Ryback Vs. Titus O'Neil - Predictable match, but at least Titus got some offense.
Ryback's lame promo - :gtfo: you suck Ryback you boring piece of shit.
Alberto Del Rio Vs The Great Khali - Yawn and the backstage promo was lame as well
CM Punk with Paul Heyman and Vickie - It was alright
The Shield Interview - Very nice interview, Ambrose being the mouth piece, Rollins did alright and Reigns was perfect in his role as the muscles only. I could see Rollins becoming a new CM Punk (2008)
Alicia Fox Vs. Tamina - Alright squash
AJ/Cena and Vickie/Dolph - Boring as usual until Ziggler comes out. And why is it that they're having their match tonight? Guess we'll be having some tag-team action at TLC. :sad1:
Tensai Vs Kofi w/Wade on commentary - Ehn match, liked how Wade gave Kofi the title at the end though
Rey Mysterio Vs. D Bryan - Alright Match, except that Bryan lost.
Dolph Ziggler Vs. Cena - It was actually a good match, until Cena won. :finger: Cena
Sheamus Vs Cesaro - Match of the fucking night. Cesaro looked strong as hell and since he didn't get pinned, he doesn't lose credibility.
Damien Sandow Vs. Ryder - Next
Kane Vs. CM Punk - :maybe: Decent match, forgot most of the match because I was distracted by Ambrose. :smug:
D Bryan comes for the save which I liked but gets demolished. Than Mr. Overrated Ryback comes out and gets them all down until Reigns gets the awesome spear on which I marked out for. Than the powerbomb which looks weak btw.
Also in the discussion thread, whoever thinks that CM Punk doesn't do the Pepsi Plunge because of Triple H is incorrect. He doesn't do it because it hurts his knees.