved Ellsworth into the ladders, which then hit Ambrose and knocked him out of the ring. AJ then easily beat down Ellsworth. The severe beat down of Ellsworth ended with a Styles Clash off the steel steps to the floor.

After the commercial, Ellsworth is on a stretcher. Ambrose blamed himself for what happened but promised to make it right.

Kane vs Luke Harper

Kane defeated Luke Harper by pin fall.

Bray Wyatt and Randy Orton vs American Alpha: Number One Contender's Match

Luke Harper showed up at the end of the match for a distraction. Bray Wyatt and Randy Orton won this match by pin fall.


Renee was about to interview Rhyno and Heath Slater, but a fight then broke out between Ambrose and Styles and the show ended with them fighting.
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The Lunatic Fringe
Mar 29, 2015
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Ontario, Canada
I'm going with a 7 for now.

I caught it during the kane/harper match and watched the rest from there. It was pretty good. Forgot to set the pvr to record it lol so I'll have to catch the first half on Saturday maybe


World's Finest Failure.
Apr 23, 2016
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Where yo' grandma stay.
Very solid go home show. A++ promo work from everyone tonight, some pretty cool segments and developments as well, 7/10.

Becky was on point tonight. Honestly her promo's this episode were the most fluent and coherent they've ever been. Alexa is always good in general but she also took things up a notch in the opening segment. What a way to make it a tables match announcement! Thank the seven deities that the table broke! Also Shoutsout to @Adamska. for calling it.
Bonus +5000 pts for angry Becky Lynch calling Alexa a Bitch, you know shits about to go down when someone gets called a bitch.

+2000000000000000 pts for AJ murdering James Ellsworth.

Really digging this Orton/Wyatt storyline going on. I like that tension between Harper and Orton, Harper is just waiting to be proven right. Will this lead to an actual and lasting break up of the Wyatt family at the hands of Orton? Or will he actually play along until like WrestleMania? Time will tell; but boy what a good main event that tag team match was! AA looked great tonight and I really buy Orton and Wyatt as a unit.

Miz/Corbin Vs. Ziggler/Kalisto was actually really well booked. Just enough to keep you interested going into Sunday.

Carmella's promos are great, making the "face" of the Women's division look like shit, fun stuff.
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The Game
Jul 25, 2016
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High Green Via Hillsborough
I was slightly concerned they were going to give the tables to Wyatt/Orton Vs Slater/Rhyno but Wyatts could use a clean win more than a table win. I don't see Slater and Rhyno leaving with the belts which is hardly a negative thing when its going to Wyatt and Orton which is some great star power behind the belts however I would have preferred The Revival taking them from Slater and Rhyno. It kind of reminds you how much better the tag team division is right now compared to 2 years ago when we actually have multiple teams who could hold the belt but back onto Bliss/Becky.

Their contract signing was a clear lead into a tables match, they usually use that table with the fake marble on top of it where as last night they just used a plain table, the table bump was cool and set up a neat finish for the actual match with the Bexplex off the top.


May 13, 2013
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A very good show overall, the build ups to the feuds at TLC were very done brilliantly around the board.

The Contract signing was very good. Bliss is a great heel and personally Becky in my favourite member of the Four Horse-Women. She just has a great face fire to her, one day she could an awesome heel. Like when Brock was breaks everyone arms with the Kimura Lock, but with the Dis-Arm-Her could be cool to see. One small note, WWE make sure the tables break this time with the ladies, cough Hell in a Cell Sasha vs Charlotte.

Kalisto and Dolph Ziggler vs Baron Corbin and the Miz. Solid action and a nice ending to build up both feuds. But I do hate the chairs match type, it just makes no sense compared to the only one weapon type matches.

Carmella promo, very nice stuff. Could not stand Carmella as a face when she broke up from Enzo and Cass. But this Heel work from her on the mic has gone down very well. I never thought say I am enjoying a Niki Bella feud for once wow. The brawl was nice, makes sense to have No Dq.

Kane vs Luke Harper. My least favourite thing on the show, shame Harper is so talented in the ring and I don’t care about Kane not since 2010. Action was fine but sad at the result.

Bray Wyatt and Randy Orton vs American Alpha: Number One Contender's Match and Wyatt Family Segment. The segment with the Wyatts was nice, causing some tension between Harper and Orton. Bray may have to choose one of them over the other. The match itself, really enjoyed it. Orton and Wyatt work so well as a team, I am shocked how well. American Alpha are always on top form, them losing was fine, as they still lock very strong in the match even in defeat.

Please put the titles on Orton and Wyatt. Having a former 12x World Champion and a character to the level Wyatt has would bring a lot of prestige to them. Not that I don’t like Rhyno and Heath as champions they are a good act, man this match at TLC is a lose or lose type of match oh boy. All Orton needs to do is grow his beard out a bit more and there we go . :)

The Ambrose Asylum. Good segment, AJ Styles you talented fella. He is just so great as a heel, why do I have feeling Ellsworth is going to cost Dean the title maybe accidently or on purpose. If accidently maybe Ambrose could snap and beat Ellsworth ending their friendship. That Styles off the steps was awesome, loved that side of the beat down. Either way I watching the show, just for AJ Styles in a TLC match nuff said.

Very good show, great stuff for the go home show of TLC. Should be a very good PPV for Smackdown.

7/10, once again nice job team blue :)

Grievous 3D

Is Currently In Stasis
Sep 30, 2016
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Townsville, Queensland, Australia
~ Okay...playing a bit of catch up this week...trying to get up-to-date
before TLC...so let's get to it.

~ And we open the show with Alexa Bliss...the best way SmackDown
could ever open. I was actually surprised by this contract signing segment...
I mean they let Becky Lynch talk (Stick it in your ear Kevin Dunn) and
it gave us a preview of the match this Sunday. Man...I am pumped for it.

But...seriously...this is the 4th time Alexa has left Becky laying...and
I just don't get it. I understand they want to make Alexa look like a
credible threat...but surely Becky needs to get a few shots in right?


Also...the honey badger reference was kind of painful...like I actually
cringed. Who wrote that line? The same guy who writes for Roman Reigns?

Well...anyway...this Sunday at TLC Becky and Alexa will clash in a tables
match...and I'm sure these ladies will put on a great show...as long as
the tables break.

~ I like the teams of Kalisto & Dolph Ziggler and Baron Corbin & The Miz...
And it builds nicely for TLC. I has feeling Dolph and The Miz will steal
the show.

~ Look...I just can't buy Randy Orton as a true member of the Wyatt Family.
We all know what's going to happen. Randy will divide Bray & Luke Harper...
then take out Bray when Harper is no longer watching his back. Either way...
would love to see Bray finally get some gold.

~ Wow...Carmella is looking great tonight. Cue trash talk about Nikki &
that guy she dates...then Nikki hits the ring and smacks Carmella around
a bit...its the same stuff we've been seeing since Summerslam...but I
honestly don't mind. I really hope Carmella gets the win this Sunday.
It would be great for her career and it wouldn't hurt Nikki that much.

The real question is will Nikki Bella's Survivor Series attacker be revealed?
Was it:

a). Carmella
b). Natalya
c). Eva Marie
d). Charlotte
e). Vince McMahon (It was me Nikki! It was me all along!)

~ Holy Mother of the Devil...that Styles Clash was brutal as hell!!!

~ So Kane defeats Luke Harper again...did Bray Wyatt transfer his "Eater of
Pin falls" curse onto Harper? Jesus...this is just starting to get sad.

~ But on the other side of the coin...another win for Bray Wyatt & that
guy who will eventually turn on him. Either way...Nice work Bray...glad
your getting some wins.

~ Looking forward to TLC...it should be great...and I know what I want to
see most of all.

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The Lunatic Fringe
Mar 29, 2015
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Ontario, Canada
Welcome back @Grievous !
Good to see you're doing ok.

I'm hoping for the same results at tlc with the women..... maybe there will even be a wardrobe malfunction on alexa.... Oh a man can dream lol
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Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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The go-home show for TLC was good. 7/10

It lacked a little bit from the wrestling aspect (although the ME was good), but the promos and the whole build-up and selling of the PPV was right on point.

Now, I'd usually do my little review, but I'll refrain from doing so since @Botchie Botcherson and the rest have already covered it.

Looking forward to TLC this Sunday!