Rate Smackdown Live! 03/07/2017

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Rate this week's episode of Smackdown Live!

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Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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Rate this week's episode of Smackdown Live and leave some comments to let us know what you thought of the show!


Daniel Bryan and Shane McMahon came to ringside to address the issue as to whom will face Bray Wyatt at WrestleMania. Bryan felt that Orton should get the title shot while Shane felt that AJ Styles should. Bryan felt that it is tradition that the Rumble winner goes on to WrestleMania and that was Orton. However, Shane felt that Orton abdicated his spot at WrestleMania. Shane felt since AJ won his shot that he should be in the main event.

They announced that there would be a number one contender's match tonight between AJ Styles and Randy Orton and the winner will go to WrestleMania.

Mixed Tag Team: John Cena and Nikki Bella vs James Ellsworth and Carmella

John Cena and Nikki Bella defeated James Ellsworth. After the match, Miz and Maryse, who were sitting at ringside, attacked Cena and Bella. Afterwards, the Miz verbally attacked Cena and Bella, saying that their relationship was fake and forced by a contract whereas Miz and Maryse's was real.

Curt Hawkins vs Dean Ambrose

This match never happened as Ambrose took Hawkins out and then challenged Baron Corbin. Corbin appeared on the screen and the two bickered. Afterwards, Ambrose left the ring, hitting Hawkins again as he left.

Backstage, Ambrose went looking for Corbin. Eventually he went around a corner where Corbin was holding a security guard in a headlock. He threw the guard at Ambrose and then attacked him with a pipe before beating him down by a forklift. He then lowered the fork, holding Ambrose down on the floor. While he was trying to beat Ambrose more, officials came to help out.

Alexa Bliss Promo

Alexa Bliss came out with Mickie James to talk about who her WrestleMania opponent would be. After making fun of several women, she knocked Becky Lynch a few times and Lynch then came out to make an announcement. She declared she would win her belt back at WrestleMania. Then Natalya came out. She claimed that she and Alexa talked and came to an understanding and Becky was not in their league. Alexa then interrupted her and said she was not getting a title shot. She called Nattie the worst there is, the worst there ever was and the worst there ever will be.

Mickie James interrupted and claimed that Alexa would be facing her at Mania. Alexa seemed like she didn't agree, but James told Alexa that they had a deal. The other women protested.

Daniel Bryan then came out and addressed Alexa's claim that she was the best women's wrestler on the entire Smackdown roster. He said the only way to find out was to have her defend her title at WrestleMania against every available woman on the Smackdown roster. Alexa claimed Bryan couldn't do that and he insisted he could. He then, in Teddy Long fashion, announced a tag team match of:

Alexa Bliss and Mickie James vs Natalya and Becky Lynch

Alexa Bliss and Mickie James won the match when Natalya turned on Becky Lynch. After the match, Mickie James kicked Alexa Bliss and walked around the ring with the belt.

Number One Contender's Match: AJ Styles vs Randy Orton

The winner of this match will face Bray Wyatt at WrestleMania 33. Randy Orton pinned AJ Styles to advance to the main event of WrestleMania.
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Grievous 3D

Is Currently In Stasis
Sep 30, 2016
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Townsville, Queensland, Australia
~ Now...its time for the A-Show...SmackDown Live...And here we go...

~ It seems strange to be seeing so much of Shane & Daniel...but I guess they have
to get the matches organized for Wrestlemania.

~ I'm sorry...but I really don't want to see A.J vs. Shane at Wrestlemania...I really don't...

~ And Cenella gets the win over Carmellsworth...only to be attacked by Maryiz after the
match...Ugh...my head hurts from typing that.

~ I'm glad Orton didn't RKO Renee...lol

~ Rick Rude was awesome...he deserves to be in the HOF no doubt...

~ So Curt Hawkins gets bitched again as Ambrose & Corbin build to what hopefully will be
a Street Fight at Mania...

~ Good to see Mojo on the show...but I have to be honest...I'm not really digging heel Ziggler...

~ Holy Shit! HE TRIED TO KILL HIM WITH A FORKLIFT!!! (MST3K reference FTW!!!)

~ Oh Look...its Alexa "My" Bliss & Milfie James! Yay!


*Watches Segment*

So...Alexa will defend her title at WrestleMania against every available woman on the SmackDown
roster...Okay...that's cool...but...what type of match is it? A Battle Royal? A Gauntlet Match?
A 6 Pack Elimination Challenge Match? A Ladder Match? Can we get some clarification please?

Okay...so this works for me...because I'd honestly be happy with nearly every result...

~ Becky winning would be great...and I really want her to have a second run with the title after her first run fell flat...
~ Naomi making a surprise return and winning would be amazing...and would result in 2 huge home town pops...
~ Mickie James winning would give her a history making moment on the biggest stage possible...
~ Alexa retaining would be awesome...because...it just would be...
~ Natalya winning would be deserved considering all the terrible booking she has had to put up with over the years...

I don't think Carmella deserves the belt...and Tamina may make a surprise return...but again...
they wouldn't put the belt on her right away.

And of course...one cannot forget about All Red Everything...Eva Marie...who may finally show up...
and I really hope they don't put the belt on her...but if they do...I hope she drops it straight away to Becky, Naomi or...well...

The biggest "possibility" that would have me cheering the loudest would be Asuka showing up, kicking everyone
in the face and winning the title...but...that's just my wishful thinking/fantasy booking...and it all depends if Asuka drops
the NXT title to Ember Moon the night before.

~ So we now get a tag match...Alexa & Mickie vs. Becky & Nattie...

*Watches Match*

And it all just falls to pieces...Nattie turns on Becky (Nice German Suplex Nattie), Alexa gets the pin...and then Mickie
lays out Alexa with the Mick Kick...Wow...this is what I want...no alliances...just every woman for themselves.

I'm honestly more pumped about this match than any other on the Mania card...but...what type of match is it going to be?

~ I have to be honest...Orton vs. Styles could main event Wrestlemania itself...but SmackDown gives it to the fans for nothing...
Nice work...

*Watches Match*

And Orton gets the win with the RKO...and I guess A.J vs. Shane is really happening...well...I guess you can't have everything you want.

So...I am curious that there was no sign of Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper or Erick Rowan this week. The Wyatt family may-be regrouping? May-be?
I hope so...

Once again another great episode of SmackDown...I give it 8.64 out of 10...
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Mr. Roman Empire

The Game
Main Eventer
Oct 5, 2015
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didn't get to watch the full show, just saw the clips on youtube.

Miz is a wrestling GAAAAWD :jbl:

that's all I have to say


WWEF's Resident Hologram
Apr 4, 2014
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Parts Unknown
Was a decent show. The main event was super predictable but I liked it none the less.

I guess Styles vs Shane now *sigh* I want to get behind the whole Orton, but his wrestling is just so.... boring. His promo last week was great but I wish he would mix up his in ring stuff a little bit more. That spot where Aj was going for the forearm and Orton did the RKO and just fell on his back was cool.

Miz was the highlight of the show though.

Giving it a 6. I didn't hate the show, but hardly the best SD we've had.
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Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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SmackDown was good and easy to watch. 7/10

A strong ME match between Styles and Orton helped a lot. It was easily MOTN and the highlight of the show. Not surprised Orton won, but I was surprised there were no shenanigans and no sign of Harper and Wyatt.

The Miz/Maryse were great.

Ambrose/Corbin stuff was alright.

The women's segments were a mixed bag. Although I loved Alexa referring to Natalya as "the worst there is, the worst there was, the worst there ever will be."

Also, stuff like Styles' pre-match promo, Orton's backstage promo and Mojo/DZ stuff were OK.

I'd say the only negative thing about the show is that there were no American Alpha and The Usos on the show. How the hell do you forget about your main tag team feud?

Anyways, the show was far from the best SD has offered, but the upside is that it was easy to watch and the show flew by. 2 hours FTW!
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Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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Good show!!!

Very good match between Orton and Styles, and I was really digging what Orton was doing during the match a bit. When he was delivering those full-nelson slams and moving with more of an intensity and a sense of purpose, it reminded me of the 2009 Orton that many thought was so cool! RKO can be an elite worker at times - though mostly that's due to the stuff that doesn't really show on camera, like pacing matches and whatnot - and this was a glimpse of it. And I LOVED the Flying ForeRKO tease at the end, I had NO clue how it was going to end after thaRKO!!!!

And... it's weird to say this about a 12-time champion, but he kinda needed this win. He's been midcarding it up since 2012, so even though the 12 time WWE Champion is back in the main event he could have used this extra bit of credibility. Now that Bray Wyatt's pinned John Cena twice and Styles once twice in a week after sitting on his ass in a rocking chair during most of the SD Live run, these two guys seem to be at a level where they can be... somewhere near the title picture while Cena and Styles do other things... That's some real depth of talent there.

And again, the main thing I ask of the Shane/AJ feud is that A: AJ wins, obviously, and B: that Styles is right the whole time. Yeah he did get screwed in this whole situation (SO DID LUKE HARPER! WTF SHANE AJ'S FEET FELL FIRST HE HAD THAT TITLE SHOT THAT'S BULLSHIT!) and he's got a right to complain. The line about "Oh so I'm having to fight to retain my title shot now to reward a man for burning down another man's house!" was really nice!

Elsewhere on the show, the tag division was apparently in the Wyatt compound last week... even without Nikki Bella on the screen Natalya's segments are must-mute, sheesh even Alexa had an off night by her standards (and still stood out) but...

I. LOVE the idea of the "Alexa Invitational" or whatever, because it opens the door for so many possibilities. What if Naomi's healthy and can wrestle? What if Nikki wants to fight twice? What if Eva Marie is back? What if Trish Stratus is sitting in the corner Tatanka-style while the bell rings?... What if Asuka is out there? Or... what if this is just like the AJ Lee vs the World match that nobody watched at Wrestlemania 30, where the story was that "AJ Lee had all the odds stacked against her and still won, there's nobody left to face her... then Paige arrives the next night and flash-pins her and everyone goes apeshit?". Except this time it's 100 times better because Asuka. And no AJ Lee.

anyway Corbin smashing Ambrose's dumb ass with a pipe and forklift was entertaining... Seeing Cena and Nikki Bella together reminds me of how I want both of them to go make love in a bed made of money somewhere off my TV... and I can't remember much else of what happened so hey
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