-Stephanie's promo on The Miz was one of the highlights of the show for me. I'm starting to find myself in agreeance with those who feel that Steph is outshining HHH in this story line. Never thought I'd praise Steph's work on the mic considering how much I used to cringe when she spoke back in the day but she does this corporate bitch role very well.
-I'm just not 'feeling' the return of the Viper. Been there, done that. I would have preferred if he was just his arrogant pretty boy corporate sort of champion. Wearing a suit and stuff, even. Would have been a nice callback to he and HHH's Evolution days but whatever. I guess the injuries RVD suffered gives him an excuse to lose to Del Rio cleanly at the PPV and also allows ADR to zone in on his injuries and make them worse, giving RVD a reason to take some time off as well. RVD's contract says he works 90 days and then takes a break before coming back for another 90 days, etc. So this is how they're gonna write him off for the moment, I presume. Maybe he'll even pull out a WHC victory despite his injuries, only to be cashed in by Sandow and then destroyed by an angry Del Rio to send him off, but I doubt it.
-Loved the CM Punk promo and the beat down from Ryback that ensued, the AJ/Stephanie confrontation, Cody and Goldust jumping the barrier and attacking The Shield (guess that rumored Shield/Rhodes Family match for Battleground is true, after all) and the ending with Bryan, Ziggler and the Usos standing tall. Del Rio/Kofi match was also very good by TV standards, despite me dismissing it in the LD discussion. Don't think there's anything significant I'm leaving out.
Overall, an averagely good Raw for a three hour show, and what would have been well above average if it was condensed into two hours, as is so often the case.