Roadblock Rate Roadblock: End of the Line 2016

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Rate Roadblock: End of the Line

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Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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Rate WWE Roadblock: End of the Line and leave some comments about what you thought of the show.

Raw Tag Team Championship Match: Champion the New Day vs Sheamus and Cesaro

Cesaro and Sheamus defeated the New Day by pin fall to become the new Raw Tag Team Champions

10 Minute Match: Braun Strowman vs Sami Zayn

Sami Zayn was not defeated in 10 minutes and thus won the match.

Seth Rollins vs Chris Jericho

Seth Rollins defeated Chris Jericho by pin fall

WWE CruiserWeight Championship Triple Threat: Champion Rich Swann vs The Brian Kendrick vs TJ Perkins

Rich Swann pinned TJ Perkins to retain the WWE Cruiserweight Championship. After the match, Neville made his return and turned heel by attacked both Swann and Perkins.

Raw Women's Iron Man Championship Match: Champion Sasha Banks vs Charlotte Flair

Charlotte Flair defeated Sasha Banks in sudden death to become a 4 time Raw Women's Champion

WWE Universal Championship: Champion Kevin Owens vs Roman Reigns

Chris Jericho came into the ring and hit KO with a code breaker. Reigns was disqualified and KO won the match and retained the title. Afterwards, Jericho presented the belt to KO and revealed that they were still friends. Then, Seth Rollins came down to help Reigns. Reigns speared Owens and power bombed Jericho through the announce table. They then attacked Owens and put him through another announce table.
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Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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I rated this PPV a 2. This was awful. This was so bad that the only match I liked was the New Day match and I don't ever like their matches.

Honestly, the iron man match was BORING. The cruiserweight match was BORING. The Universal title match was boring, although I liked the finish. But the afterwards beat down of Owens was idiotic. The 10 minute challenge match was BORING. This was really just one of the absolute most awful PPVs I have EVER seen in 30 years of watching wrestling.

It may not have been as bad as late WCW PPVs, but lord, was it boring.

ShaRpY HaRdY

Main Event Mafia
Jan 7, 2014
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Columbus, OH
This PPV was one of the lowest quality PPVs I've seen in awhile as far as WWE of the 2010s goes even.. I didn't care for any of the matches really.. the tag title match, the women's match as a whole (surprisingly) and Neville returning only to attack the CW division by storm and turn heel in the process were my only positives of note.

3/10 was my final judgment.
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Mr. Roman Empire

The Game
Main Eventer
Oct 5, 2015
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I thought the tag match was the best match of the night. It's nice to see new champs (even though I'm pissed that I lost bet money on New Day).

Sami Zayn vs Strowman was ruined by the dumb 10 minute rule.

Chris Jericho vs Rollins was dull and everything I expected

Lol...don't even get me started on the cruiserweights. Thank god Neville returned so hopefully I can start giving a shit about that useless title.

Sasha vs Charlotte...well I'm pissed cuz I lost money but I also believe Charlotte is the dominant female and would rather see her as champion. Sasha is just so cringe worthy on the mic. I feel like the match was probably pretty good but I just don't give a shit because I've seen them wrestle way too many times and switch titles off and on that it doesn't matter how good their match was...I just don't care anymore. I barely did in the first place lol.

And Roman vs Owens was ok, I guess. It picked up at the end. I personally thought the finish was great. And it covered my ass from losing a lot of money! THANK YOU Y2J!
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Grievous 3D

Is Currently In Stasis
Sep 30, 2016
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Townsville, Queensland, Australia
Wow...well...Its sounds like a bad show...but...I'm happy with the results...

~ Rusev had a win...kind of...

~ Cesaro & Sheamus are the new Tag Team Champions...Nice!

~ Sami Zayn "defeated" Braun Strowman...kind of...

~ Rollins had a clean win...Good.

~ Rich Swann retained and Neville returned...Hell Yeah!!!

~ Charlotte defeated Sasha Banks 3 falls to 2...Clean with no interference
by Ric Flair or anyone. I nearly can't believe it. All Hail Queen Charlotte!!!


Still undefeated in singles matches on Pay Per View and the 4 time RAW
Women's Champion! But I have to ask the this truly the end?
I mean...its not really fair that Sasha doesn't get a rematch...and are the
WWE trying to tell me that Bayley is going to be the one to eventually take
down Charlotte?

I'm not buying that...

~ And Owens retained...which is great!

It sounds like it was pretty poor...but the only match I truly cared about went
just the way I hoped it would.

Hopefully Charlotte & Alexa finish the year as Champions.

Going away now...


The Lunatic Fringe
Mar 29, 2015
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Ontario, Canada
Ok. Im glad I wasn't alone in my thoughts of how poor this ppv was.
I was watching intently up until the iron woman match. Not that I don't like either one, I just had a feeling it would be tied or something. I saw the first couple minutes and the pin falls.

Glad neville returned. That's a huge positive for the cruiserweights! Put the fucking belt on him and let him keep it for a while. HE'S the cruiserweight division.


The Showoff
Aug 2, 2016
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New Zealand
New Day loses the titles on the 1st PPV after their record lolz. It was just an event for me enjoyed maybe 2 matches. I gave it a 7 which was about the same as Champions. Wrestling was fine care factor low.


World's Finest Failure.
Apr 23, 2016
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Where yo' grandma stay.
Neville is back (heel) and now an offical member of the CW division? Nice. They need to just build the division around him now. As for these rest of the show, it was just a boring episode of RAW.


Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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Huh... This... was a PPV. I'm not sure how to rate this but if anyone wants to read me ramble on forever here you go.

Okay going in, I was... actually pretty interested in this show. Just as some backstory with me...

Since Clash of Champions happened, I've merely been catching segments from feuds I've been interested in on Youtube and catching up on Raw in 10 minutes or less. Clash was the worst show I've seen in a while from the standpoint of simply not caring about finishes or wanting to pull for people to win matches. (Again, if you're a wrestler reading this, you deserve ALL the stars for that show. You guys and gals did spectacularly!) while SD just turned Heath fucking Slater into the biggest star on earth and then he won the tag titles and EVERYONE MARKED LIKE CRAZY. Fast forward a month and a guy in Dolph Ziggler who's been completely dead since 2014 was getting people to go CRAZY fighting for a belt that's been dead since... what, 1995?... while Hell in a Cell I just didn't bother watching... While watching Sami Zayn's fight towards the top on NXT and a whole year of Bayley being the ultimate underdog and the entire saga of Daniel Bryan struggling and the fans struggling right with him and... all the storylines in Lucha Underground that's made that show so consistent and Austin Aries's dominance of the X-Division and... Raw was clearly making no effort to get anyone over.

I just wanted to see kayfabe stuff matter. Raw's storylines don't, outside of the ones they just forget about (WHERE THE HELL IS TRIPLE H AND WHY ARE YOU RUINING EVERYTHING). And coming into this PPV, there were two feuds I was really interested in... The goofyness of the Realest Guys in the Room going after Lana, and Sami Zayn's attempts to prove himself against Braun Strowman. Two more than usual, so hey, lets give it a shot!!!

So I watched the kickoff for one of those matches and boy was that a mistake... While watching Big Cass's progression into a guy who can kinda carry a singles match was a pleasant surprise, this match BLEW. Rusev over here just kinda taking a breather outside for the whole match and then the fakeout for the countout and tune into Raw for the rematch and... Waste of time. Be glad for not watching!!!

Then the tag title match happened and wow was that really something!!! Cesaemus's combo entrance looked REALLY cool this time, and that alone came across as them gelling as a unit... and I really loved the tag moves in the match. Cesaro and Sheamus work so well together, and New Day playing pure heels during the match also helped, and even better was that they completely threw out the damn tag formula and had a back and forth contest! YESSSSSS!!!! So happy! The finisher kickouts worked well with E and Kofi hitting their big singles moves on each of them and not being able to score the pin, so they had to work together and the Midnight Hour was countered, and then the fake hot tag finish was really clever! A bit anticlimactic but I'll happily take it given everything else we got here. NEW CHAMPS YAY!!!... But to be honest, I'm not sure about the finish. Out of storyline stuff is much more important for WWE right now, and New Day's title reign... shockingly had more legs to it now than it did before. We knew there was NO chance they were dropping the belts before now, and any match would have added drama. Shame they had to lose them in their first match just to prove this entire title reign was their way of getting back at Demolition, and it took a lot of shine off the new champs (plus New Day never felt like that dominant of a tag team to begin with tbh)... However, in the end, I settled on this being the right outcome. Sheamus/Cesaro couldn't lose here and you can't open or close a PPV with a DQ. Fuck that... But I'm not so interested in this being the tag champs that can't get along. Why can't we be friends, why can't we be friends....

Ok after writing a book about that, Zayn and Strowman had a match I was REALLY into going in... How they'd do this, I thought, would decide the show for me. And.... Well, in the end Zayn got some polite applause, so I guess it was kinda effective? Maybe? I don't know. When Strowman was taking forever just hitting a kinda-big move and posing, then beating him more and clearly showing he could have pinned him (which rendered the whole thing ineffective tbh) I was just looking forward to when Zayn would just come out of nowhere with a big momentum shift and really start his comeback with about 3 minutes to go... Instead, Foley came out with a damn towel and they stalled for 2 minutes giving Sami time to get to his feet, then he tricked the big dumb oaf to trip into a bunch of random things. Cool. Here's a Gold Star you can put on your pants Mr. Zayn. You earned it..... lol

Then during a recap of the preshow because we so needed to see THAT again, I turned on my tablet to check social media and the WWE App sent me a bunch of spoilers for the show. FUCK OFF. Seriously, why did this happen and how do I make it stop? I got a new tablet recently and the last one didn't do this. Seeing that made me want to cancel the ultra-cheap Network. Just gonna ruin your own show for those who work at night. Know who doesn't? Torrent sites. Tough face.

Ok, Jericho vs Rollins in a BLOOD FEUD where the storyline was that Seth was trying to "get Jericho out of the way"... well Seth didn't accomplish his goal, so screw this.
(Wrestling wise this wasn't bad though. Crowd was dead since they didn't have a reason to care... It was like many Jericho matches where you remember it being better than it was thanks to a really cool sequence of counters, then a great finishing sequence... then the Owens interference lol)

I liked the short CW match though! In large part because when watching Clash, I saw two dudes trading submissions and countering holds and doing all this technical bullshit in a Cruiserweight match and I was really let down after TJP's awesome entrance music started... Now, Rich Swann happened and actually delivers some fast-paced action that really delivered the intensity we expect from the 205 crew. Go Rich Swann!!!... oh shit... is that... NEVILLLLLLEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! HE'S ALIIIIIIIVVVVVVVVEEEEEEE!!!!! OH SHIT IS HE REALLY WHOA!!! Okay this made me pop up and scream in my chair in glee. Most random ass heel turn I've seen since the real Russo era of Impact, my gosh did this little bit make me mark. Didn't even consider it... How good will Neville do in the role? Who knows, I assume really well, but... hey, I'm excited to find out!!! (Also props to Michael Cole for acknowledging the indy history between them. That was sweet!)

There was a backstage segment here with Owens and Jericho, and... this made me happy. I was saying earlier with the Cesaro/Sheamus match "Why can't we be friends?"... and seeing this guy who screwed up trying to make it up to his best friend (even though I was yelling ARE YOU SURE HE'S EVEN IN THERE MAYBE HE WENT TO THE BATHROOM OR SOMETHING) I was into. Really rooted for these ol' pals to make it work, dammit!!!... I wondered what this whole angle would be like if YOUR STUPID APP HADN'T SPOILED THE DAMN SHOW FOR ME

Anyway at this point I was satisfied with Roadblock. It wasn't a blowaway show or anything, but it delivered a good chunk of what I wanted to see. Got some good wrestling, an attempt to get Sami Zayn over, a shocking return, some sort of life for the CW's, an angle going on throughout the show... Not bad... Then the women's match happened.

Ok, I don't like Ironman matches. This match was already facing an uphill battle, as it doesn't lead to much drama with the nearfalls - on top of there being a 100% chance going in of Charlotte winning which we already knew. No drama... This got tedious. And boring. And nobody cared just like they didn't for the last three matches. And pins are dropping. And... hey a pinfall! Sure like most Ironmans it got pretty solid towards the end and Sasha's up 3-2 and... Charlotte's cranking back on that figure four. She really wants Sasha to tap. There's a minute left. Sasha is fighting through. She can withstand the pain. Come on girl keep fighting. She's looking at the clock. Cole is announcing that she is trying her best to run out the clock. Trying to fight back and grabbing for those ropes and can't quite get there and just a few seconds left AND.... Sasha taps and Snow turns the show off. WHY THE FUCK WOULD SHE TAP OUT!! SHE WAS STILL IN THE HOLD ANYWAY! THE ONLY THING THAT WOULD CHANGE WAS NOT HAVING YOUR TITLE AND GRRRRRRR WTF WAS THIS

*blink, blink* Are you kidding me? This was SUCH failure. Sure, I heard the overtime thing was exhilarating. Not after that... And by the way, thanks to that app spoiling the show, I saw the main event I had no interest in going in took 25 minutes to get to the same DQ chickenshit bullshit we've been seeing for months. THANK YOU WWE APP!!! Promise I won't torrent stuff now ;)

But my gosh. I can't imagine what this show was like in hindsight. Again, I thought it was a good show until the women's match! But the last hour of these last two matches having the finishes they did must have been... what's even the word. Draining? Gosh...

So yeah. Roadblock.
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Dec 25, 2011
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Charlotte is champion, that's all that matters.
Now we wait for the excuse to give Sasha a rematch tonight.


Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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Charlotte is champion, that's all that matters.
Now we wait for the excuse to give Sasha a rematch tonight.

But but it was the end of the line! There was a no rematch clause clause! They can't just go back on that and just do a rematch ton.....:lol1:


Neo Genesis
Apr 16, 2016
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New Brunswick, Canada
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I found the matches on Youtube so I am going to give a rating this time.

First, the pre-show match. Might I say the storyline for them is confusing, I mean, Enzo walked naked in front of Lana, Rusev was rightfully offended and tried to get payback. Enzo kept hitting on Lana, they tried to teach him a lesson and while how they did it was a bit sneaky, it was still a rational thing to do. They basically had to mock America on Raw the next week to try to get some heel heat.

The match itself wasn't bad. Cass is a decent worker and so is Rusev, but it wasn't anything good and it had a bad ending. NEXT!

The tag title match was very solid. All competitors are great workers, had a good finish, told a good story, and I'm actually curious what they will do next for the tag division. New Day heel turn? Break up? Perhaps build up the other teams? We'll see.

Braun vs Zayn was by no means a technical masterpiece, but it told a story and the ending was the rational conclusion. Sami proves he can survive against the monster, Braun still looks like a beast, all I hope is that this leads to better things for both men. So the main show gets off to an alright start.

Jericho vs Rollins technically was a good match but the crowd was dead and that took away from what was overall a good match.

So far not bad...then the Cruiserweights came on.

This match really didn't peak my interest. Nothing special, but some alright submission wrestling. Rich Swann wins, but then Neville returns and pulls a great heel turn. If there is any way the CW division can be saved, it's Neville. Hopefully, he can bring interest to the belt and maybe help them BRING BACK THE FREAKING FLIPS! WE NEED FLIPS! IT DOESN'T NEED TO BE EVERY OTHER SPOT BUT COME ON! THEY ARE MEANT TO BE EXCITING FAST PACED COMPETITORS! KEEP A QUICK PACE, USE THE HIGH SPOTS IN THE MATCH AT THE RIGHT TIME, ADD SOME GOOD STORY AND BOOM, CRUISERWEIGHT SANDWICH! NICE AND YUMMY!

Some people are crapping on the IronWoman match, but after just watching it, I thought it was solid. Both Charlotte and Sasha can put on a technically sound match. Just the first part of the match wasn't anything super special. Then, Sasha gets her face smashed on the steps and finally I started to get invested in the story. The ending was great....except the roles should have been reversed in who came back to tie it and who won the belt. Charlotte has been Champion constantly for over a year, the belt has traded hands multiple times in the past several months between two people and it has become tiring. I think the ending, the fact they have faced a lot this past year, and the fact they have to go against Sasha vs Bayley for who had the "better IronWoman match" hurt what was an otherwise good match.

Lastly, the main event...

The main event was too slow and I just didn't get invested in it. I mean, Roman received a frog splash through the table, and still came back. He no-sold a Cannon Ball, and kicked out of a Pop-Up Powerbomb (well, got his foot on the rope, but still). Then the fact the ending was a Chirs Jericho ATTACKING KEVIN and them aligning again with another rehash of the Shield reunion... it really brought down the PPV.

I say 5/10

Had bright spots, but with some matches falling flat and some bad booking, brought it down.


The Lunatic Fringe
Mar 4, 2014
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Can't really argue with our fellow members above as it was indeed a pretty bad PPV overall so going with a 2/10 as well. Thoughts:

- I'm pretty sure a lot of fans are happy that the New Day finally dropped the belts and while this long title reign indeed did more damage to the division rather then wonders, I think the timing was wrong and can't help but feel the change was underwhelming. Clever finish, yes, but I think that since we got this far, New Day could have kept the belts for just a bit longer and build their fall in some bigger manner. Can't say I'm not happy for both Sheamus and Cesaro, can't say they didn't deserve it but, again, it just felt very underwhelming and not as special as it should have been...

Rusev vs. Big Cass: meh...

- Zayn vs. Strowman: meh...

- Rollins vs. Jericho: meh...

- Cruiserweights Triple Threat: meh...but at least in this case we had an interesting development with the apperance of the man that....WWE forgot, Neville. Probably the brightest moment of the night...

- Women's Championship: I personally had no doubt about Charlotte reclaiming the title and as you all saw once again, indeed WWE love those records so it was just impossible for Charlotte to lose her undefeated PPV streak at fucking Roadblock. On another note, how stupid and dumb was it to have Sasha tap with...two fucking seconds to go. So lame...

- Main event: meh....The onlly good part is that WWE saved themselves from further embarassement by handing the title over to Roman. Other then that, God Forbid Roman gets pinned cleanly and God forbid if he doesn't stand tall once more in the expense of everyone else. Oh, and apparently this whole Jericho not talking to KO was apparently a swerve or you could say they trolled us. Either way, I bet you it won't last long and a match between these two is inevitable...