Rate Smackdown Live! 02/07/2017

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Rate this week's episode of Smackdown Live!

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Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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SmackDown Live Results:

— The show opened with Daniel Bryan coming out to address his hometown Seattle crowd. He talked about being retired for a year, and that while things haven’t gone how he wanted, he is grateful for everything. The Miz and Maryse came out to run down Bryan and say that he’ll win Elimination Chamber. He was interrupted by Baron Corbin, who told Miz to shut up. Miz hid behing Maryse, and Dean Ambrose came to the ring and spoke his piece about Elimination Chamber. He was followed by AJ Styles. They all bickered until Daniel Bryan made a Fatal 4-Way match between them as a preview for Sunday’s PPV.

1. Fatal 4-Way Match: Baron Corbin defeated AJ Styles, Dean Ambrose and The Miz. Styles hit the Phenomenal Forearm on Miz, but Maryse pulled Miz out of the ring before Styles could get the three-count. Corbin then hit Styles with the End of Days and got the pin.

— In a spooky Wyatt room, Luke Harper said that he would eliminate Randy Orton at Elimination Chamber.

— Tom Phillips moderated an interview with Natalya and Nikki Bella, who were in separate locations. Nikki got disgusted and left.

2. Apollo Crews defeated Dolph Ziggler. Crews blocked a superkick and rolled up Ziggler for the surprise pin.

— After the match, Ziggler attacked Crews from behind, then hit him with a steel chair. He continued the attack until Kalisto ran in. Ziggler managed to crotch Kalisto on the top rope, then hit both men with the chair again. He left them lying and walked to the back. Backstage, Daniel Bryan made it official that Ziggler would face both men in a handicap match at Elimination Chamber.

— In the ring, Renee Young hosted the first dual contract signing for Alexa Bliss vs. Naomi and Mickie James vs. Becky Lynch at Elimination Chamber. The four women badmouthed each other and signed their contracts, then the affair broke down into a fight, ending with Naomi and Becky running off Alexa and Becky.

3. The Ascension, The Vaudevillains and the Usos defeated American Alpha, Rhyno and Heath Slater and Breezango. Rhyno hit Konnor with a Gore, but then Viktor hit Rhyno with a diving knee off the middle rope to get the pin.

4. John Cena defeated Randy Orton. The referee got bumped and did not see Orton tap out to the STF. Bray Wyatt and Orton then beat down Cena and Wyatt hit the Sister Abigail on Cena. Luke Harper then came to the ring and stared down Wyatt. Wyatt told him to leave, but Harper hit him with the discus lariat. Orton tried to RKO Harper, but Harper shoved him off into an AA from Cena, which got the pin.



Future Endeavoured
Jan 1, 2017
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Taunton, MA, United States
I gave this weeks SD! a five because there was no women's match. That's very sad considering tonight was the go home show for Elimination Chamber.


Neo Genesis
Apr 16, 2016
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Opening Segment and match: Very whale done.

Nikki vs Natty segment: I say....eh. I wasn't super into the rivalry, but I think they can put on a decent match at EC at least. But I guess they are making it a bit catty I guess....which is a mixed bag for me. But I'll admit, Natalya had a few hard burns....

Harper Segment: Man....Luke can cut a good promo...

Crews vs Ziggler: It's kind of the same stuff as the past few weeks, nothing amazing. But the One vs Two Handicap match can be a unique dynamic at EC.

Contract Signing Segment: All of them did great... Might I say I love heel Mickie. She has the right amount of sass and attitude and even a mild hint of cray-cray.

Tag Match: Simple match, decent action, and the Ascension picking up an unexpected win. Perhaps they will ASCEND from jobber status? We'll see.

Main Event: A match we've seen plenty of times. For a TV match, it was alright (minus them kicking out of each other's finisher...) But the fans being into the match made it better, along with Luke's interference. Him finally sticking it to Bray was great character progress and I hope they use Luke Harper well. They have great potential in him.

I rate this a 7.5 as the good outweighed the bad.
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Grievous 3D

Is Currently In Stasis
Sep 30, 2016
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Townsville, Queensland, Australia
~ Now...its time for the A-Show...SmackDown Live...And here we go...

~ And we open with the general manager...but its Daniel Bryan...so that makes it okay. And
of course the Miz would come out and shit all over him. I just want to say the the "feud"
between the Miz and Daniel Bryan has been fantastic every week since it started and its
the main reason the Miz has been "reborn" after the brand split.

The Big Bad Wolf is out next, followed by Ambrose and then A.J. All round its a great
opening segment and it leads into one of my favorite type of matches...Fatal Four-way
and its an amazing match with everyone looking sharp, getting their moves in and Corbin
once again standing tall when all is said and done.

The Corbin push continues and once again I have to stress that it feels natural because
Corbin is improving every week and he's facing quality opponents.

I swear that the eventual match between Corbin & Strowman will be big man brawl of epic

~ Luke Harper gets some promo time...which is great. While I don't want the Wyatt Family
to break apart...I'm sure Harper (like Corbin) is in line for a big push and hell...may-be
in 6 months it will be Corbin vs. Harper for the IC Title...

~ Natalya is playing the bitch really well...although...I wish she was still quoting
old pop songs. I liked that shtick.

And Nattie...I doubt John Cena would choose you over Nikki Bella...I'm sorry...but come on...
Nikki is near flawless.

~ So...Ziggler vs. Crews & Kalisto at EC? Okay...I didn't pick that one. May-be Crews will
turn heel and form a new tag team with Ziggler? That would help the tag team division right?

~ Time for a double contract signing and...Oh My Lord...Mickie James is looks stunning tonight...
as does Alexa "My" Bliss. I swear if they ever kiss...blood will explode out of my nose.


Becky & Naomi are out next...and I have to say that Becky never looks "right" in normal clothes...
I don't know why...and Naomi is in her ring gear...G...I wonder if she'll be jumping on to someone?

Mickie's mic skills are still fantastic...and Alexa really does live up to the nickname of
Mini-Trish. All 4 women looked great...and Naomi jumped on people. Nice spot...

Its amazing that SmackDown are willing to give 6 of their ladies center stage mic time
and develop their feuds without constantly having repetitive matches each and every week.

Love your Work SmackDown...


~ I almost feel like like the SmackDown tag team division is treated the way RAW treats the

"What do we do with the tag team division this week?"

"Put them all in match together"

"But if every team is out there...it turns into a giant mess with no one team getting focus"

"Dude...just get them out there already!!!"


Man...I feel bad for Mojo Rawley...its a real shame Ryder was injured.

~ And its John Cena vs. Randy Orton for the 738th time...but...I'm guessing the Wyatt Family
stuff keeps it fresh for longer term fans right? And...

Cena wins lol...but some great interactions between Bray and Harper...and Bray was the only
one of the 6 EC combatants not to have a match this week...Interesting.

~ Also...Natalya attacked Nikki Bella during Talking Smack and it wouldn't surprise me if
their match was called off or they make a change up. I honestly think they are going to keep
Nikki safe and save her for Wrestlemania. I have a theory...but I'll save it for my predictions

~ There was also a SmackDown Fallout spot showing Ellsworth being annoying and Carmella looking
super-fine. Big Cass is a lucky guy.

Well...another great SmackDown show with solid booking, Corbin standing tall again and Alexa &
Mickie looking fantastic.


"Look into her eyes...and know true Bliss"

And I'm Done...

Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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A big thanks to my buddy @Prince Bálor for adding the results in. I was out and my DVR didn't record Smackdown. It does this every week. I'll be checking it out once it is up on Hulu. I couldn't read the spoilers because, hey, Smackdown is fun :)

I remember when people would tell me, "I'm so bored I actually watched Smackdown." It has come a long way.


WWEF's Resident Hologram
Apr 4, 2014
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Parts Unknown
The fatal four way was the match of the night. I loved the ending.

The rest was alright and i didn't really care about the main event but it wasn't a bad match, it was also like every other John Cena and Orton match over the years, I swear they have a script for the order of the moves they use lol.
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Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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Nooooooo! Dammit WWE why'd you give your Wrestlemania main event away for free on TV!? :why:

A big thanks to my buddy @Prince Bálor for adding the results in. I was out and my DVR didn't record Smackdown. It does this every week. I'll be checking it out once it is up on Hulu. I couldn't read the spoilers because, hey, Smackdown is fun :)

I remember when people would tell me, "I'm so bored I actually watched Smackdown." It has come a long way.

We're over here watching Smackdown, Women's division segments, and hoping a big bulgarian dude would be pushed over all these vanilla midgets. Our 2013 shelves (not fixing that) would be so upset with us. :okay:
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Neo Genesis
Apr 16, 2016
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Nooooooo! Dammit WWE why'd you give your Wrestlemania main event away for free on TV!? :why:

We're over here watching Smackdown, Women's division segments, and hoping a big bulgarian dude would be pushed over all these vanilla midgets. Our 2013 shelves (not fixing that) would be so upset with us. :okay:

No they wouldn't. Why? Because for a long while, we wanted Smackdown to be good, and it is now, the female talent they have is great, and, above all else, RuRu is bae :rusev:

Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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The go-home show for Elimination Chamber was good and easy to watch. 7/10

They were focused hard on the PPV, and while there wasn't anything spectacular on the show, it delivered as the final sell for the PPV this Sunday.

- The opening segment was good. Bryan/Miz bits were great and everyone got time to talk and the segment didn't overstay its welcome. BTW, Bryan sarcastically asking Corbin not to punch Miz in the face was hilarious, as well as Ambrose saying Miz looks like a shoe and referencing that Corbin stole his motorcycle sound effect from his theme song for his own.

- Corbin vs Styles vs Ambrose vs Miz was a pretty good and fun match. The guys put on a good effort, the pace was good and everyone got time to shine. Corbin winning made sense and he needed that win the most. Also, funny how they've spent time focusing on people with the least chance of winning at the EC, as if they're trying to deceive us, so that when Wyatt wins the title, it's going to come off as a surprise. But, despite the outcome being predictable, I am still looking forward to the EC match and think it's going to be pretty damn good.

- Harper cut a good promo.

- Ziggler/Apollo/Kalisto stuff was decent and set up a handicap match for EC in a nice way.

- The dual contract signing was a pretty good segment. Mickie was great, in particular.

- The Ascension, The Usos & The Vaudevillains vs Rhyno & Slater, American Alpha & Breezango was decent. Decent build for tag turmoil match at the EC overall and The Ascension picking up the unexpected win was a nice surprise. Either AA retain or The Usos win at EC, other teams stand no chance whatsoever.

- First time on SmackDown, a millionth time overall: Cena vs Orton was a rock solid ME. The match was missing some energy, so you could tell they were playing it safe, which is fine, I guess. Harper coming out to help Cena (that Discus Lariat on Wyatt, though!) was great.

- Nattie/Nikki segment was painful to watch. Talking ain't their strong suit, but thankfully their match at EC will be much better.


Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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8/10 show tonight!!! lets try to do this quickly...

Loved the opening segment, of course the hot crowd helped this show in general but Miz and Daniel Bryan going back and forth was the most entertaining promo segment on WWE TV I can remember in quite some time. That was glorious!!! Then the parade of EC participants each got a good one liner in which was also entertaining enough, and I was finding myself really excited for Elimination Chamber all of a sudden. Good job WWE making me care about something I was naturally inclined to not... hell with how the Miz is, as John put it, "firing on all cylinders" right now hell I'm actually looking forward to the Mania mixed tag. The buildup to that match will be spectacular! DON'T WASTE STYLES

come to think of it, John Cena defending his title against Bray Wyatt, Miz, Dean Ambrose, Baron Corbin, and AJ Styles sounds like something I should tag @Crayo for. WE MISS YOU

Then... Often times my biggest gripe with WWE is "wrestling for the sake of wrestling", but... Not only can that be undone with a finish that puts someone over as Baron Corbin semi-pinning AJ Styles clean with Styles barely distracted by Maryse pulling his fallen man out of the ring proved how Corbin belongs in the same ring as AJ Styles. Nice way to start to rehab Corbin after the Cena L Not just that, but from the way I read Prince and Foxy talk about Raw, on this show where they have SO MUCH amazing indy talent and cool dudes who can do all these amazing things, I don't see how we get more matches like this. You signed Kevin Steen and Tyler Black for a reason, why aren't we blown away by them like in ROH?

then all that hope I had died when THE WORST SEGMENT EVER that wasn't a carmella squash HAPPENED NEXT. NATALYA PLEASE SHUT THE EVERLIVING HELL UP. This feud is so. freaking. terrible. Like every word either of them say just annoys the piss out of me. Both of them. Pushing Nikki Bella as this valiant babyface, too. Please. Stop this. My ears can't take much more. I don't wanna be hearing Maryse screaming about how Miz is a real man next month and screaming all this stuff like "You only got here because of your looks!" like we're supposed to not believe her and... next segment, please, before I throw up all over the keyboard.

I LOVE the Ziggler heel turn, because it doesn't feel like "a heel turn". It's my favorite thing in a while. Ziggler failed and failed and kept being all valiant before failing again and now he's just a frustrated dude acting like it... As a guy who's been through this recently I TOTALLY feel so many of Dolph's actions when he's just not thinking straight. Dolph feels like a pretty real person right now. Plus here's a W for Apollo beating Not Thinking Straight Dolph, which... hey, progress! Hope Crews looks pretty strong on Sunday. What a weird matchup... I don't know how it's going to play out, but the story's there for SD to do something with and I really am looking forward to it... probably not the best thing to do

A double contract signing happened. Beats just having a tag match here :)

But that 12 man tag was really really cool by the end! Two good matches in one SD, and... The Ascension... won... a match???? :blackshock: Really you can have an American Alpha hot tag in any match and you'll remember that match being 4+ stars. You could Nikki Bella just shake her head and tag Jordan to run over and suplex the shit out of Natalya during that worst promo segment ever... if they were guys and whatnot

Luke Harper's backstage promo in creepy regular crazy person gibberish was cool too.

now say it with me... John Cena vs Randy Orton in the main event. lol. here I was wondering what would happen here but holy hell this match was bad. Really really bad. Both of these guys are really good at pacing matches and letting the indy guys get their shit in, but stick these two together and there's no drama and nothing. Randy hit an RKO and I just munched on a Pringle... then there was the comically long ref bump and the match got AWESOME!!! When Wyatt ran in and HARPER OH SHIT THE FAMILY'S COLLIDING... oh. Wyatt just put him back under his OHHHHHHHHHHHH GET EMMMMMMM!!!!! Crushed him with that clothesline and trashed Orton before Cena just kinda rolled in for the pin lol and THIS RULED.

But priorities here! Forget about Cena and Orton. Screw Bray Wyatt, gimme more Luke Harper! Is this face Harper push just going to lead to him to job to Orton and being battle royal filler? Oh HELL NO!!! Come on WWE. Luke Harper vs Bray Wyatt at Wrestlemania! Hell, just go ahead and make it a triple-threat title match with Orton if you'd like. Harper's coming across as more awesome than all three of these jabronis put together, so it's a shame all the hard work with him and Braun Strowman, strangely the most entertaining part of Raw, will lead to so little here at Fast Lane. :downer: