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Hello everyone and welcome to the Rate Raw and Raw Recap! tonight is a huge night, not only is it the go home show for Raw leading into Hell In A Cell, but its the season premiere of Raw! this whole week is jam packed and me and Jacob got you covered throughout the week! and it all begisn tonight!
I will be recaping Raw tonight aswell as AEWs debut show Dynamite on Wednesday! and following AEW Jacob will watch and then post the NXT recap and rate thread for that on the same night!, and then on thursday i will be giving all the details on the first week of the AEW and NXT battle! and finally on Friday jacob will be covering Smackdowns debut on Fox!
So in short the schedule looks something like this going forward!
Monday - Raw Recap by Me
Wednesday - AEW Recap by me - NXT Recap by Jacobfox
Thursday - NXT VS AEW Update
Friday - Smackdown on Fox Recap by Jacobfox
And ofcourse i will be recaping the PPV this sunday at Hell in A Cell.
What a time to be a wrestling fan! so as always my friends rate in the poll above share your thoughts below, as we start off this crazy week with me recaping raw! Enjoy the Show!
Rey Mysterio Kicks off the show
So rey mysterio kicks off the show, i had some tech issues so i cant recall everything he said, but most importantly Raw is here and live, a brand new set, pyro flames lazers and everything inbetween, its a big show, but as Rey says hes gonna bring the universal title home, Brock Lesnars music hits, crowds going nuts, heyman and lesnar come down, heyman is about to say something, but rey snatches the mic, and just before rey can get a word in brock hits the F5.
Brock htis a second F5 and then hes standing in the ring, and then he sees reys son dominic in the crowd, brock gets out of the ring and walks up to dominic. brock gets close and dominic sits down. then brock grabs dominic and throws him over the barricade, he picks him up and slams him into the ring post and then lays him out. Brock slings him in the ring brock picks dominc up and hits a german suplex, rey tries to hit brock but he lays him out with another F5. Noteably no seth rollins to save rey, atleast for now. Brock finally leaves the ring and walks back up the ramp, atleast for a moment, i should say dio maden and vic joseph and jerry lawler are a million times better then micheal cole.
Brock gets back in the ring hits rey and dominc with more german suplexs, tosses them both like rag dolls. brock leaves but comes back and lays them out again, he celebrates and then leaves as we go to commercial.
We come back and get a replay and shown what happened dureing the break, dominic was put on a strecher rey is in tears, repeatingly saying hes sorry, hes sorry, great stuff.
Next up we got sasha banks in action.
Sasha Banks VS Alexa Bliss
after sasha and alexa make their entrance, Beckys music hits, and she joins us on commentary. And we get this match underway.
Unfortunately i had tech issues so i didnt get to recpa much of it, but it wasnt very long at all, sasha attacked Alexas injured leg for the pin, becky comes down they brawl a little, sasha runs becky gets a mic, says where are ya runnin sasha we were just getting started, she says you made it personal, im gonna make it painful, she claims retrobution is coming. and now we go to commercial.
We got seth rollins backstage says all eh can think about si what brock did to rey and dominic, seth says hes disgusted and dissapointed. (notably not with himself seeing as he did nothing to help rey.) he says he doesnt know how to game plan for somethign like the fiend, but at the cell hes gonna survive and previel. reys in no condition to compete, but he will still defend the universal title, he just doesnt know against who.
Next up, tag team action.
Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler VS Heavy Machinary. Raw Tag tTam Championships.
We got a lockup between tucker and dolph and tucker get the upper hand, otis tags in crowd cheers, but dolph gets the upper hand as we go to commercial, or atleast i assume that last bit happened, had to refresh stream lol.
So yeah i had even more issues, fun times! dang it man, i had so many issues i couldnt even see most fo the match, so here is reagmaster to recap the match!
And there ya go, thanks reag! now on with the show, we got miz TV.
Miz TV with Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan.
Hogan praises ric but ric actually goes a bit heel, and says aint nobody cant touch him in the ring, and it seems like they are gonna fight, but they are just kidding, but they say they might be able to add one mor epage to their legacy, and then miz announces at crown jewel, Ric Flair will have a team of 5, and Hulk Hogan will have a team of 5 and they will face eachother. Hulk Hogan made his team captian Seth Rollins, and RIc Flair made his team captian Randy orton.
Randy and Seth come out respectively as ric and hogan call them out, and this result sin a captina vs captian match, notably not for the universal title, that will be later.
However before the match can start, baron corbins music hits, here comes king corbin, seths distract orton attacks seth and both end up double teaming seth but now here comes rusev, we got rusev day chants as Rusev lays them out with seth,
So it seems flairs team is Randy Orton and Baron Corbin, and then Hogans team is Seth Rollisn and Rusev.
after rusev challenges seth rollisn backstage, we got a AOP promo again. they speak in their language and they sound a million times better, the subtitles are worth it. Next up, Viking raiders ar ein action.
The Viking Raiders VS The O.C.
So these teams do some back and forth, they have some decent action, unfortunately more stuff comes up so im unable to recap this part of the match, the first beginning part atleast, its what youd expect atleast.
We come back and the OC is in control luke gallows tags in and hits a neck breaker for the near fall. more tech issues on my end, yay...
it ends with ivar leaping out of the ring to take out anderson, and then after laying out gallows they hit a dive from the top rope onto gallows for the pin.
next up we got cesaro backstage saying what lesnar did wasnt criminal infact he liked it, and if he saw rey and his son he would- and then ricochet comes in, alots of high pitched sounds, implying alot of women and young kids like ricochet, he gives the most generic promo ive ever heard and they are gonna have a match next.
Ricochet VS Cesaro
This match starts fast they go back and forth, Cesaro hits a sick elbow and Ricochets down, and as cesaro charges him ricochet sends cesaro flying out fo the ring, then ricochet does a dive, they are both back in the ring and cesaro quickly takes control, hes got ricochet ina headlock but ricochet fights out.
Cesaro lifted Ricochet up and dropped his head right on cesaros knee, brutal move for a nearfall. ricochets in the corner cesaro charges runs into the ring post, ricochet kicks him away and leaps from the top rope and hits a wicked hurrican ranna for the surprise pin.
Next up its time for another episode of The Firefly Fun house!
Firefly Fun House.
Abby the witch huskis the pig mercy the buzzard and rabbling rabbit look terrifyed, they are scared and afraid. Something happens to rabbit and he seems dead, which bray confirms then says ohwell and tosses rabbit away! he says yowie wowie!
next up, The united states title is on the line.
Cedric Alexander VS AJ Styles. United States Championship
Aj immediately tackles cedric gets him in the corner but cedric quickly fights back and stands tall after the first exchange, he knocks aj out fo the ring, before cedric could get to the outside AJ hits him gets back in the ring, the two go back and forth again as we head off to commercial.
We come back Aj Styles has Cedric in a rest hold but cedric fights out. and hits a springboard flatliner, both men down, cedrics in the corner aj charges but gets a knee, and they go back and forth and Cedric hits a back elbow and a solid kick for the near fall.
Cedric goes for lumbar check but aj fights out and hits a reverse DDT for a nearfall. Aj gets cedric in position for styles clash but cedric fights out, aj gets to the ropes and nearly hits the forarm but misses he rolls through, cedric hits a falcon arrow for the nearfall.
Aj is on his knees cedric runs the ropes and Aj reverses
More crap came up and i missed stuff, but i saw the ending, Cedric Alexander goes for Lumbar check but Aj Styles reverses it into the styles clash for the pin.
Next up, we got lacey evens in action.
Lacey Evens VS Natalya
so thsi starst with the two locking up but lacey quickly gets the upperhand, they lock up again and this tiem natalya gets the upperhand, she knocks lacey away she son the apron and hits natalya and takes control, slamming natalya into the steel stairs.
She rolls natalya in the ring for the nearfall, she locks in a headlock in the ring, ofcourse this is the match i have no tech issues with lol.
she throws natalya in the corner and hits a bronco buster, lacey gets a near fall. and now locks in another headlock but natalya fights out, lacey though kciks her and its a neckbreaker, she steps on natalya and gets on the middle rope but natalya pulls her down, natalya takes control, beating up lacey in the corner and as lacey charges out natalya hits a clothesline for a nearfall, then natalya goes for the sharp shooter but lacey stops her. Lacey rolls to the apron and gets a thumb to the eyes while the ref cant see, then lacey rolls up natalya for the pin with the tights pulled.
she then after celebrateing, hit natalya with the womens right.
we got more lesnar stuff next.
Paul heyman
heyman says hes sorry for what brock did, but he says dont blame him, dont blame brock, blame vince for allow heyman to bring brock here when he is in fight mode...heyman goes on to say this isnt a prediction its a spoiler, you will hear on smackdown, winner and your new wwe champion, brock lesnar.
Next up, a white limo pulls into the arena, someone is here, i suppose after this commercial break we will find out who it is.
Seth Rollins VS Rusev
Rusev extends his hand out to shake and seth goes to shake his hand btu rusev allmost turns it into th aacollade but sethe scapes. they go back and forth and rusev allmost gets the acollade again but seth escapes, and as we go to commercial we see a very brief flash of the fiend as a transition to commercial....the fiend is watching...
we come back and rusev has seth ina bear hug but seth fights out. rusev charge seth in the corner, but he kicks a kick and seth and rusev go back and forth, seth lays in the chops and hits a slingblade, then goes for a suplex but rusev stops him, rusev goes for it but seth lands on his feet and knocks rusev out of the ring. Rollisn dives out of the ring onto rusev not once but twice, rusevs in the ring seth top rope, he does a crossbody but rusev catches him but seth turns it into a inside cradle. THen rusev hits a massive kick and plants rollisn down for a nearfall.
We got rusev day, rusev goes for a kick seth dodges and barely lifts rusev for a falcon arrow for the nearfall. rusev is getting up and seth hits a kick and goes for a curb stomp rusev gets out of the way and sends seth to the outside. and then we hear music, here coems bobby lashley, and then bobby stands at the stage, and lanas music hits and here comes lana. Her and bobby then start making out on the stage as rusev looks on.
And then after like 3 minutes and bobby lashley and lana making out, the lights go out, here comes the fiend.
The fiend arrives and attacks seth rollins, locking in the mandible claw to seth on the outside of the ring, smashing seth against the ring post and brings seth to the ground with the claw locked in as the show goes off air
Well that was raw! i hope you all enjoyed the show, my review will be up soon!
So rey mysterio kicks off the show, i had some tech issues so i cant recall everything he said, but most importantly Raw is here and live, a brand new set, pyro flames lazers and everything inbetween, its a big show, but as Rey says hes gonna bring the universal title home, Brock Lesnars music hits, crowds going nuts, heyman and lesnar come down, heyman is about to say something, but rey snatches the mic, and just before rey can get a word in brock hits the F5.
Brock htis a second F5 and then hes standing in the ring, and then he sees reys son dominic in the crowd, brock gets out of the ring and walks up to dominic. brock gets close and dominic sits down. then brock grabs dominic and throws him over the barricade, he picks him up and slams him into the ring post and then lays him out. Brock slings him in the ring brock picks dominc up and hits a german suplex, rey tries to hit brock but he lays him out with another F5. Noteably no seth rollins to save rey, atleast for now. Brock finally leaves the ring and walks back up the ramp, atleast for a moment, i should say dio maden and vic joseph and jerry lawler are a million times better then micheal cole.
Brock gets back in the ring hits rey and dominc with more german suplexs, tosses them both like rag dolls. brock leaves but comes back and lays them out again, he celebrates and then leaves as we go to commercial.
We come back and get a replay and shown what happened dureing the break, dominic was put on a strecher rey is in tears, repeatingly saying hes sorry, hes sorry, great stuff.
Next up we got sasha banks in action.
Sasha Banks VS Alexa Bliss
after sasha and alexa make their entrance, Beckys music hits, and she joins us on commentary. And we get this match underway.
Unfortunately i had tech issues so i didnt get to recpa much of it, but it wasnt very long at all, sasha attacked Alexas injured leg for the pin, becky comes down they brawl a little, sasha runs becky gets a mic, says where are ya runnin sasha we were just getting started, she says you made it personal, im gonna make it painful, she claims retrobution is coming. and now we go to commercial.
We got seth rollins backstage says all eh can think about si what brock did to rey and dominic, seth says hes disgusted and dissapointed. (notably not with himself seeing as he did nothing to help rey.) he says he doesnt know how to game plan for somethign like the fiend, but at the cell hes gonna survive and previel. reys in no condition to compete, but he will still defend the universal title, he just doesnt know against who.
Next up, tag team action.
Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler VS Heavy Machinary. Raw Tag tTam Championships.
We got a lockup between tucker and dolph and tucker get the upper hand, otis tags in crowd cheers, but dolph gets the upper hand as we go to commercial, or atleast i assume that last bit happened, had to refresh stream lol.
So yeah i had even more issues, fun times! dang it man, i had so many issues i couldnt even see most fo the match, so here is reagmaster to recap the match!
And there ya go, thanks reag! now on with the show, we got miz TV.
Miz TV with Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan.
Hogan praises ric but ric actually goes a bit heel, and says aint nobody cant touch him in the ring, and it seems like they are gonna fight, but they are just kidding, but they say they might be able to add one mor epage to their legacy, and then miz announces at crown jewel, Ric Flair will have a team of 5, and Hulk Hogan will have a team of 5 and they will face eachother. Hulk Hogan made his team captian Seth Rollins, and RIc Flair made his team captian Randy orton.
Randy and Seth come out respectively as ric and hogan call them out, and this result sin a captina vs captian match, notably not for the universal title, that will be later.
However before the match can start, baron corbins music hits, here comes king corbin, seths distract orton attacks seth and both end up double teaming seth but now here comes rusev, we got rusev day chants as Rusev lays them out with seth,
So it seems flairs team is Randy Orton and Baron Corbin, and then Hogans team is Seth Rollisn and Rusev.
after rusev challenges seth rollisn backstage, we got a AOP promo again. they speak in their language and they sound a million times better, the subtitles are worth it. Next up, Viking raiders ar ein action.
The Viking Raiders VS The O.C.
So these teams do some back and forth, they have some decent action, unfortunately more stuff comes up so im unable to recap this part of the match, the first beginning part atleast, its what youd expect atleast.
We come back and the OC is in control luke gallows tags in and hits a neck breaker for the near fall. more tech issues on my end, yay...
it ends with ivar leaping out of the ring to take out anderson, and then after laying out gallows they hit a dive from the top rope onto gallows for the pin.
next up we got cesaro backstage saying what lesnar did wasnt criminal infact he liked it, and if he saw rey and his son he would- and then ricochet comes in, alots of high pitched sounds, implying alot of women and young kids like ricochet, he gives the most generic promo ive ever heard and they are gonna have a match next.
Ricochet VS Cesaro
This match starts fast they go back and forth, Cesaro hits a sick elbow and Ricochets down, and as cesaro charges him ricochet sends cesaro flying out fo the ring, then ricochet does a dive, they are both back in the ring and cesaro quickly takes control, hes got ricochet ina headlock but ricochet fights out.
Cesaro lifted Ricochet up and dropped his head right on cesaros knee, brutal move for a nearfall. ricochets in the corner cesaro charges runs into the ring post, ricochet kicks him away and leaps from the top rope and hits a wicked hurrican ranna for the surprise pin.
Next up its time for another episode of The Firefly Fun house!
Firefly Fun House.
Abby the witch huskis the pig mercy the buzzard and rabbling rabbit look terrifyed, they are scared and afraid. Something happens to rabbit and he seems dead, which bray confirms then says ohwell and tosses rabbit away! he says yowie wowie!
next up, The united states title is on the line.
Cedric Alexander VS AJ Styles. United States Championship
Aj immediately tackles cedric gets him in the corner but cedric quickly fights back and stands tall after the first exchange, he knocks aj out fo the ring, before cedric could get to the outside AJ hits him gets back in the ring, the two go back and forth again as we head off to commercial.
We come back Aj Styles has Cedric in a rest hold but cedric fights out. and hits a springboard flatliner, both men down, cedrics in the corner aj charges but gets a knee, and they go back and forth and Cedric hits a back elbow and a solid kick for the near fall.
Cedric goes for lumbar check but aj fights out and hits a reverse DDT for a nearfall. Aj gets cedric in position for styles clash but cedric fights out, aj gets to the ropes and nearly hits the forarm but misses he rolls through, cedric hits a falcon arrow for the nearfall.
Aj is on his knees cedric runs the ropes and Aj reverses
More crap came up and i missed stuff, but i saw the ending, Cedric Alexander goes for Lumbar check but Aj Styles reverses it into the styles clash for the pin.
Next up, we got lacey evens in action.
Lacey Evens VS Natalya
so thsi starst with the two locking up but lacey quickly gets the upperhand, they lock up again and this tiem natalya gets the upperhand, she knocks lacey away she son the apron and hits natalya and takes control, slamming natalya into the steel stairs.
She rolls natalya in the ring for the nearfall, she locks in a headlock in the ring, ofcourse this is the match i have no tech issues with lol.
she throws natalya in the corner and hits a bronco buster, lacey gets a near fall. and now locks in another headlock but natalya fights out, lacey though kciks her and its a neckbreaker, she steps on natalya and gets on the middle rope but natalya pulls her down, natalya takes control, beating up lacey in the corner and as lacey charges out natalya hits a clothesline for a nearfall, then natalya goes for the sharp shooter but lacey stops her. Lacey rolls to the apron and gets a thumb to the eyes while the ref cant see, then lacey rolls up natalya for the pin with the tights pulled.
she then after celebrateing, hit natalya with the womens right.
we got more lesnar stuff next.
Paul heyman
heyman says hes sorry for what brock did, but he says dont blame him, dont blame brock, blame vince for allow heyman to bring brock here when he is in fight mode...heyman goes on to say this isnt a prediction its a spoiler, you will hear on smackdown, winner and your new wwe champion, brock lesnar.
Next up, a white limo pulls into the arena, someone is here, i suppose after this commercial break we will find out who it is.
Seth Rollins VS Rusev
Rusev extends his hand out to shake and seth goes to shake his hand btu rusev allmost turns it into th aacollade but sethe scapes. they go back and forth and rusev allmost gets the acollade again but seth escapes, and as we go to commercial we see a very brief flash of the fiend as a transition to commercial....the fiend is watching...
we come back and rusev has seth ina bear hug but seth fights out. rusev charge seth in the corner, but he kicks a kick and seth and rusev go back and forth, seth lays in the chops and hits a slingblade, then goes for a suplex but rusev stops him, rusev goes for it but seth lands on his feet and knocks rusev out of the ring. Rollisn dives out of the ring onto rusev not once but twice, rusevs in the ring seth top rope, he does a crossbody but rusev catches him but seth turns it into a inside cradle. THen rusev hits a massive kick and plants rollisn down for a nearfall.
We got rusev day, rusev goes for a kick seth dodges and barely lifts rusev for a falcon arrow for the nearfall. rusev is getting up and seth hits a kick and goes for a curb stomp rusev gets out of the way and sends seth to the outside. and then we hear music, here coems bobby lashley, and then bobby stands at the stage, and lanas music hits and here comes lana. Her and bobby then start making out on the stage as rusev looks on.
And then after like 3 minutes and bobby lashley and lana making out, the lights go out, here comes the fiend.
The fiend arrives and attacks seth rollins, locking in the mandible claw to seth on the outside of the ring, smashing seth against the ring post and brings seth to the ground with the claw locked in as the show goes off air
Well that was raw! i hope you all enjoyed the show, my review will be up soon!