Same old shit, different Monday night. 3/10
- All things New Day. Week in and week out they keep elevating the show whenever they're on. Thank you, fellas. Never change.
- Sasha tripping "C'mon, Nikki!" aka Brie Bella.
- Jawn Cena vs DZ was good and MOTN. I also liked the slight change in DZ's attitude, he was heeling it up. He's been stale for a while now, so I wouldn't mind a heel turn one bit.
- KO trolling the Lucha Dragons with his 'high flying' moves.
- The opening 30 minutes of the show were kind of boring. Outside of The New Day's antics, it was pretty much skip-worthy.
- All things Kane.
- Nikki vs Naomi was meh, boring. At least it was short.
- The ending to Cena vs DZ. It was very anticlimatic and I hate it when matches end like that. It's like, there's no real set up or anything to it, just AA OUTTA NOWHERE and THANK YOU. FUCK YOU. BYE. I WIN.
- I didn't care for Dudleyz vs Jobscension. Wow, I haven't seen Cosmic Jobberland together for a while now. Guess they're done. Surprise, surprise.
Plus, Cosmic Wasteland perfectly describes the current state of The Ascension and Stardust's careers.
- Sheamus & Barrett vs Neville & Cesaro was filler garbage.
- Who the hell thought Reigns with a mic in CHICAGO (with long and rehashed material) was a good idea? :dawg:
I am actually worried about Reigns right now. Does Vince want this guy to fail? With that promo, he set him up to get freakin' roasted out there. And Reigns is like his pet project. I felt bad for the guy, 'cause he got crapped on for someone else's buffoonery. [Yes, I'm still looking at you, Vince!] And as if that wasn't enough, he won that boring match against Strowman via count-out, bailed out when The Wyatts closed him down and sucker punched Bray along the way. I mean, this is all good stuff if you want to turn the guy heel, but I doubt that's what Vince's plan is. Also, 'This ain't boring, this is real life!' was easily Roman's best line since 'Sufferin' Succotash!'
- The Rusev stuff was as lame as usual. On the bright side, RuRu, along with DZ got out of that terrible angle, 'cause RuRu and Lana got engaged for real and WWE decided to burn kayfabe to the ground. It wasn't pretty, but hey, at least that hideous angle is over. :bodallas:
- Brie & Alicia vs Becky & Charlotte was garbage. The worst thing was Charlotte eating a clean pin... After a freakin' Dropkick! The champ needs to be protected from crap like this.
- The Kane/Rollins stuff was typical RAW/10 garbage. A surprise even 6 year olds saw coming, Rollins jobbing for like the 15th time during his title reign and the possibility of Big Show being added to the title match at HIAC. Oh, joy! God knows I was salty watching that ME. I mean, come on! Kane defeating Rollins on RAW in 2015 is like The Iron Sheik defeating The Rock or SCSA in 1998/1999.
My feelings about the product right now: