Rate RAW 12/29/14

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Apr 21, 2013
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The United States of Ambrose
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RAW recap:

- Dolph Ziggler defeated Rusev via DQ

- Ryback attacks Rusev post match and cuts a good promo

- Nikki Bella defeated Natalya via pinfall

- The Usos defeated The Miz/Mizdow to win the tag team titles

- Cesaro cuts a good promo and goes on to lose to a returning Bad News Barrett

- Luke Harper defeated Jack Swagger via pinfall

- Roman Reigns defeated Seth Rollins via DQ by the Big Show

- Daniel Bryan announces that he'll be apart of the 2015 Royal Rumble

- The Ascension defeated The Miz/Mizdow via pinfall

- The Cutting Edge Peep Show with Seth Rollins ends up with John Cena bringing back The Authority due to Rollins threatening to paralyze Edge

Full results: PWMania

Aids Johnson

The Beast
May 25, 2012
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How do I rate it without a voting setup (make it public)

@Danielson didn't DB just have the TJ Surgery done?

Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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Watching this episode right now. Will rate/review it later!


The Showoff
Mar 6, 2014
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Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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Just done watching this episode! It was great. Giving it a strong 8/10
All the typical and redundant BS was kept to a minimum.
So, my hopes for things in WWE getting better from this week and on weren't entirely false. Cool.

- 'You Think You Know Me?' Damn, I missed hearing that song from my all time favorite band! What a mark out moment for me in the openning segment! Hearing Tony Chimel introduce E&C and his voice cracking while pronouncing The Rated R Superstar felt like the good, ol' times! Quite frankly, I knew someone would interrupt in like 5 minutes and Lesnar/Heyman interrupting instead of Cena made me happy.

- Rusev vs Ziggler was decent, but ended in a DQ Fest. Shocker.

- Good promo by Ryback, really. I liked that one. It felt like it wasn't too robotic and scripted.

- The Miz & Mizdow vs The Usos was decent. Mizdow stole the show again, that's all that matters. Now, I'm fine with The Usos winning the Tag Team titles 'cause they're gonna get fed to The Ascension! Honestly, I was expecting to see The Usos vs Miz/Mizdow at the Rumble, but oh well. The sooner they lose the titles to The Ascension, the better!

- Good promo by Cesaro. It's too bad it was rather heel-ish, I could notice he wanted to go off on 'em, but hesitated and was a good decision he didn't end up shooting, because they'd have buried him completely if he did. Now it's really up to the clueless imbeciles to pull their heads out of their asses and push this guy!

- Mark out moment for me when BNB came back, I've missed this guy so much! His match against Cesaro was a bit short, but still good. Both these guys made the most of it.

- Harper vs Swagger was decent. Wait, a random midcard match for Harper? Seems legit. I feel like they could've done more with this guy after his feud with Ziggler. Oh, well... LOL'd at JBL saying 'Clothesline From Smell'.

- Rollins vs Reigns was good, but with a predictable DQ ending. I gotta admit, while Reigns doesn't really tickle my fancy, he's definitely been improving in the ring and on the mic, as of late. He's definitely been using some of the stuff we haven't really seen him use before. Also, his acting's improved, his body movements and all that stuff when he's in the ring, whether it's a promo or just a stare down with someone, it doesn't look too robotic like before. I may not give up on this guy just yet. Huge props to Rollins for making him look like a million bucks, though.

- Another mark out moment when Daniel Bryan came out, I got goosebumps! He delivered an awesome, emotional promo and when he said his career wasn't over and that he'll be in 2015 Royal Rumble, that right there brought me joy! Yes!!! Here's to hoping he wins it and goes on to headline WM for second year straight.

- The Ascension's debut was alright.

- The final segment was just grand all the way through. Rollins has been killing it with his mic work lately, and with his heel work, overall. I loved everything about that last segment. Rollins played this master manipulator type of guy and used Edge & Christian for his plan to come to fruition. Thank you, Cena... For bringing The Authority back! Everything's cool now.

- Goody Two-Shoes just had to come out and ruin a good openning segment.
Why'd they make The Beast look like The Bitch by retreating? They're making it look like Cena'll defeat Lesnar at the Rumble. Oh wait... :rollins:
- People chanting 'What?' during Ryback's promo. STFU, douchebags. It was cool 10-15 years ago.
Now it's just annoying. 'What?' chant has been replaced with 'CM Punk' chant now, in case you wanna piss people off.
- No Ambrose and Wyatt on the show. That promo by Wyatt was pre-taped, I'm sure. Guess they'll make up for it next week by having 'em fight in an Ambulance match.

The 'I don't give a single fuck about this' segment:
- Whatever Divas Division match was going on, think it was Nikki Bella vs Natalya. Gladly skipped that segment.

Looking forward to seeing next week's episode. 2K15 and the build-up to the Royal Rumble should be good!

Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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lmao pointless post is pointless.

Glad you liked the show though, I thought it was great also.

Umm, don't mind that 'Will rate/review' thing before I post the actual rating and review of the episode, it's kind of become my habit. Will try and refrain from doing that.

Yes. This was like the first episode post-Survivor Series that I actually liked. Good times, man!


The Architect
Mar 23, 2014
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It was a very good Raw to cap off 2014. It certainly wasn't without it's noteworthy moments (Edge and Christian being awesome guest hosts, Bad News Barrett's return, Cesaro cutting a semi-worked shoot promo that unfortunately ended just as it was getting interesting, a title switch, The Ascension's debut, The Authority being resurrected, Bryan announcing he's in the 2015 Royal Rumble match, Ryback actually cutting a good promo, etc.)

Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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This was probably the best RAW in a long time. I meant to get this up sooner. Every RAW has to have some bad, but thank God this one had more good. 8/10

I liked:

The opening segment was great with Edge and Christian, two of my favorite guys. Only bad part was the Cena predictability. Cena is supposed to be the hero, but he put his hands on Heyman unprovoked. Other than that, a great opening.

Dolph Ziggler and Rusev was a good solid opening match. There wasn't a lot we haven't seen before, but it was a good solid match. Seeing Ryback interfere was pretty good and Ryback's promo was solid.

Miz and Mizdow versus the Usos was the match of the night. It was an excellent match on the part of all the guys. I think it set up entry into the Rumble for Miz and Mizdow where I assume Miz will get eliminated, but Mizdow will refuse to do the stunt double deal and this will lead to the breakup.

Cesaro vs BNB was a good but short match. I was happy to see both guys.

Daniel Bryan's announcement was expected by me because WWE doesn't play a retirment announcement that way, but I am happy old Beardy will be in the Royal Rumble.

The Seth Rollins segment was absolutely done well. Seth is already the biggest heel in the company, but his attack on Edge was the icing on the cake. I believe Rollins has what it takes to be the next great career heel, if he goes in that direction. I won't put him up there with Ric Flair, Kurt Angle or Triple H quite yet, since his in ring work IMO is not yet comparable to those guys, but I am beginning to believe his character is on its way to being that. It was nice seeing Cena have to swallow his pride and I will always love rewatching the moment when he gives in and brings the Authority back.

During the segment, I was pretty strongly hoping for Orton to come back. That doesn't mean I support or like Orton, but it would have been another dynamic to add to the ending.

The Authority is back. 'Nuff said.

The Sting storyline can start coming into play with Triple H back on TV.

Triple H back on TV. The man is unparalled in within his generation in combination of talent and charisma. Having him around will make the weekly episodes less boring.

I didn't like:

Nattie vs Bella was boring.

Harper vs Swagger was boring.

It was nice to see the Acension, but that was a dull debut.

Show should never do commentary.

We KNOW this is not the end for Cena vs the Authority. Cena ALWAYS comes back and ends up ahead of his enemies.

Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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Umm, don't mind that 'Will rate/review' thing before I post the actual rating and review of the episode, it's kind of become my habit. Will try and refrain from doing that.

Yes. This was like the first episode post-Survivor Series that I actually liked. Good times, man!

I wouldn't worry about whether the post is pointless. I've seen posts a WAY lot more pointless (usually the majority of posts about John Cena *cough cough*).