Rate Smackdown 09/27/2016

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Solid Snake

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Jun 4, 2016
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First Match: The American Alpha, Heath Slater and Rhyno vs. The Usos & The Ascension

Jordan and Jimmy starts off this match. Jordan with a series of side belly to belly takedowns. Jordan tags in Gable. Jordan with a hip toss. Gable works on the left arm of Jimmy. Gable tags Jordan back in. Jimmy lands a knife edge chop. Jimmy whips Jordan into the corner. Jordan with a back elbow to Jimmy. Jordan with a slam for a one count. Jordan applies an armbar. Jimmy backs Jordan into the corner. Jimmy tags in Jey. The Usos goes for a double team hip toss, but Jordan gets back on his feet. Jordan tags in Gable. American Alpha drops The Usos with a monkey flip’s in stereo.

Gable gets Jey in an armbar. Jey rolls out of the ring. Gable with a series of forearms to Jimmy. Jey with a chop block to the knee of Gable. Viktor drives Gable into the corner. Viktor tags in Konnor. The Ascension works on the leg of Gable. Konnor tags in Jimmy. Jimmy with a series of right hands to Gable in the corner. Jimmy goes for the running stinkface, but Gable ducks out of the way. Gable tosses Viktor to the outside. Gable sends Konnor shoulder first into the steel ring post.

The Ascension knocks Jordan off the ring apron. Konnor whips Jordan back first into the barricade. Rhyno with a flying shoulder block off the ring apron onto Viktor. Rhyno with a falling lariat to Konnor. Slater and Jey are tagged in. Slater with a single leg lariat to Jey. Slater follows that up with a neckbreaker for a two count. Rhyno with a side belly to belly suplex to Konnor. Viktor with a spinning european uppercut. Jordan clotheslines himself and Viktor over the top rope. Slater with a O’Connor Roll and Jey tags in Jimmy. Jimmy with a big boot to Slater. Jey with a diving stomp to the back of Slater’s knee. Jimmy gets Slater trapped in the Tequila Sunrise and Slater taps out.

Winner: The Usos & The Ascension via Submission

John Cena Backstage Interview:

Charly Carusso asks Cena about being at ringside during the main event and if it matters who is champion at No Mercy. Cena says that Styles is at the top of the ladder. Ambrose runs his mouth, but he has guts. Cena will be watching carefully because he will make history at No Mercy because the title might walk in as Phenomenal or Unpredictable, but Cena will say that the 16 Time Champion is here.

Randy Orton Backstage Segment:

Orton is walking through the bowels of the building looking for Wyatt. Orton sees a symbol on the wall and Orton turns it and then hears a noise. Orton walks away and the symbol is turned again as we see Erick Rowan standing there with his sheep’s mask.

Second Match: Nikki Bella & Naomi vs. Carmella & Natalya

Carmella and Naomi starts off this match. Naomi with a side headlock takeover. Carmella transitions into a front face lock. Carmella moonwalks. Naomi with a double leg takedown. Naomi slaps Carmella. Naomi with a rim shake in the corner. Naomi with a head scissors take down to Carmella. Naomi dropkicks Carmella. Naomi tags in Nikki. Nikki connects with a knee strike. Carmella rolls out of the ring in frustration. Natalya tosses Naomi to the outside. Natalya with a clubbing blow to the back of Naomi. Natalya connects with a Michinoku Driver on the outside. Natalya rolls Naomi back into the ring. Side press and Naomi kicks out at the count of two.

Natalya continues to create separation from Naomi to Nikki. Naomi with a armdrag to Natalya. Natalya drives Naomi into the corner. Natalya tags in Carmella. Natalya with a boot to the face of Naomi. Naomi with a small package to Carmella for a two count. Carmella connects with the Bronco Buster for a two count. Carmella tags in Natalya. Carmella and Natalya with a double team northern lights suplex for a two count. Naomi rolls Natalya up for a two count. Natalya with a hair whip to Naomi.

Natalya rams her knee repeatedly to the midsection of Naomi. Naomi with a back elbow that knocks Carmella off the ring apron. Natalya connects with a basement dropkick for a two count. Natalya goes for a leg drop, but Naomi ducks out of the way.Naomi tags in Nikki. Nikki dropkicks Natalya. Nikki with a corner clothesline. Nikki connects with a flying enziguri off the second rope. Natalya tags in Carmella. Nikki with a hip toss that brings Carmella into the ring. Nikki with a series of right hands to Carmella in the corner. Nikki with a massive forearm smash. Carmella rolls up Nikki from behind to pickup the victory.

Winner: Carmella & Natalya

Second Bray Wyatt & Randy Orton Segment:

Bray is not surprised by Orton’s lack of direction. Bray says that Orton is being sucked into the morass. It’s something you don’t know about, but you may find out tonight. Orton continues his tour of the bowels of the arena and he walks past a door that says i’m a god and another one that says to choose wisely.

The other door says predator or prey. Orton opens the door that says I’m a god and there is a cardboard cutout of Orton inside. He goes to the other door and opens it. Erick Rowan waiting inside for him. Orton closes the door and walks away. We see a b-roll shot of the doorknob shaking.

The Miz’s Homecoming:

We get a really cool video package chronologizing Miz’s career. Miz is home and he mentions the Cavaliers winning the NBA Championship. 1.3 million people celebrated Cleveland’s championship .and this is all he gets? This is his hero’s welcome? Miz is the only hero in Cleveland. Long before this city was so desperate for a champion and welcomed back that traitor Lebron James, he was a WWE Champion. He was proud to celebrate Day 176 of the Miz’ Championship tour. Miz gives a shoutout to his parents who are in the crowd. Maryse informed him that Dolph Ziggler’s parents are in the crowd. Miz tells Ziggler’s parents that it must be really hard time for them because they created a world class elite level loser. Ziggler comes into the ring.

Miz can say what he wants to him but he’s not allowed to talk to his parents, his friends, or his city. If Miz has something to say to Ziggler, say it to his face. Miz said what he needed to say when he defeated Ziggler again, again and again. Ziggler says that Miz has cheated over and over. Will the record books say that Miz cheated? It will say Miz is a champion and a movie star. What will they say about Ziggler’s career? Ziggler is a loser. When will Ziggler’s mediocre career end? Ziggler is like that guy who opens things and finds a way to lose. Miz would be embarrassed if he had Ziggler’s career. Ziggler and his family should be embarrassed of him and his career because he did nothing with it of late. Ziggler keep’s losing and losing. Miz feels sorry for Ziggler. Miz is done because he figures it’s time for Ziggler to ask for one more match, but the answer is no. Ziggler has nothing for him unless he is wiling to give up his career. Miz stops by and tells Ziggler’s family and says they must be so proud.

Nick tells Mike to wait. This is all Ziggler has. A few minutes a night 300 nights a year is all he has. This is what he loves. Things you love don’t always love you back. Ziggler can give and give and give but he get’s nothing in return. People come up to him and asks him why is he still here. It’s because he can’t stop. It’s a sickness. He thought his career would end up bigger. Ziggler can’t stop himself. Miz will put that title up one more time. Ziggler will put up his entire career. Miz wants to make sure that he heard Ziggler correctly. If Ziggler loses, he doesn’t go to Raw or NXT or take a sabbatical. He’ll be done with WWE. Miz title or his career, either way he walks out champion or he’s done. Either way, he’s put out of his misery. Miz accepts the match.

Bray Wyatt Promo:

Bray says that as one door closes, another opens. It’s wide open for Orton. He tells Orton to be careful and then he laughs.

– We get another Curt Hawkins “Face of Facts” Vignette. Next week we’ll have a major Curt Hawkins announcement.

Bray Wyatt & Randy Orton Backstage Segment:

Bray is disappointed in Randy Orton. The viper has no fangs and he has no poison. Orton is taking all of the fun out of his game. Where are you Randy? Bray wants to know where is the great predator? Orton appears behind Bray with Rowan’s sheep mask on. Bray calls Orton a coward, not knowing that he is standing right behind him. Orton punches Bray. Bray with a knee to the midsection of Orton. Bray runs away. Orton sits down on Bray’s stool and he puts the mask on and laughs. Orton says that he has the whole world in his hands.

AJ Styles Backstage Interview:

Charly Carusso asks Styles about Dean Ambrose and John Cena’s comments from earlier. This is not the political debate it’s much bigger than that. Styles is defending his WWE World Championship. Styles wants to remind everyone how we got here. He beat up John Cena and then he beat John Cena. He beat up Dean Ambrose and then he beat Ambrose to get the title. Tonight you’re are going to see him beat Dean Ambrose again and you’re going to hear the ring announcer say winner and still champion, AJ Styles.

Third Match: AJ Styles (c) vs. Dean Ambrose for the WWE World Championship

Ambrose with a double leg takedown and goes immediately to the ground and pound attack. Ambrose bounces Styles head on the top turnbuckle. Ambrose with a series of knife edge chops to Styles in the corner. Ambrose blocks a kick from Styles. Ambrose clotheslines Styles over the top rope. Ambrose places Styles on the announcer’s table. Ambrose with a series of forearms. Styles with a falling lariat for a two count. Styles wears Ambrose down with a side headlock. Styles ducks a clothesline from Ambrose. Ambrose and Styles are knocked down with a double crossbody. Ambrose with a series of running axe handles. Ambrose with a vicious clothesline to Styles. Styles dives off the second rope, but Ambrose catches him in mid-air.

Ambrose plants Styles with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a two count. Ambrose ascends to the top rope. Styles tries to get Ambrose in the Pele Kick, but Ambrose counters with the Texas Cloverleaf. Styles reaches the bottom rope. Styles with a snap stunner from the ring apron. Ambrose responds with a forearm that sends Styles crashing to the outside. Ambrose follows that up with a suicide dive. Styles struggles to get back into the ring. Ambrose with a flying elbow drop off the top rope. Styles with a elbow to the knee of Ambrose. Styles kicks Ambrose in the leg. Styles gets Ambrose in the Calf Crusher. Ambrose rams his Styles head repeatedly to the mat to get out of the hold. Styles goes for the Styles Clash, but Ambrose counters with a back body drop. Ambrose goes for the Dirty Deeds, but Styles counters with his lightning quick offense. Ambrose connects with a swinging neck breaker.

Ambrose with a series of forearms to Styles. Styles kicks Ambrose in the leg. Styles with a forearm to Ambrose. Ambrose goes for the Lunatic Lariat, but Styles blocks it. Styles goes for the Ushigoroshi, but Ambrose counters with the gut buster.

Styles plants Ambrose a spinning fireman’s carry powerbomb for a two count. Styles with a kick that sends Ambrose to the corner. Ambrose gets Styles trapped on the top rope. Ambrose with a flying lariat off the second turnbuckle for a two count. Ambrose goes for the O’Connor roll, but Styles holds onto the ropes. Styles drops Ambrose with the Pele Kick. Styles goes for the Springboard 450 Splash, but Ambrose rolls out of the way.

Ambrose with a flying elbow drop off the top rope for a two count. Ambrose connects with a big right hand and Styles is sent crashing to the outside. Ambrose goes for a slingshot crossbody, but Styles ducks out of the way. Styles with a running knee strike on the ring apron. Styles with a right hand to Cena. Styles goes for the Phenomenal Forearm, but Ambrose ducks out of the way.

Cena hops on the ring apron, but referee Charles Robinson holds him back. Ambrose goes for the O’Connor roll, but the referee is distracted. Ambrose goes out of the ring and drops Cena with a big haymaker. Styles with a O’Connor roll to pickup the victory. After the match Cena and Ambrose get in each other’s faces. Ambrose goes for the Dirty Deeds, but Cena counters with the Attitude Adjustment. Styles tries to plants Cena with the Attitude Adjustment, but Styles is laid out by another Attitude Adjustment from Cena.

Winner: Still WWE World Champion AJ Styles


Now I’m a big, fat dynamo!
Apr 1, 2012
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That Miz and Ziggler segment was fantastic. The No Mercy match is gonna be great


The Lunatic Fringe
Mar 29, 2015
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Ontario, Canada
I could only give it a 5/10 this week.

The only good thing that I saw was miz/ziggler promo. It has me more interested in that match than ang others at this point, and I hadn't been too interested before that lol. It's going to be fun to watch that one go down. Will they take the title off the miz or have ziggy retire.... I can kinda see miz retaining, but then again I'm sure ziggler has some left in the tank.

Everything else was kinda...meh

The Phenom

Sep 5, 2016
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St.Louis Mo
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Cena > you
Brady > > > Taker
Lmao! I don't know why it's so funny to mess with you @deth....I'm done bro... Brady doesn't suck man But he isn't and wasn't better then The Great Peyton Manning


Now I’m a big, fat dynamo!
Apr 1, 2012
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Cut it out both of you. If you want to banter take it to chat please

The Phenom

Sep 5, 2016
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St.Louis Mo
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You can't disagree with facts, jabroni.
Half of those games Brady won Most of the suoerbowl so victories His whole staff and team were cheating You got the Coach trying to hear the other teams plays, deflated football all the time courtesy of Tom Brady and just because he has more rings doesn't mean Shit if Peyton was with the patriots instead of Brady they would have won the superbowl way more times....But all that matters is now and my guy retired after winning the superbowl Brady won't get that Luxury.....

The Phenom

Sep 5, 2016
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St.Louis Mo
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Cut it out both of you. If you want to banter take it to chat please
Ok posted last comment b4 I saw your post apologies to you sir